So the next project was a dp-28. Fairly cut and dry once you can source the semi auto conversion parts. This ended up EXACTLY how the Russians fielded it.
easy to make in large quantity's good or not 10,000 people and a bullet per person would have been a strategy the communist could get behind when ammo is expensive and the lives of your citizens are cheap and plentiful . The people should have been grateful at least they were given a gun to fight with not just a pitch fork .
Even though I called it rusky trash, the dp28 has grown on me, I like odd looking stuff and it’s actually a damn fine design, simple, durable, and def interesting.
Even though I called it rusky trash, the dp28 has grown on me, I like odd looking stuff and it’s actually a damn fine design, simple, durable, and def interesting.
Even though I called it rusky trash, the dp28 has grown on me, I like odd looking stuff and it’s actually a damn fine design, simple, durable, and def interesting.