Suppressors Suppressor superiority?


Full Member
Feb 3, 2013
College Station, TX
I was referred to this forum from a friend and wanted to ask a question (and stick around for awhile) about suppressors-

I have a Armalite AR10T 20" SST bull barrel and I am receiving a decent tax return this year, so I figured "hell why not" and was curious about a suppressor from Advanced Armament (or another company that is equal or better) but was curious of a few things they didn't answer by email. (They didn't answer at all)

I will call the suppressor "SP" from here on out to save time.

Does a SP increase muzzle velocity?
Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break?
Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often?
Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel.
And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? I realize that IF it does add some speed (5-15fps) that will have a small change on long range ballistics, but will it for some reason cause the bullet to climb right/sink left or vice versa?

Thank you for any knowledgeable replies.

Incase it is important or needed, I shoot a 175gr Sierra MatchKing through this rifle ONLY. I use copper solvent on the barrel every 200 rounds, and only clean/swipe inbetween. I usually shoot one weekend a month, and even then only shoot 20-40 rounds, record where my cold bore shot is, do some follow up shots and then maintain the woman's training so if something happens to me, she can take over. So far, the rifle has between 5-600 rounds through it and reliably holds a 1" group at 200 yards.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Replies can also include: Don't waste your money, suppressors are bull****. Honestly, my rifle is fine as is and I know where my lead will go- I just thought it would be nice to be able to shoot in the pasture without hearing protection.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Suppressors will hide muzzle flash and are quite awesome tools.

Personally I got a Thunderbeast 30p1 as their whole goal is accuracy and repeatability.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

There's a dedicated supp forum right under this one. Also I have an AAC 762-SDN-6...I like the full Inconel 718 construction for rapid fire, but Thunderbeast if you look for accuracy. It WILL suppress muzzle flash, recoil, and are badass. It really helps MY accuracy, maybe not the rifle's, because I won't flinch. At all. Both blast and recoil lessened.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

This should probably be moved to the Suppressor section...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Does a SP increase muzzle velocity? <span style="color: #FF0000">No</span>
Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break? <span style="color: #FF0000">Lol... Definitely no...</span>
Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? <span style="color: #FF0000">All Suppressors require cleaning and the method is an entirely different discussion altogether that you should research and form your own opinion and/or follow the manufacturers recommended method. Some manufacturers will clean it for you also.</span>
Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel. <span style="color: #FF0000">Yes</span>
And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? I realize that IF it does add some speed (5-15fps) that will have a small change on long range ballistics, but will it for some reason cause the bullet to climb right/sink left or vice versa?<span style="color: #FF0000"> Again... dependent on what suppressor you're using, but in many cases a suppressor can help increase accuracy IMO</span>
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Thanks for the replies. I don't mean to sound ignorant, but frankly- this sport (like many other things) is full of bullshit and mis-information and its very hard to get useful input from people that you don't know like the ones at my gun range and other places.

Honestly, this is my first high quality rifle and I am "just" getting into long range shooting. I know my cold bore is consistently 2" high, but do not know the reason. I've only just finished reading my 2nd book related to ballistics- (Applied Ballistics for Long-Range Shooting by Bryan Litz) so im trying like hell to learn as quickly as possible.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Does a SP increase muzzle velocity? <span style="color: #FF0000">Not all the time but some do increase the muzzle velocity of the bullet, phenomenon known as free-bore boost. It is a slight increase. Most I have seen is around 30fps with a long rifle suppressor.</span>
Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break? <span style="color: #FF0000">Yes, a suppressor will reduce the recoil(if thats what you were hinting at, or I totally misread it)</span>
Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? <span style="color: #FF0000">Rifle cans generally don't need cleaning, rebuilds aren't that common but can be needed depending on your rate of fire, I have seen a .223 suppressor with a .33" bore but that was after several years of running it HARD! That got a recore/rebuild, but at the same time the customer used the rebuild instead of buying/transferring a new can.</span>
Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel. <span style="color: #FF0000">Yes, most silencers double as extremely effective flash hiders.</span>
And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? <span style="color: #FF0000">I have only seen a few suppressors out there that negatively affect accuracy, most suppressors will make the host more accurate. Some have a significant point of impact shift, some have little to no. Lots of factors go into POI shifts with cans.</span></div></div>
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broker</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Does a SP increase muzzle velocity? <span style="color: #FF0000">No</span>
Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break?</div></div> </div></div>

