Spotting < $400: Vortex Skyline vs. Konus 7120


Full Member
Feb 4, 2010
Austin, TX
I shoot an M1A in high power and would like a spotting scope that can discern 7.62 holes out to 500 yards in daylight. Most of my shooting is done inside of 200 though (due to range limitations). The Konus is less than half the prices of the Vortex, but gets good reviews from what I've read.

The specs on the scopes are both nearly identical. I'm sure the Vortex will win out in the clarity department, but aside from the hideous blue color is there any reason why the Konus wouldn't work ok for me?

Are the Vortex spotting scopes made in the USA or overseas?

Thanks in advance!
Re: Spotting < $400: Vortex Skyline vs. Konus 7120

Even the BEST spottings scopes costing a couple of thousand dollars will not allow you to see bullet holes at 500 yds if atmospheric conditions are not perfect. Mirage will play havoc and at that distance most shooters use mirage to gauge wind speed. It will help to watch the vapor trail as the bullet goes down range and help the spotter see target hits but you are not going to see any bullet holes. Only on rare occasions with shoot and see targets you may distinguish holes but the atmosphere has to be perfect. Best scopes for this are going to be Kowa, Swaros, Leica's, Zeiss, and Nikons Fields scopes all big bucks, and still count on spending at least $200 to $300 for a tripod in addition.
Re: Spotting < $400: Vortex Skyline vs. Konus 7120

Exactly right, I have a Vortex, and at 300 yards on a clear, cool day, I can just barely make out 30 caliber holes if the target background it has is light in color, or if I use the black targets with the green back color that comes through on hits. That is using te highest magnification, and if any vibration transmits through the tripod or table, its a no go. My father has a Swaro, and his is bit better for that application, but the difference in scopes comes out with fit and finish, and clarity. My father's Swaro really shines for tracking vapor. But his scope was considerably more than my Vortex, but at $300 Vortex is pretty dang good for bang for the buck.