Maggie’s Song of the day.

My favorite Sintra. If you didn't like this you were definitely an L7...and probably gay.

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A little something for the mentally unbalanced. We know who we are.

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I’ve always thought it was an April Wine song. Thx for the education! ??
My favorite Sintra. If you didn't like this you were definitely an L7...and probably gay.

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Right! the not full pro, exactly, dancers each with her own way of movin’ It, lol, good stuff.
The best history teachers: Sabaton

The time is September of 1683. Vienna, Austria has been under siege by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. A message has been dispatched to Jon Sobieski of Poland for desperate help..... Him and thousands of his horse-mounted, famed "Winged Hussars" , each armed with a 19 foot lance, war hammer, sword, and flint lock pistols... in addition to thousands of standard infantry arrive to assist. Whooping that Turkish Ottoman ass out of Europe....

I don't think we've had any EC yet...

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Everyone knows the story behind Layla, but I always liked this one(also written for Pattie) as well.

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