I guess I misunderstood the question and thought you were referring to carbon build-up and you meant recoil. So yes it does help.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: StalkingRhino</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="color: #FF0000">Rifle cans generally don't need cleaning,</span></div></div>

Odd since most manufacturers recommend cleaning cans every time you clean your rifle. They even provide the bore brush...
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rhino- could you expand on "Some have a significant point of impact shift, some have little to no. Lots of factors go into POI shifts with cans"

You really have my attention here.</div></div>

Most suppressors will cause some poi shift when installed vs not installed. In most cases it's about 2" or less. I've seen people claim up to 4" shift sometimes but it should be repeatable.

I run a AAC 762SD on my bolt 308, MWS, RFB and .223 Ar's. The only drawbacks to a can are that they will dirty up the action on a semi auto faster than unsuppressed and if you heat the can up enough you get mirage off of it. For the most part everything I use it on sounds like a .22lr rifle now. I have no interest in shooting unsuppressed anymore.

Just went to my dealer to look at my new TBAC 338P-1 today and send forms off.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rhino- could you expand on "Some have a significant point of impact shift, some have little to no. Lots of factors go into POI shifts with cans"

You really have my attention here. </div></div>
Weight of suppressor, barrel length, barrel profile. You are adding a weight to the end of your barrel..
Re: Suppressor superiority?

I wouldn't mind a slight shift, but repeatability is a huge concern. If it doesn't hit the same spot every time, I might as well throw rocks at the enemy.

As Rodney Carrington once said "yeah I killed em with a stick! Left my damn gun in the truck, so I snuck up on his ass and stabbed that som' bitch!"

Thanks for all the replies- from the customer service I received over at ThunderBeast (vs none at AAC, 4 days no reply) and on a sunday to boot (email sent back in 2 hours!) I have pretty well made up my mind to go that route. Probably a 30P-1. Thanks for the input!
Re: Suppressor superiority?

There is a lot that effects not only POI but also accuracy when placed on a precision rifle. Accuracy and a repeatable POI shift are the most important with a precision rifle.

Size, weight, volume, baffle design, attachment method all contribute to include, threads, both on the can and rifle. Lock up method, brake design.

Most guys compare their experience with a can on an AR shot at 100 yards or less and not on a precision rifle. I have over 25 cans in my stable and they are not all created equal, some have first round deviations often mistaken for cold bore shifts but are not, they are the can. Others need to carbon up before they work as advertised, I have seen some that turned a 1 hole, 10 shot group under 1/2" into a 1 hole 1.25" group - think about that.

The rifle matters too, barrel, shoulder, threads, not just length and contour . Even the round, velocity issues, higher velocities causing fliers with a can, drop the MV and accuracy increases.

Nope, with a precision rifle suppressor it is not a level playing field.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

I had my Rem 5r threaded per TBAC's specs went the range and put the 30p-1 on, took the screws out of my scope caps to get ready to rezero...NO POI change!. Put my screws back in and was very happy.

Can added 30 fps
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This should probably be moved to the Suppressor section...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Does a SP increase muzzle velocity? <span style="color: #FF0000">No</span>
Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break? <span style="color: #FF0000">Lol... Definitely no...</span>
Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? <span style="color: #FF0000">All Suppressors require cleaning and the method is an entirely different discussion altogether that you should research and form your own opinion and/or follow the manufacturers recommended method. Some manufacturers will clean it for you also.</span>
Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel. <span style="color: #FF0000">Yes</span>
And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? I realize that IF it does add some speed (5-15fps) that will have a small change on long range ballistics, but will it for some reason cause the bullet to climb right/sink left or vice versa?<span style="color: #FF0000"> Again... dependent on what suppressor you're using, but in many cases a suppressor can help increase accuracy IMO</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"> Great questions! You are on the right track. Many of the answers found above are, I believe, incorrect. Others are spot on. I can only offer the following:

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Does a SP increase muzzle velocity?</span> </span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">No</span>

This is incorrect, in a majority of instances you will get some "free boost" with a well designed suppressor attached. In a great can that would translate to a 12:00 rise.

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break?</span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">Lol... Definitely no...</span>

This is also incorrect, for either definition of "cleaner":

Cleaner as in Recoil : If you are talking about the ability of a suppressor to act as a "break" the answer is yes, but not as efficiently as a well made break (few are).

