Spotting Scope Help Please


Dec 24, 2008
Bixby, OK
I started into long range shooting a several years ago. I never bought a spotting scope because the guys I shot with all had them. I’ve been out of it for a while and have since moved. I want to get back into long range shooting and need some stuff to do so.

I’m looking for advice on a spotting scope and stand. I want the ability to do shooting/spotting mostly by myself. There will obviously times when I’ll be with others, but the ‘by myself’ will probably be the most common.

The first spotting scope question is: angled or straight? I know preference will decide some of it. But I haven’t seen any good reviews that talk about just long range shooting. They mostly talk about hunting/hiking. If I need something smaller/lighter in the future I will probably buy something to fit that requirement.

The spotting scope that I’m considering is the Vortex Razor HD 20-60x85. I think it might be a bit overkill for a 600 yard range? But I want the ability to go farther and would rather spend a little more for a little too much than not getting enough scope. Any other spotting scopes around that price range I should look into?

The next is scope stand. I mostly plan on shooting mostly prone. The two I’ve looked at so far are the Creedmoor Polecat and the Feeland HD. Are these any good or is there something better?

Personally spotting scopes are nice, but I have a hard time sometimes with spotting hits because of Mirage. I can 9 times out of 10 spot all my hits with my scope.

What a your budget for a sporting scope? I'd go BTX by Swarovski
If you want to spend a bit extra, here is my setup for shooting alone.

You can lay place it right next to the rifle and don’t even have to break position to use the LRF or the spotter (which are cowitness). In addition with the use of a phone skope or similar you can use your phone to record or look through spotter.
Oh yeah. I was referring to angled vs straight. Under 1k and shooting in the 660 range, the Bushnell LMSS is a good choice. Or the legend 15x45 but I know there are others in that price range I’m just not familiar.
For the budget you gave I think the Vortex is a great choice.
A lot of bang for the buck.
On the other item, I myself prefer an angled eyepiece.
Kowa makes an excellent spotter for the money.
I have a TSN1 I have used for over 30 years.
Used Nikon FieldScope ED's ( Do your research on which models)
Celestron Regal M2
Used Brunton Icon
Pentax PF

Thats a cross section of highly regarded spotters (for the money) at different price points. If you want to find the best spotters for the money, I recommend you research on birding forums.
Angled is good if you are intending to be stationary and your targets are also static and location known, ie not moving animals.

Angled will allow you to remain in position pretty much and just twist your head to view your target. You can do similar with straight just requires a hair more movement. Your means of supporting the straight scope will have a determination in how much you must break position to use it.

Straight is better if you are scanning a vista looking for your target. They are instinctual in getting on target as opposed to looking at something straight with your bare eye than trying to move to an angled spotter and attempt to look at the same spot with the angle coming into play.

If you use your spotter as a spotter for a fellow shooter straight would be my preference. Shooting alone angled may be your preference.

If I was scanning over a hunting area - straight.

Square range with easily identifiable target boards - angled.

Just my opinions to consider.

I started with an angled 20-60X Kowa (great scope). I now use primarily straight scopes in the 20X mag range (M49). The Kowa last did duty for gazing an eclipse of the moon with my kids.
You will get used to either. This is a forum so we all love to research the minutiae, haha, but I think this is overblown. Buy whatever you get a better deal on for better glass.

I use angled for hunting as well and don't have an issue with it.

Usually you scan with binos and then switch to a spotter for field judging. A spotter is too taxing on the eyes and the fov is fairly tight for glassing with.
I’m having a hard time finding spotters with reticles. Almost all of the ones listed don’t have them. Is it something you add aftermarket? I know Vortex had one but I don’t think they sell them anymore.

If it helps, I went through the same decision making process and bought a Leupold Mark 4 just two weeks ago with the TMR reticle. No regrets at all. The Mark 4 has a solid reputation and a spotter with a reticle in the first focal plane was a requirement for me. Choices for a spotter with a FFP reticle are limited, unfortunately. I’ve had not insignificant time behind the higher end Vortex, Bushnell and Konus spotting scopes. For me, the glass in the Leupold is equally as good as any of those and the small footprint, light weight is a plus.

Hope that helps a little.
Angled. More versatile and more comfortable to look through in the field. Target acquisition will be a bit of a learning curve but once your used to it, it's a non-issue.

I run angled... 90% for hunting.