Just so you know, this right here, is exactly how they will, and are, dividing us.
So you support constitutional rights for people you like, but not people you dont like? You realize that's what you are saying?
I'm sure people like me won't be invited to their dinner parties. I'm sure they wouldn't "like me" either.
I do know this, they have a right to be secure in, on, and around their property.
Arguing whether someone broke a gate, private or public, etc ad nauseam is exactly what the MSM is hoping for on this one.
We are so scared of what some lukewarm half assed 2A supporter will think of us, that we are paralyzed from supporting the BOR like it is written.
They support and defend BLM.....well hell, why aren't they media darlings?
Things are not as they seem....or they are. Doesn't change the fact they had a right to do what they did.
Again, I'm betting I dont like them, if I knew them.