Read here

Cleaner as in amount of debris: Gasses are stripped from behind the projectile and, depending on design, either purged as a low pressure expel at the end car or with held within. As to the resulting propellant waste, again depending on design, it is either purged or held. Cans that are poorly designed are referred to as "trap" cans and can fill up with debris.

<span style="font-weight: bold">
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? </span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">All Suppressors require cleaning and the method is an entirely different discussion altogether that you should research and form your own opinion and/or follow the manufacturers recommended method. Some manufacturers will clean it for you also.</span>

Again, this is incorrect. IMO, no centerfire can needs to come apart. IMO, no well designed centerfire can needs or should be cleaned past the threads. For that very reason, many of the finest, most accurate suppressors for centerfire cartridges do NOT come apart for what the manufacturer believes are important critical dimension reasons. If a centerfire can comes apart, there is a reason and you need to take the time to understand why. I have found that come apart designs almost always are " trap" designs with no forward purge characteristics (monocores, twin tube, etc).

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel. </span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">Yes</span>

Again, not correct. Many suppressors fail to fully stop flash out of the box. Some titanium cans actually flash or spark for other reasons. Many suppressors, when fired in a heavier firing schedule "overrun" the can and flash badly. Having said that, in your care, a bull barrel has nothing to do with flash. Do you mean you have a short barrel? If so flash can remain a large problem as unburned powder can make it in and through the can as well.

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? I realize that IF it does add some speed (5-15fps) that will have a small change on long range ballistics, but will it for some reason cause the bullet to climb right/sink left or vice versa?</span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000"> Again... dependent on what suppressor you're using, but in many cases a suppressor can help increase accuracy IMO</span>

Poor answer, there are very few suppressors that can deliver excellent accuracy with no perceived Point of Impact change. So few, that even those companies, pride themselves on providing minimal POI change. Having said that, any can that can provide CONSISTENT POI change, that being that when you attach the can each and every time the rounds return to the same point of deviation is an accurate can. The operator, in that instance, is responsible for developing the right dope tables to account for that consistent change. As the top tier cans all suppress sound well (NONE ARE HEARING SAFE, there are no hearing safe supersonic bullet suppressors) your question of accuracy IS the most important question. In my experience the vast majority of suppressors perform poorly in regard to LR accuracy.

Start here:

Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RollingThunder51</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This should probably be moved to the Suppressor section...

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: QuickSilver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Does a SP increase muzzle velocity? <span style="color: #FF0000">No</span>
Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break? <span style="color: #FF0000">Lol... Definitely no...</span>
Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? <span style="color: #FF0000">All Suppressors require cleaning and the method is an entirely different discussion altogether that you should research and form your own opinion and/or follow the manufacturers recommended method. Some manufacturers will clean it for you also.</span>
Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel. <span style="color: #FF0000">Yes</span>
And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? I realize that IF it does add some speed (5-15fps) that will have a small change on long range ballistics, but will it for some reason cause the bullet to climb right/sink left or vice versa?<span style="color: #FF0000"> Again... dependent on what suppressor you're using, but in many cases a suppressor can help increase accuracy IMO</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"> Great questions! You are on the right track. Many of the answers found above are, I believe, incorrect. Others are spot on. I can only offer the following:

<span style="text-decoration: underline">Does a SP increase muzzle velocity?</span> </span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">No</span>

This is incorrect, in a majority of instances you will get some "free boost" with a well designed suppressor attached. In a great can that would translate to a 12:00 rise.

<span style="color: #FF6600">Debatable... </span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break?</span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">Lol... Definitely no...</span>

This is also incorrect, for either definition of "cleaner":

Cleaner as in Recoil : If you are talking about the ability of a suppressor to act as a "break" the answer is yes, but not as efficiently as a well made break (few are).

<span style="color: #FF6600">He asked if it would break cleaner, not if it would do so more than a particular break. You're trying to take a questions and turn it into the question you want to answer. If you're gonna do that shit then don't use me as your example.</span>

Read here

Cleaner as in amount of debris: Gasses are stripped from behind the projectile and, depending on design, either purged as a low pressure expel at the end car or with held within. As to the resulting propellant waste, again depending on design, it is either purged or held. Cans that are poorly designed are referred to as "trap" cans and can fill up with debris.

