Sued my friend today...could use some help


Full Member
Feb 1, 2009
Reading, Pennsylvania
Long story short. I lent a friend from HS some money back in early april with the agreement that he would pay me back within 30 days. This same person actually owed me a couple hundred bucks from a few years ago but he came on some hard times so I let it go.

Well now I continue to get the run around about paying me back...I got sick...couldn't work...gambling problem. Well I warned him before about taking the legal route and I finally have. $94.50 to file my civil suit today. I am getting the western union info and text messages subpeonoed. He told me he doesn't have anything in his bank account. He actually told me to get the courts I am. He lives in NJ where I grew up...I now live in PA.

Is there a free/inexpensive way to do a record search of this person. I want to see his assets or anything else tied to him. Also he has a criminal record of "theft by deception" from a few years ago. I would like to get a copy of that to show his character.

Just so everyone knows I'm not anything like this person. I am a law abiding citizen and work in corrections (juvenile). I don't need people like this in my life....figures that the last 2 times I spoke with him before all this he needed something. If anyone knows where I can do a record search for NJ please let me know. I know in PA you can search the PA court dockets. Thanks
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Fool me once...

Try - they have SOME info but you have to pay for it.

Couple years ago I had a friend who worked on boats, hired him/his shop to fix my volvo engine - change timing belt etc...

He didn't check the timing and charged me $1500 for all the work (Reasonable had he done it right).

Anyway cost me $1500 to clean up after his mess and I sold the boat for $2300 -

Friends and money don't mix.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

might sound crazy but try facebook/myspace to see if you could get some info from there. People post some much personal sh*t there its crazy
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lazy21</div><div class="ubbcode-body">might sound crazy but try facebook/myspace to see if you could get some info from there. People post some much personal sh*t there its crazy </div></div>

^no useful info on these^ I can't believe it actually came to this...we used to be great friends....I'm sure I have all the evidence I really need but any extra info would help out. I'm confident in getting a judgement....from there I guess we will see
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

You might want to think about whether or not it makes sense to file a suit in the first place. Obviously, this is not someone you want to have in your life, so if they only owe you a few hundred dollars then it makes sense to just consider the money a small price to pay to have one less grifter in your life.

The reality is that if this person has few assets and is hard to find - on the move a lot, etc. You're never going to see a dime of the money anyway, so you might as well save yourself the time and expense of the court and just consider it a lesson learned in throwing good money after bad.

Also, it might be satistying to get a judgement of some sort, but as you probably know from your experience working in corrections, some of the time it makes more sense to just avoid screwy people than it does to antagonize them.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sig22940</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lazy21</div><div class="ubbcode-body">might sound crazy but try facebook/myspace to see if you could get some info from there. People post some much personal sh*t there its crazy </div></div>

^no useful info on these^ I can't believe it actually came to this...we used to be great friends....I'm sure I have all the evidence I really need but any extra info would help out. I'm confident in getting a judgement....from there I guess we will see </div></div>

Yes, J. (don't fall over, we know each other), you'll get a judgement, but other than making it more difficult for them to get and use credit, what will it mean if it's never satisfied? Unless you gave them thousands of dollars (like way into the four figures, if not the fives), what's it gonna solve?
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Does he work? Can't tell you about NJ but, if you get a judgment against him, in most places you can have his wages attached. Doesn't sound like he is going to be employed but it is worth a shot. Most judgments are renewable so that, if he doesn't discharge the debt in bankruptcy, you will be able to attach his wages when he finally does become employed. (Ask him if he knows how happy a new employer is going to be to do the wage attachment paperwork each pay period...not supposed to fire anyone for a wage attachment but most new employees are on "probation" Along the same line, add the amount he already owed you to the amount sought. The statute of limitations on that debt has probably run but if he doesn't answer (default judgment)
which seems likely, once the judgment is final there won't be any contesting the amount. As always, internet advice, legal or otherwise, is worth just what you pay for it. Just somethings to think about.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Is it a large amount of money that he borrowed?
(As in is it enough to make it worth actually going to court if he decides to)
In addition, is the time you are spending to take him to court worth your time?
Do you have a written & signed contract with him stating the loan amount, and the repayment terms?
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

He claims to now be out of work. That is why I wanted to do a search to see if he is employeed. I looked it up and in NJ you can attach a judgement to his wages. It is either 10% or 25% of the wages.

I really don't appreciate my kindness being taken advantage of. It is really a shame that it has come to this. I have done everything possible to avoid taking this to court. I offered him to pay me back in monthly installments that were very reasonable. Month after month I received an excuse.

