<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #FF0000">This thread is for communication purposes.</span> </span>
Please post your order numbers in a post. When you receive the order, edit the post with order received and how many days it took. If you want to give some feedback, edit the post again and give a little range report.
When you edit your post, leave the information from the original post, just add when received and any range reports you might want to do.
This is a thread for our campaign to ship much faster then we have. Also, it help with other things.
If you think your order has been misplaced or cannot pick up the tracking, make a new post with "pm sent", and send us a pm here.
We are currently running 308 at 24 hours. We do sell to many police departments, this sometimes delays orders an extra day.
260 ammo is 24 hours shipping in some cases same day depending on the time.
As some can see, we have removed some products from the store, this is temporary until we get completely caught up and can ship in a timely fashion.
We make the best, now it is time to speed up the shipping to be the best.
We thank you all, and look forward to your business.
Please post your order numbers in a post. When you receive the order, edit the post with order received and how many days it took. If you want to give some feedback, edit the post again and give a little range report.
When you edit your post, leave the information from the original post, just add when received and any range reports you might want to do.
This is a thread for our campaign to ship much faster then we have. Also, it help with other things.
If you think your order has been misplaced or cannot pick up the tracking, make a new post with "pm sent", and send us a pm here.
We are currently running 308 at 24 hours. We do sell to many police departments, this sometimes delays orders an extra day.
260 ammo is 24 hours shipping in some cases same day depending on the time.
As some can see, we have removed some products from the store, this is temporary until we get completely caught up and can ship in a timely fashion.
We make the best, now it is time to speed up the shipping to be the best.
We thank you all, and look forward to your business.