<span style="font-weight: bold">
<span style="text-decoration: underline">Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? </span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">All Suppressors require cleaning and the method is an entirely different discussion altogether that you should research and form your own opinion and/or follow the manufacturers recommended method. Some manufacturers will clean it for you also.</span>

Again, this is incorrect. IMO, no centerfire can needs to come apart. IMO, no well designed centerfire can needs or should be cleaned past the threads. For that very reason, many of the finest, most accurate suppressors for centerfire cartridges do NOT come apart for what the manufacturer believes are important critical dimension reasons. If a centerfire can comes apart, there is a reason and you need to take the time to understand why. I have found that come apart designs almost always are " trap" designs with no forward purge characteristics (monocores, twin tube, etc).

<span style="color: #FF6600">He asked about cleaning/rebuilding and I was talking about cleaning which in FACT you're supposed to do every time you clean your rifle. I didn't say anything about taking it apart to do so and again you're adding something that wasn't there to suit your answer. And if you want to argue the cleaning I'll take a picture of the Surefire owners manual which specifically says to as well as the brush they send with the can to clean it.</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Will the SP hide muzzle flash, because this is a serious problem with my bull barrel. </span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000">Yes</span>

Again, not correct. Many suppressors fail to fully stop flash out of the box. Some titanium cans actually flash or spark for other reasons. Many suppressors, when fired in a heavier firing schedule "overrun" the can and flash badly. Having said that, in your care, a bull barrel has nothing to do with flash. Do you mean you have a short barrel? If so flash can remain a large problem as unburned powder can make it in and through the can as well.

<span style="color: #FF6600">What kind of cheap suppressor are you using? You're even going so far as to try and change the question by asking about a short barrel. I've never seen a decent quality can produce muzzle flash nor heard of it doing that so I'd like to see your evidence other than hypothetical responses based upon the most unusual circumstances or cans being used improperly.</span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="text-decoration: underline">And most importantly: How will the SP affect accuracy? I realize that IF it does add some speed (5-15fps) that will have a small change on long range ballistics, but will it for some reason cause the bullet to climb right/sink left or vice versa?</span></span>
<span style="color: #FF0000"> Again... dependent on what suppressor you're using, but in many cases a suppressor can help increase accuracy IMO</span>

Poor answer, there are very few suppressors that can deliver excellent accuracy with no perceived Point of Impact change. So few, that even those companies, pride themselves on providing minimal POI change. Having said that, any can that can provide CONSISTENT POI change, that being that when you attach the can each and every time the rounds return to the same point of deviation is an accurate can. The operator, in that instance, is responsible for developing the right dope tables to account for that consistent change. As the top tier cans all suppress sound well (NONE ARE HEARING SAFE, there are no hearing safe supersonic bullet suppressors) your question of accuracy IS the most important question. In my experience the vast majority of suppressors perform poorly in regard to LR accuracy.

<span style="color: #FF6600">Lmao... I guess Surefire and Thunderbeast are just full of shit when the talk about no POI shift. A lot of us who do LR shooting just pissed our money away with our cans as well it seems. And you're off again onto hearing and answering a non-existent question. </span>

Start here:

<span style="color: #FF6600">Do yourself a favor... If you're going to argue points then stick to the ACTUAL question asked and the ACTUAL answer given and quit adding shit to suit your argument. </span>
Re: Suppressor superiority?

The rifle that is in question here is an ArmaLite AR-10T chambered in .308 (although I wish it was in .260 remington!) and it has a 20" stainless barrel with no flash hider or anything at the end of it ("bull" barrel) with some small BS mods (slightly heavier buffer tube, polished/deburred feed ramps ect) and I consider this my "fun gun" and only shoot paper past 600 yards PERIOD. Best kill to date was just shy of 500 yards. I currently shoot off the shelf 175gr SMK, but was shooting 180gr Hornady Interbond handloads and will go back to it once this giant democrat shitstorm blows over. I can't find primers, brass OR bullets.

Edit: Also has a "regular" Nightforce NXS 5-22x50 scope w/ a MOAR reticle in ArmaLite rings if that matters for some reason.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Lets try and be civil here.

1. It is not debatable, its physics.

2. OP states "Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break?"
You state "not if it would do so more than a particular break."
I give him a link to the physics of both. Read it.
Try this one too...One right above me.

