Spliced a TNVC Taps to a Meprolght MOR sight to work with a surefire 600 v aa IR light. This gives me an all AA battery setup. Didn’t have the right size shrink wrap to finish it so more pictures later. The TAPS wire is smaller in diameter because it uses a coaxial type of design with one wire wrapped around another. I un weaved the outer wire and twisted it together. For the splice I will use the heat shrink end to end solder combo connectors with shrink wrap over the top and silicone on the ends for completely waterproof wiring. This is easy and requires minimal tools. I will do my PERST 2 next. It would be awesome if they offered TAPs with connector and a kit to solder the other devices (streamlight) since it it pretty obvious they aren't bringing any additional compatibility on line anytime soon.
Wire stripper and heat gun.
Wire stripper and heat gun.