T1x 17hmr to 22lr


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 21, 2020
I currently have a T1x in 17hmr and would like to swap over to 22lr so I can participate in local matches. Is this as simple as swapping barrels and magazines? I’d upgrade the barrel while I’m at it.
Or would I be better off letting the 17hmr go and picking up a 22lr? If I did that I’d probably upgrade to a Vudoo next time one popped up in marketplace.
I'd keep the .17 HMR, and also pickup one in .22LR. 👍🏼

.17 HMR is a great little cartridge, especially for varmints. Mine is really accurate. It will regularly shoot 1.25"-1.5" groups @ 200 yards with Hornady 20gr. JHP ammo.
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