3. For those that have not seen when a can gets "over run"

Semi AR15 can flash seen

Full auto

Much more common than common sense it seems.

Titanium Flash

Oh hell with it, you seem like a friendly kind of guy, here you go.

4. No, a majority of fine suppressors do not want you to clean the inside. Yours might, most do not want you to brush them, precision cans especially.

Here, you mentioned them, so again.

There are a ton of threads right here on whether or not one needs to clean their centerfire can.

5. POI, I would be very surprised if folks at TBA would suggest "no POI shift" as you suggest. Just a few weeks back Zak explained in some great detail that POI shift minimization and repetition is the goal.

Having said that, I would be very surprised if the folks at Surefire did not suggest that their cans have no POI shift. But, probably not in writing, there they say, and I quote.

"minimal, consistent shift in the unsuppressed point of impact, regardless of the number of attach-detach cycles."

Precision can makers know that the total elimination of POI shift is all but impossible without overbore to the point when suppression values go out the window. For some others its the only way to get their cans to group.

Re: Suppressor superiority?

I get on average 30-40fps gain with my can on my 300winmags... These are the facts... will you get that on every rifle? no, but it's possible to gain velocity.

They do reduce recoil, and in your case with no break it would help.

I don't clean mine

My Surefire can moves .3 mils right and .2 mils down, but this happens every time so who cares
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RollingThunder51</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lets try and be civil here.

1. It is not debatable, its physics.

2. OP states "Does a SP scrape away gasses for a cleaner "break" like a muzzle break?"
You state "not if it would do so more than a particular break."

<span style="color: #FF0000">You didn't actually read through the whole thread before commenting or you would have seen I thought he was talking about carbon deposits on the break and I already had amended my statement prior as I misunderstood/read the question. And I'm not going to comment that one break is better than a can because that's NOT what the OP asked. Do you deny that a Suppressor reduces recoil?</span>

I give him a link to the physics of both. Read it.
Try this one too...One right above me.

3. For those that have not seen when a can gets "over run"
<span style="color: #FF0000">
Don't care because I never said a can couldn't get "over run" so why you're trying to prove it is beyond me. He also didn't ask about a "titanium" can which is not the norm for most suppressors, nor did he ask if he "over run" his can would it cause flash. Again, you're pointing to specific instances of rarity or the exception to the norms.
Semi AR15 can flash seen

Full auto

Much more common than common sense it seems.

Titanium Flash

Oh hell with it, you seem like a friendly kind of guy, here you go.

4. No, a majority of fine suppressors do not want you to clean the inside. Yours might, most do not want you to brush them, precision cans especially.

<span style="color: #FF0000">Then my Surefire FA762SS must not fall into that category since they do in fact recommend cleaning and even provide the brush. Do I need to go to the effort of taking pictures of both the Manufacturers recommendation and the brush they provide?</span>

5. POI, I would be very surprised if folks at TBA would suggest "no POI shift" as you suggest. Just a few weeks back Zak explained in some great detail that POI shift minimization and repetition is the goal.

Having said that, I would be very surprised if the folks at Surefire did not suggest that their cans have no POI shift. But, probably not in writing, there they say, and I quote.

"minimal, consistent shift in the unsuppressed point of impact, regardless of the number of attach-detach cycles."

<span style="color: #FF0000">Not sure where you pulled that quote, but I'll pull the EXACT quote from Surefire for you... "Minimal and consistent <span style="font-weight: bold">zero shift</span> regardless of number of attach/detach cycles"</span>

Precision can makers know that the total elimination of POI shift is all but impossible without overbore to the point when suppression values go out the window.
<span style="color: #FF0000">
And you still didn't provide any support for your argument that "In my experience the vast majority of suppressors perform poorly in regard to LR accuracy."</span>

And I'm being civil. Did I assault your character or call you names? Nope... Maybe you should reference my other posts and you'll see when I choose to be uncivil my approach is a far cry from the present. If you don't want to argue the points and would rather have a discussion then maybe you should reconsider your approach and just respond to the OP rather than trying to call me out in specific when numerous others here had the same responses yet you chose to not respond to them.

Add: Also try sticking to the questions asked rather than adding hypothetical situations or pulling exerts from extenuating circumstances to support refuting statements outside of the parameters initially set by the OP.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

1. As it stands.
2. Yes you did misunderstand his question.
3. Now you know.
4. Yes, your can does, welcome to the smallest of minorities.
5. I rest my case. You have bolded Zero Shift, now come to understand what it means in the context of your own quote.
6. 40+ years of banging.

