I always wanted to have a SVD, but in the 308 version because I had heard that they were very accurate. I have seen postings about how great they shoot, but thought people were stretching the truth a little. LOL.
I came across one on Gun Broker a couple of months ago and broke down and pulled the trigger on it. I figured if it doesn’t shoot worth a $hit, I can always sell it and get my money back out of it since these in 308 are so rare.
I took it to the range a few weeks ago and shot the weapon with the supplied scope it comes with and its not the greatest in the world if your trying to accurately place a small shot grouping. I decided to throw a Zeiss 6x20x50AO on the weapon and ordered a “Centered” scope mount for it. The mount came in and it was approx ½’ over to far to the right on the weapon, not centered over the barrel, WTF! Plus the mount would not even slide on the rails because part of it was built to far to the right which would not let it slide.
So, I went in to my shop, removed the (4) screws, then went to the hardware store and bought SS screws approx ¼” longer and replaced them with these. I also bought (20) tiny thin washers which I placed around the four screws moving the top art of the mount back to center and allowing the mount to slide on the weapon now. I then used red loc tight for screws once they were the correct distance and tightened everything down, it worked like a dream. There’s nothing like going behind a manufactured product to “Fix” the companies mfg problems.
Well, I mounted the scope up, hand loaded some 308. I used some Federal Brass I had laying around, then used CCI #34 7.62 Primers, 44 gr of Varget and 168gr SMK’s. Off to the range I went to day.
WOW, I’m impressed, once I got the weapon sited in, this thing is a shooter! I’m VERY impressed with the shot groups for a semi auto and a AK variant which is different from the Kalashnikov design it’s based on the Dragunov design which is a short piston gas system instead of a long piston gas system on the AK’s. This gives the weapon a FAR better accurate outcome on shot placement.
I used a 3” target @ 100 yrds, once I got it settled in, the last two groups were five shot groups. These are to the right on the target. The lower group is pretty impressive. The one above it, I had a flyer. Not bad, and I’m happy with the way the weapon preformed, I’ll never doubt anyone claiming the accuracy of SVD in 308 again. It looks like this weapon is a keeper.
And I also I had to bring my baby to shoot also, my TRG. LOL
I came across one on Gun Broker a couple of months ago and broke down and pulled the trigger on it. I figured if it doesn’t shoot worth a $hit, I can always sell it and get my money back out of it since these in 308 are so rare.
I took it to the range a few weeks ago and shot the weapon with the supplied scope it comes with and its not the greatest in the world if your trying to accurately place a small shot grouping. I decided to throw a Zeiss 6x20x50AO on the weapon and ordered a “Centered” scope mount for it. The mount came in and it was approx ½’ over to far to the right on the weapon, not centered over the barrel, WTF! Plus the mount would not even slide on the rails because part of it was built to far to the right which would not let it slide.
So, I went in to my shop, removed the (4) screws, then went to the hardware store and bought SS screws approx ¼” longer and replaced them with these. I also bought (20) tiny thin washers which I placed around the four screws moving the top art of the mount back to center and allowing the mount to slide on the weapon now. I then used red loc tight for screws once they were the correct distance and tightened everything down, it worked like a dream. There’s nothing like going behind a manufactured product to “Fix” the companies mfg problems.
Well, I mounted the scope up, hand loaded some 308. I used some Federal Brass I had laying around, then used CCI #34 7.62 Primers, 44 gr of Varget and 168gr SMK’s. Off to the range I went to day.

WOW, I’m impressed, once I got the weapon sited in, this thing is a shooter! I’m VERY impressed with the shot groups for a semi auto and a AK variant which is different from the Kalashnikov design it’s based on the Dragunov design which is a short piston gas system instead of a long piston gas system on the AK’s. This gives the weapon a FAR better accurate outcome on shot placement.
I used a 3” target @ 100 yrds, once I got it settled in, the last two groups were five shot groups. These are to the right on the target. The lower group is pretty impressive. The one above it, I had a flyer. Not bad, and I’m happy with the way the weapon preformed, I’ll never doubt anyone claiming the accuracy of SVD in 308 again. It looks like this weapon is a keeper.

And I also I had to bring my baby to shoot also, my TRG. LOL