I seem to running in some bad luck lately. I got ripped on the for sale forum on here, had to sue my friend, and I might be facing a layoff in the next few months. Lets hope things turn around.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Is it a large amount of money....well it is to me at this time. With filing fees, what he owes and court costs it will be around $1000. I have text messages that were subpeonoed from my cell provider and I have a receipt from western union. The text messages are VERY incriminating. I don't believe that he actually thought I would go this route. In the texts he admits to oweing the money....and much more. The texts also speak of money that was owed in the past...but I am not going after that. He thinks that I'm not a bank and this isn't a bank loan....I'm SOL. We'll see what happens...either way I'm losing a friend I don't need anymore. This is going to small claims court by the way.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Sadly, I think you will have to get in line at the court house. If your "friend" is only your friend when he/she needed money they either have you pegged as a softie or have hit all their HS buds up. Which leads me to say, I think I would contact a couple of classmates and see if they got the same hard luck story as you. You can find them on Facebook probably.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

When I loan people money I consider it spent. If i get it back great. Typically if they have to borrow money they aren't capable of paying me back.

You also know how much your friendship was worth to them.

The bad news is I have people that I loaned money to and they never paid me back.

The good news is I don't hear from them anymore.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Some of the best investments I ever made were by loaning money to people and never having to see them again.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When I loan people money I consider it spent. If i get it back great. Typically if they have to borrow money they aren't capable of paying me back.

You also know how much your friendship was worth to them.

The bad news is I have people that I loaned money to and they never paid me back.

The good news is I don't hear from them anymore.


Just having them away is a good thing.

If you get a judgement You might get that money back someday when they straighten up and have to buy a house, and Karma is a bitch...But then they are back in your life...

Couple hundred bucks - probably not worth it.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

its a matter of principle as well. just because he is "judgment proof" now does not mean so later. judgments have repercussion and his credit will be impacted until he pays if off.

wait until you get a call asking please pretty please accept my payment.

had a guy (not friend) that we did business with. He said the same thing, and mock me about sueing him. So I did. fast forward 3 years, he was trying to get a house. no go with that judgement
their attorney wanted to settle for 50%. No way, to this day he still can't get a house or a car. and every few years, i make sure I renew that judgement.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

I'll give a friend money if he needs it bad enough, never loan.

as for digging dirt, I use the following

Phoenix research
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sig22940</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I lent a friend from HS some money...This same person actually owed me a couple hundred bucks from a few years ago...I continue to get the run around...he has a criminal record of "theft by his character...I don't need people like this in my life...</div></div> Ehhh, best of luck recovering your funds.

Even if you don't, I say damage his credit any way you can.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When I loan people money I consider it spent. If i get it back great. Typically if they have to borrow money they aren't capable of paying me back.

You also know how much your friendship was worth to them.

The bad news is I have people that I loaned money to and they never paid me back.

The good news is I don't hear from them anymore.

Spoken like a Zen Buddhist.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sig22940</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Yasherka</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Intelius

Not free, but comprehensive. </div></div>

If I use this....would I be able to add this to the judgement? </div></div>
You could certainly ask that of the court...I would. Intelius just uses open sources, but is very good at finding relevant ones. I did a cheap search on myself and was surprised at how much is out there about me. And this from a guy who neither posts personal information nor engages in social networking.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sig22940</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Long story short. I lent a friend from HS some money back in early april with the agreement that he would pay me back within 30 days. This same person actually owed me a couple hundred bucks from a few years ago but he came on some hard times so I let it go.

Well now I continue to get the run around about paying me back...I got sick...couldn't work...gambling problem. Well I warned him before about taking the legal route and I finally have. $94.50 to file my civil suit today. I am getting the western union info and text messages subpeonoed. He told me he doesn't have anything in his bank account. He actually told me to get the courts I am. He lives in NJ where I grew up...I now live in PA.

Is there a free/inexpensive way to do a record search of this person. I want to see his assets or anything else tied to him. <span style="color: #FF0000">Also he has a criminal record of "theft by deception" from a few years ago. I would like to get a copy of that to show his character. </span>

Just so everyone knows I'm not anything like this person. I am a law abiding citizen and work in corrections (juvenile). I don't need people like this in my life....figures that the last 2 times I spoke with him before all this he needed something. If anyone knows where I can do a record search for NJ please let me know. I know in PA you can search the PA court dockets. Thanks </div></div>

You knew this but still lent him the money? Well, hate to say it but that is pretty damn stupid of you.