I'll sign off here as all the rest is mental masturbation.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Broker</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="color: #FF0000">Not sure where you pulled that quote, but I'll pull the EXACT quote from Surefire for you... "Minimal and consistent <span style="font-weight: bold">zero shift</span> regardless of number of attach/detach cycles"</span></div></div>

Who is the one with the reading comprehension problem again? Your EXACT quote from Surefire doesn't state that there will be no shift, just minimal and consistent "zero shift". here is referring to where your weapon is "zeroed".
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RollingThunder51</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

You two going to hold hands later and catch a movie?

You only succeeded in proving you can't argue a point without going to extenuating circumstances. You also proved right here you're a fucking hypocrite. You wanted to remain civil and I did, but now you think it's ok to circle jerk with your friend James and do a victory lap? Lol...
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Having never met, rolling thunder and I are not friends but having read his posts over the years I have no doubt that we would enjoy shooting the shit over a drink or five.

On the other hand, reading your posts over time makes me doubt that we would become friends. Something to do with you trying to impose your "wisdom" upon people when you clearly dont know what you are talking about. Even on the interweb, its typically better to keep your mouth shut if you are not well versed in the subject at hand.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wfjames22</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Having never met, rolling thunder and I are not friends but having read his posts over the years I have no doubt that we would enjoy shooting the shit over a drink or five.

On the other hand, reading your posts over time makes me doubt that we would become friends. Something to do with you trying to impose your "wisdom" upon people when you clearly dont know what you are talking about. Even on the interweb, its typically better to keep your mouth shut if you are not well versed in the subject at hand. </div></div>

Because I refer to my opinions/advice as "wisdom"... If you're on the "interweb" to make friends then you should re-evaluate your social life.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

You got me...I'm definitely on the interweb to make friends...just like I stated in my response, right? You are the one that called rolling thunder and I friends. All I am saying is that I have seen your posts and you are constantly arguing with people and most of the time you are the one who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground in the discussions. Then you start to act like you are speaking from some moral and intellectual high ground, but once the ship starts sinking you resort to foul language and personal attacks.

I guess the main point is that I will never understand why people offer their advice/opinions as fact to someone seeking information when they clearly don't know what they are talking about. And once someone comes by that does know what they are talking about, they don't just say "I was wrong" or "I dont know what I am talking about", instead they try and convince everyone that they are right.

By the by...didn't I read here recently that you picked up your first can in the past week or so?
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Here's what I have gathered so far:

Does a SP increase muzzle velocity? In some cases the bullet picks up 30fps or less and of course, the bullet will "climb" changing your POI, but not by much.
Does a SP act like a muzzle break? This question was poorly phrased the more I think about it- So I just changed it and the answer is Yes.
Will the SP require a cleaning/rebuild and if so, how often? Depends on silencer, and most cannot be taken apart- the TB suppressor can be sent back and cleaned for free If i cover the cost of shipping. Easy deal.
Will the SP hide muzzle flash? For me, yes. I have a .308 with a 20" barrel. If it was a .223 with a short barrel, I might see some sparking.
How will the SP affect accuracy? Changes POI, and varies per manufacturer but it will be a consistent POI shift if the suppressor is made right.

Now I have a "new" question that I tried searching through the forum for an answer- does anyone own a ArmaLite AR10, and if so what is your cold bore shift? Is cold bore shift truly a shift from hot to cold, or is it me just not being prepared for the first shot? Why is it always consistently 2" high horizontally at 200 yards every single time I go to the range, but the vertical is dead on?

Also, I presume some, if not alot of you are prior military- lets try to keep it professional. Then again, this is pretty much spot on behavior from what I remember of my time served
Re: Suppressor superiority?

I seem to always get a velocity increase, sometimes as little as 10fps, buy averaging about 20fps with a 308... and my impacts don't always change high because of it. My Jet Suppressor hits exactly 3/4" low at 6 O Clock with this increase.

To say a free boost makes the impact go high is not always true... it goes where it goes increase in velocity doesn't mean it raises the strike.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wfjames22</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You got me...I'm definitely on the interweb to make friends...just like I stated in my response, right? You are the one that called rolling thunder and I friends. All I am saying is that I have seen your posts and you are constantly arguing with people and most of the time you are the one who doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground in the discussions. Then you start to act like you are speaking from some moral and intellectual high ground, but once the ship starts sinking you resort to foul language and personal attacks.

