Ok just received the A-700 that I got from rth1800 ...
All the parts were accounted for and there was even one extra screw of each of the three types and one extra washer !!!
So threw it all together and whaa laa ...
The issue (which I did not expect) is that it is not possible to put the UTC-x on the rail with the rail and scope in place. This is because for the UTC-x the rail grabber latch is on the right side ... and when open would be inside the gun barrel.
So that means, the A-700 has to be removed and added when the UTC-x is removed and added. Now, this would not be the case for a PVS-30 for instance as the PVS-30 latch is on the left side of the unit ...
So, I will need to cogitate upon the trade-offs of the A-700 versus the PRI rail ...
In general, the pro of the A-700 is that it works for non-REM700 actions, where as the PRI rail I have only works for REM700 SA.
And moving the A-700 around would not require moving the scope base around. The PRI rail is the scope base.
the PRI rail is 13 oz
The A-700 is 7 oz
They are the same length out front. The front of the PRI rail = the front of the A-700 so they have the same usable rail space in front of any scope I would use.
I can move the A-700 around from Spuhr mount to Spuhr mount without even having to move the scopes.
In order to be in the business of mounting and dismounting the A-700 for the UTC-x, I would need extra screws, washers and spacer inserts. Then field movement of the rail would be possible (as even if I drop some, I have spares). But without lots of replacements, otherwise, the UTC-x would have to be mounted in the house and left on during vehicle moves. And I'd rather not do that as then the gun wouldn't fit in the Pelican.
If I'm going on foot from my house, that is fine, I often mount the UTC-x i the house then.
Live is full of trade-offs !!!