And why do people still continue to come on the Hide for legal help/advice? This is not a law forum, I would go meet with a lawyer and hear what they have to say.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tucker301</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Some of the best investments I ever made were by loaning money to people and never having to see them again.</div></div>

If I'd known all it took was to loan some people money to get them out of my life I'd have done it much sooner and without them even having to ask! I had an old roomate in college who wanted to borrow $200 from me one time with the promise to pay me back the next week, he needed to get his truck fixed. He wasn't a roomate any longer because I always thought he was shady, but was friends with other roomates so he was around quite a bit. I knew when I gave him the money it wasn't to be seen again, but it was the best 200 I ever spent. He'd avoid me like the plague. When other friends didn't want him around or meeting up with the group they'd just tell him I was going to be there and he wouldn't show up.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

I figure if a person could afford to repay me, they don't need the money in the first place.

I don't believe in making loans and I never expect to get paid back.

What I give, I let go of.

If someone wants to return the favor, so be it, and good for them.

I will never give something of value to any but a friend, and I will never allow such matters to interfere with a friendship.

Shylock was no hero. Every lawyer knows a Shylock.

Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Just consider it a loss and walk. I have a 58 year old brother in law like that and he schooled me on lending money 30 years ago. LOL
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Do you still have anyone trustworthy in the NJ area? If so they could go to the courthouse and see the records of this guy. Most any of that stuff is considered public record. Does the Clerk of Courts there have online records?
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

I tried looking up the online records...I know the pennsylvania way to do it but not sure for NJ. I know a lot of people think that this isn't worth what I'm doing....but I believe this is the right thing to do. I lent money at a time that I really couldn't afford it....but I truely thought I would get it back.

I'm getting married next year and I may being facing a layoff in the near future. I really can't afford just to write this off right now.

Thanks to the people who tried to help me's not everyday that someone files a lawsuit against an old friend. I'm sure for some of you this is just pocket change...well it's not for us all.

I think I have all I really need at this point to get the judgement....I will then have it attached to his wages at his employer/future employer.

Thanks....and take care all.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Save your time and money, It will cost you more than 1000.00 to do anything, the system is NOT on your side for this. They will not keep someone in jail for a 1k loan, and I doubt that you will ever get any cash out of the guy unless he decides on his own to repay you. The court will not "force" him to pay you or dock his check. They have other larger issues to worry about.
I wish it were different, but I have experienced several different situations in business and it always favors the bad guy...

Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: poorboyshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i would go to up to where he is a give him a good ass kicking and forget the money .... </div></div>

I can appreciate the sentiment, but that sort of stuff usually doesn't end up in your favor. There are other avenues though...
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: tucker301</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Some of the best investments I ever made were by loaning money to people and never having to see them again. </div></div>

Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sig22940</div><div class="ubbcode-body">it's not everyday that someone files a lawsuit against an old friend </div></div>
Yes, it is.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: poorboyshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i would go to up to where he is a give him a good ass kicking and forget the money .... </div></div>


The guy is not your friend! I'd that you'd be better served using you money for toilet paper, then going to court. Just kick his ass and forget about him. You won't ever have to worry about him calling you again. If he does, just ask him if he has your money. You'll definitively never hear from him again.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Getting a judgement isn't the same as getting the money. I won a $3500 judgement on back rent for my kid several years ago, I haven't got the first penny yet.

It wasn't a friend, I will give a friend money if he/she needs it but I wont loan them money.

A side not, NEVER rent to a relative, NEVER NEVER NEVER. I made that mistake buying a house to get my step daughter and grandkids out of welfare housing. Renting it to her at less the 1/3 the going rate. She gets a new boyfriend who doen't like me so moves out, destroying the house and taking all the appliances, I MEAN ALL.

Cost me a mint to get this house ready for another renter. Pease at home forced me to take it,


But as I said, judgements don't mean much if you can't get paid. Hurting their credit sounds nice, but these people have shitty credit anyway and don't care.

I don't mind helping friends, but I value a true friendship more then money.

You can pick your friends, cultivate a friendship or send them down the road, relatives you're stuck with so avoid such doings with them.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

Collateral and a discussion before loaning the $ about how it is strictly business up front have worked well for me when lending friends $. Haven't lost any friends, and haven't had to keep collateral yet.

Good luck in court, and getting your money. You might be able to freeze his accounts, if you can get them, once you have a judgement.
Re: Sued my friend today...could use some help

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Buddhapapa</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sig22940,

He never was your friend. Just another dirtbag looking for someone to get over on.

Buddhapapa </div></div>

Two years later, one just is <span style="font-style: italic">dying</span> to know the outcome of this, yes?