I guess the main point is that I will never understand why people offer their advice/opinions as fact to someone seeking information when they clearly don't know what they are talking about. And once someone comes by that does know what they are talking about, they don't just say "I was wrong" or "I dont know what I am talking about", instead they try and convince everyone that they are right.

By the by...didn't I read here recently that you picked up your first can in the past week or so? </div></div>

Yup, that's me on some "intellectual high ground" swearing and attacking everyone on sight... Lol... And just because I finally own my first can does not mean I've never used cans. Oh before I forget since I don't want you to lose your keen observation of me... go fuck yourself, lol.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I seem to always get a velocity increase, sometimes as little as 10fps, buy averaging about 20fps with a 308... and my impacts don't always change high because of it. My Jet Suppressor hits exactly 3/4" low at 6 O Clock with this increase.

To say a free boost makes the impact go high is not always true... it goes where it goes increase in velocity doesn't mean it raises the strike. </div></div>

This is proof that the shift is due to barrel harmonic changes, not velocity changes. The modest change in velocity should have negligible affect at 100 yards. The suppressor just acts like a giant tuner on the end of the barrel.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Carter, we are not measuring this phenomenon by resulting POI on the target, but rather the measured velocity out the barrel. In other words, barrel harmonic shifts occur at the same relative velocity, whereas boost is a measurable event as represented by the meter.

Frank is right about boost shift and resulting POI, where boost strikes will occur along the host/can's current projectile trajectory. Host/can's trajectory and impact at 55 degrees off zero? Boost will only make it more so. In a perfect world, one in which the host/can is at zero, any additional velocity would result in 12:00 gain, just as with any boost in velocity through a clean crown result would provide.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

During the shoot yesterday with some friends I looked specifically for muzzle flash, given the recent discussion, as my friends shot rifles with my AAC 762-SDN-6. Keep in mind this is made from Inconel 718, and designed for 300 BLK with 308 capability. The hosts were:

Stag Model 1 5.56 16" barrel
DPMS Recon 308 16" barrel
Savage 10FCP 26" barrel

This was also in a dim indoor range, but obviously not completely dark.

Stag Model 1 5.56 16" barrel: No noticed flash
DPMS Recon 308 16" barrel: *Moderate first round flash*, no noticed follow up flashes. Would repeat first round flash after some rest during mag reload.
Savage 10FCP 308 26" barrel: No noticed flash

So the DPMS recon showed the most flash, which is completely understandable given the highest unburned(?) powder output. Since this was only a dim room, it is quite probable that there would be noticeable flash in a very dark environment.

On a secondary note, the suppressor got extremely hot even with this moderate firing schedule. Makes me glad I got the full Inconel suppressor...I'd be more worried for higher rates of fire. I should have brought an oven mitt to change the suppressor! I had to use some bag padding, which was only somewhat insulating.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RFtinkerer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">.....AAC 762-SDN-6. Keep in mind this is made from Inconel 718, and designed for 300 BLK with 308 capability. </div></div>

Its a mini 308 can that works well with 300BLK.

It was not designed for 300BLK.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RollingThunder51</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Carter, we are not measuring this phenomenon by resulting POI on the target, but rather the measured velocity out the barrel. In other words, barrel harmonic shifts occur at the same relative velocity, whereas boost is a measurable event as represented by the meter.

Frank is right about boost shift and resulting POI, where boost strikes will occur along the host/can's current projectile trajectory. Host/can's trajectory and impact at 55 degrees off zero? Boost will only make it more so. In a perfect world, one in which the host/can is at zero, any additional velocity would result in 12:00 gain, just as with any boost in velocity through a clean crown result would provide. </div></div>

Sure, the boost will always result in a 12:00 increase, but the effect of an impact at zero range is negligible. As an example, I am getting a 20 fps boost from my Tac 30 suppressor. Plugging it into JBM, the effect should be a 12:00 gain of .1 inches... smaller than my average group size. Yet, I am impacting 3.6 inches low.

The free boost simply isn't accounting for that difference. In fact, it is going the other direction. The difference in impact is all barrel harmonics.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

+1 to RollingThunder51 and StalkingRhino. They know their stuff and are speaking the truth.

