well im moving to germany in 9 days, so i had to sell my ruger,so to keep into sniping, i decided to make my own ghille suit. the scenery, is near my randmohers farm, where the grund is sandy he vegitation is brown/tan/light green ish, so i took some old cargo pants from god knows what, added extra fabric at the knees (wont do much crawling) and took a cars cargo net and some burlap, i boght 12 or so square yards, cuse ill make more) so this ones theme is eurpean woodland/field, where wheat grows, lots of tans and browns, sand and mud. soi thought this was appropiat, took burlap, made a mix of strngy and thick layers, and so fr i finished the pants, the jacket ill post updates when i move to germany. its all packed. thiswill be the very first suit i make, everything stitched, im very meticulous.

ill make the to half in europe




ill make the to half in europe