Re: suggestions9mm for the wife
My wife rocks a S&W M&P 9mm and loves it. She also shoots a full sized S&W 357 Mag with 38's. Her purse gun is a S&W M&P 340, with 38+P's. The full sized one is for her to practice at the range the double action trigger pull, and recoils like a pussycat. Which is the idea. She has shot all my Sig's and likes them alot. She has fired all the 1911's I have and likes them.
I say for conceled carry a 9mm with a plastic frame, S&W or Glock, or whatever she shoots the best. For a house gun, a heavier Sig with a light. Whatever you decide, keep her in plenty of ammo, and get her to a class.
With my wife, no ammo comes home from the range. All good to me.