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Surprise Surprise.......Muslims don't like LGBTQ+ whatever freakshow


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Apr 25, 2017
    Hispanics do NOT like or tolerate this shit as well. Do these idiots ever watch sites like Goregrish and see how they deal with LGBT pushing freaks in Brazil, Ecuador, or Colombia? Spoiler alert: It is very brutal. Especially against groomers and anybody who tries to take a child's innocence. At our supermarkets here, the majority of the vegetable stock crews and meat counter employees are Hispanic and if a dude comes in dressed even a bit effeminate, they do NOT hesitate to point and start laughing their heads off and talking pure shit on them.
    Who would have guessed?? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked! LOL. The way they are rationalizing it, ”We are not excluding your flag, we just aren’t including your flag as well as many others”, is hysterical. Who was it that something to the effect that whenever preferential treatment is given, then equality feels like discrimination? Seems fitting in this instance.

    In the name of equality, the idiots let the fox into the henhouse, provided for the fox, voted the fox into power, and are now outraged that they are being eaten by the fox. This is what happens when your whole world view is based on whatever nonsense you come up with in your head to satisfy you weak emotional state. Facts and critical thinking skills dare not be used and don’t even think of consider all of written history.
    Quite a few Christians are too.
    Not nearly enough.

    I guess it's fine to misgender people when the fruitcakes do it.

    God and Jesus both clearly stated that their preferred pronouns were He / Him
    God "uses" plural pronouns or the "Formal Singular" aka "Royal We" in many translations. (and i t wasn't they/them--as written in the bible--personally anyone attempting to ascertain how god speaks is full of hubris)

    However, the whole "thy/thou" are actually INFORMAL (and not formal as many people assume--English adopted the "formal" pronouns for everyday use and dropped informal pronouns) or Personal pronouns to show the familiar or "personal" relationship between God and the reader.

    Of course, none of that has any bearing on the whole transgender shit, Just random useless trivia.

    Also the Old English pronouns? he/him

    That's right they haven't changed in 1000 years. or more. So I ain't neither.

    “About our LGBT Ministries
    Open and Affirming is the way many in the United Church of Christ (UCC) declare welcome and inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), same gender loving (SGL) persons into the full life and ministry of the church.”
    Not real christians

    The Catholic Chruch welcomes all, but does not excuse or accept their sins.

    From the outside looking in it seems their pope is right up to the line, and many think it is only a matter of time before he steps over it. That will be an interesting show if he does.
    From the outside looking in it seems their pope is right up to the line, and many think it is only a matter of time before he steps over it. That will be an interesting show if he does.
    The new Pope s a libtard. The former, Jon Paul the whichever, now there was a man. Spoke the truth and would not compromise. Forgave the man who shot him. There is a man.

    en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pope_John_Paul_IIPope John Paul II - Wikipedia

    Pope John Paul II (Latin: Ioannes Paulus II; Italian: Giovanni Paolo II; Polish: Jan Paweł II; born Karol Józef Wojtyła [ˈkarɔl ˈjuzɛv vɔjˈtɨwa]; 18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005) was head of the Catholic
    Muslims decry homosexual buggery, unless it is them pounding their own son/younger brother.
    Spend some time in the middle east, they fuck the shit out of boys, both figuritively and literally.
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    Response from Hamtramck's mayor

    "The city council decided to stay neutral on such controversial issues. Public spaces and city properties are shared spaces among all residents and should not be used by special interest groups to promote their agenda. We just specified which flags to be allowed to fly on city properties: US flag, State, city and POW flags are allowed. Everything else is not. No other group complained except the LGBT, because everyone believes it's fair and just decision. The city treats and serves everyone equally, no discrimination or preferential treatment," Ghalib said.

    He added, "I, as a mayor, as well as the city council don't represent all American Muslims, we just act on the best interest of our city and our residents. Muslims are diverse and hold different views about these issues, so why generalizing! I disagree with some Muslim elected officials in the same district or in neighboring cities. Acting as victims of American Muslims is an exaggerating response. We feel that we are being disrespected in the only Muslim majority city, where some political groups try to enforce their values on us and are not willing to compromise."

    Can't find anything to disagree with him.

    In fact, in one fell swoop the radical gays and trannies have told on themselves in that equality isn't what they want. What they want is superiority.
    They want preferential treatment, not equality, and that’s exactly what they have gotten for far too many years. This is just one instance where a counsel has said NO to the their preferential treatment and they are crying discrimination. I hope the counsel stands firm and more follow their lead.
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    Why is the whole city council in an American city all Muslim........that's the real question.


    Hamtramck Michigan is where many middle eastern immigrants settled. They have the right to live wherever the fuck they want. And they, and their offspring, all want to live right where they are.

    Hamtramck is no less and no more fucked up than any other town around Detroit.

    If you have a problem with that I suggest you drive there and do something about it. Let me know when you go, I'll go eat some shawarmas after watching your ass get kicked.
    From the outside looking in it seems their pope is right up to the line, and many think it is only a matter of time before he steps over it. That will be an interesting show if he does.
    Pope Francis is clearly running away from Catholic Church Doctrine. I believe he is trying to destroy the Catholic Church. You can already see the split in the Church and how the Pope is going after those who still up hold the true principles/teachings of the Catholic Church.
    Pope Francis is clearly running away from Catholic Church Doctrine. I believe he is trying to destroy the Catholic Church. You can already see the split in the Church and how the Pope is going after those who still up hold the true principles/teachings of the Catholic Church.
    Francis is a libtard fucktard.
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    "When Jesus said to them, 'I AM', they drew back and fell to the ground." John 18:6
    I really fucked with one of my philosophy instructors who used to play the "Theres really nothing you can say thats absolutely irrefutable.

    I told him: "I Am"

    He comes back with the Descartes line ..."But you could be just a figment of my imagination."

    Me: "But even if Im just your imagination, I AM that"

    He got all red in the face and said..."Lets move on."

    And much earlier.

    Exodus 3:14​

    King James Version​

    14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
    Read full chapter
    Exodus 3:14 in all English translations
    King James Version (KJV)
    yeah, I know. that is why, when Jesus made that statement, they knew exactly what he was saying. The connection to the testimonial declaration of God the Father, understood in the past, present, and future tense.
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    yeah, I know. that is why, when Jesus made that statement, they knew exactly what he was saying. The connection to the testimonial declaration of God the Father, understood in the past, present, and future tense.
    When your 'God' youre not subject to time. I's all now.
    What are these “people” thinking? They expect the most intolerant, the religious group with the most long standing belief against anything even close to homosexuality, to welcome one of their core hatred’s.

    It would almost be, beyond hilarious except those alphabet people are so stupid. So demanding and so expecting the world to bow to their every little whim.

    So, so Stupid. So stupid that words do not exist in the English language to describe the depth of that stupidity.

    Haven’t they heard what @Howland pictured. Its a common occurrence.

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