Today was the first time ever shooting suppressed. I didn't know what to expect. It was INSANELY AWESOME!!!!
I LOVED IT!!!!!! You can tell how the first shot for each group was out of the group. The "pussy, silenced push" kept catching me off guard.
I loaded 9 rounds to test the 30P-1 early today. Don't ask me why only 9; I just did since I was running on very little time. I shot 2, 3 shot groups. And I saved the last 3 rounds to run them with the MagnetoSpeed Chronograph (3,211fps). There was a 8.6mph crosswind. I can't complain with the accuracy.
Spartan Precision Rifles 6mm Creedmoor + TBAC 30P-1 = My Soul Just Jizzed Itself Experience.