Surefire is new to the silencer scene and all I know about their cans is that their designs look strange. As for their company, they make great flashlights but seem to really, really hate the idea of selling their silencers. If their manual says something about cans, I wouldn't assume it's a universal truth or common known fact. Don't take this to mean that I think their silencers suck. I do think their prices and distribution are about 12 steps below awful and probably the worst ever. Their silencers have something to prove to me because I doubt I'll ever see one. The fellow in here with one has a unicorn. Get their 22 can and you'll have pegasus itself.

BTW heya Bender, you Recon Delta Seal.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Carter Mayfield</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sure, the boost will always result in a 12:00 increase, but the effect of an impact at zero range is negligible. As an example, I am getting a 20 fps boost from my Tac 30 suppressor. Plugging it into JBM, the effect should be a 12:00 gain of .1 inches... smaller than my average group size. Yet, I am impacting 3.6 inches low.

The free boost simply isn't accounting for that difference. In fact, it is going the other direction. The difference in impact is all barrel harmonics. </div></div>

I do not doubt the mystery of barrel harmonics, but a large shift downwards would lead me to believe the weight of the silencer on the end of the barrel is also to blame.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

I have been reading about people cutting off 2" or so of barrel when they add a suppressor. Why is this? I've always been of the mindset that you wanted the longest barrel possible for accuracy and the ability to run hotter loads. Truth or fiction?
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Twinsen</div><div class="ubbcode-body">+1 to RollingThunder51 and StalkingRhino. They know their stuff and are speaking the truth.

Surefire is new to the silencer scene and all I know about their cans is that their designs look strange. As for their company, they make great flashlights but seem to really, really hate the idea of selling their silencers. If their manual says something about cans, I wouldn't assume it's a universal truth or common known fact. Don't take this to mean that I think their silencers suck. I do think their prices and distribution are about 12 steps below awful and probably the worst ever. Their silencers have something to prove to me because I doubt I'll ever see one. The fellow in here with one has a unicorn. Get their 22 can and you'll have pegasus itself.

BTW heya Bender, you Recon Delta Seal.</div></div>

Yup they don't know shit about suppressors only that the entire fuckin military uses the shit out of them.... Cut a hole in your abdomen so you can see where you're walking
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have been reading about people cutting off 2" or so of barrel when they add a suppressor. Why is this? I've always been of the mindset that you wanted the longest barrel possible for accuracy and the ability to run hotter loads. Truth or fiction?</div></div>
Because they think it will be "too long."


Longer barrels are better for long-range shooting.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

And people say you are not supposed to judge members with a low post, so can we figure 12 is his IQ, or is that just wrong coming from me ?

I have 3 SF suppressors, (including the Spiky Mini Monster) and if it wasn't for the price, I would recommend the hell out of them. For some people they are just too expensive, but still, I have beat the living piss out of mine and they take it.

My 762SS was launched by a Ranger trying shoot a pig after everyone was messing with it. The can was not locked down and flew about 25 yards. Got a few scratches but survived unscathed. The new latches really improved them, and while they are heavy, they work great... this is why the military uses them as much as they do.

The Surefire guys are great to deal with and have their act together.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

I don't have a ton of money to spend on guns so I buy the best I can and the toughest i can one time and that's it.... Here is my set up

AIAW 300wm
Kahles 624i mil4
Spuhr mount
Atlas bi pod
Surefire 762ss can and it goes on multiple guns

Out of all those purchases the one I think "Man I'm glad I bought that!" Is my Surefire suppressor pricey yes, no doubt about it, but it is a quality item and I'd buy it again in a second
Re: Suppressor superiority?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mendy300wm</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yup they don't know shit about suppressors only that the entire fuckin military uses the shit out of them.... Cut a hole in your abdomen so you can see where you're walking </div></div>

Show me where I said they don't know shit about suppressors. Show me that and I'll cut my dick off and eat it.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And people say you are not supposed to judge members with a low post, so can we figure 12 is his IQ, or is that just wrong coming from me?</div></div>

Another butthurt fanboy. Surefire has terrible distribution. Explain to me how that makes <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">me</span></span> stupid.
Re: Suppressor superiority?

Lol... Calling the site owner a butt hurt fanboy while trying to defend your IQ? That's a first...