If I were to be where you are now, I would do things differently than what I did when I started. To put it plainly, just because a suppressor costs a lot of money does NOT make it that much better than other cans on the market that cost considerably less. The suppressors that cost a small fortune are either marked up for their name or had an insane amount of R&D that needs to be made up for. I would first look into getting a versatile .30 cal can that does not break the bank. There are a ton of good options out there that can be had for not a ton of money. I would highly recommend cans like the "Simple Man" from Resilient Suppressors, the Enticer S from Diligent Defense, or the Polonium 30 from Otter Creek Labs. These cans are really good for those who don't know what to get, but don't want to fork over a heinous amount of coin at the same time. The main thing you want to look for is a can that utilizes the "HUB" interface, or really just known as the universal mounting system. This ensures that no matter what rifle you own, as long as it has a threaded barrel you can use it without issue. Stay away from cans that are strictly direct thread or only use a very limited mounting system like SureFire. Also try to stay away from cans that are specifically meant for certain weapon systems (like flow through models, or dedicated bores less than .30), or are made from wild materials like Haynes or Inconel. Steel or Titanium are the best routes to go for a can that needs to do it all. Don't get caught up in trying to get the shortest or longest model out there, just get something in the middle and you won't be disappointed. If you do go for one extreme or the other, you will just wish you got something else. But rest assured that you will almost certainly buy another can in the future, so buy what you want and don't feel like you're tied down to just that one forever. I would also recommend buying from Silencer Shop. They make it incredibly easy and if you go to a store that has a kiosk, it simply could not be easier. Sites like Capitol Armory sound great at first, but having to mail all your info to them and waiting an additional 30 days just to have it shipped to your door is a serious pain in the ass.