Suppressors TAB SAS Uber Failure

Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tburkes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I AM TAB GEAR sir.

Please see my post above for my reply to your email to Jacob.

There won't be any phone calls from myself or anyone at Rifles Only. Again, see my above post for the reasoning behind not calling.

Your refund is in the mail.

Not only is it not a good idea to express your dissatisfaction with a product here like you did, it's probably not the proper way to do it anywhere in the world if you want help in resolving an issue.

Good luck in the future.


Tony FTW
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARdude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This Troll has not heard back from them. I'm not nocking their customer service or Tony, I bagged on one product. Back to my cave. </div></div>

You are the biggest dumbass and a major tool. Do us all a favor and delete your account here and go back to arfcom where you belong!!!
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARdude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This Troll has not heard back from them. I'm not nocking their customer service or Tony, I bagged on one product. Back to my cave. </div></div>

Dude, just go away.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Dagsta</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ninja could you adjust sig pic 45 degrees! </div></div>

If I did that, even I wouldn't be able to go through a thread in a timely fashion.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

Not to steal this thread (
), but please consider his refund my order for three covers, one Surefire FA762SS, one FA556-212, and one JET 5.56 can. SAS1's please. We will settle up in three weeks Sir! If I burn them up, I'll order more! After all they should be considered a consumable item.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

I didn't buy the product from this forum. I bought from a company that sells the product. I contacted the company and the manufatuter and they have not responded. THIS IS A FORUM not a commercial site. I can say what ever I want here, and all the tools & posers can respond & I don't care. My wife & I own a company with brick & mortar. We deel with customers who actually show up & buy products. WHen people get pissed we deal with them directly. Not through a forum. I ranted here, because I can, and people do it all the time. I was not looking to SH to be the venue for problem resolution. I knew posting here would invoke negative comments. I am a big boy and accept it.

What I don't accept is for a company to hide in the forum and try to resolve the problem here when I did infact reach out to you for resolution and included a pesrsonal apology. This is not custome service I didn't post here for that. I did email TAB, and nothing.

But I'm getting what I wanted and if this influenced it I win, money back.

So, you posers who are buds with this guy lied. He has no customer service working from his home & hiding in the forum.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

I had same thing happen with cover a while back. Tiny wrinkle inside the cover got hot and melted seam. Sent Tony email and he took care of it. Super service. Great guy and Im glad I bought my cover from him.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARdude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
But I'm getting what I wanted and if this influenced it I win, money back.

You got more from TAB then you deserve... I wouldn't have faulted him if he didn't give you your money back, but the fact that he did says a lot more about him and his company then you will ever understand. The way I see it you used the product in a manner it is clearly not intended for. Then instead of being a man and realizing you made a mistake you acted like a little kid and threw a temper tantrum. Congrats on your "victory".
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARdude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't buy the product from this forum. I bought from a company that sells the product. I contacted the company and the manufatuter and they have not responded. THIS IS A FORUM not a commercial site. I can say what ever I want here, and all the tools & posers can respond & I don't care. My wife & I own a company with brick & mortar. We deel with customers who actually show up & buy products. WHen people get pissed we deal with them directly. Not through a forum. I ranted here, because I can, and people do it all the time. I was not looking to SH to be the venue for problem resolution. I knew posting here would invoke negative comments. I am a big boy and accept it.

What I don't accept is for a company to hide in the forum and try to resolve the problem here when I did infact reach out to you for resolution and included a pesrsonal apology. This is not custome service I didn't post here for that. I did email TAB, and nothing.

But I'm getting what I wanted and if this influenced it I win, money back.

So, you posers who are buds with this guy lied. He has no customer service working from his home & hiding in the forum.</div></div>

You're a douche.

You will have no need to worry about posting here again as you will not be able. Your slanderous comments about a top-notch vendor is not only completely off the mark (much like your shooting I imagine) but unnecessary. From your own admission you brought your complaints here solely for the purpose of stirring the pot regarding an issue brought on by yourself during the incorrect use of a product.

Might I also recommend that your next online or brick and mortar purchase be a dictionary? Reading your post harkened me back to correcting a child's English assignment.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARdude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

What I don't accept is for a company to hide in the forum and try to resolve the problem here when I did infact reach out to you for resolution and included a pesrsonal apology. This is not custome service I didn't post here for that. I did email TAB, and nothing.

So, you posers who are buds with this guy lied. He has no customer service working from his home & hiding in the forum. </div></div>

I guess he didn't seeing as you expected an automatic response... In the real world it takes a little time for someone to find and decipher your grammatical disaster of an email, then reply. You just wanted to bitch on the net like every other ass clown.

Go the fuck away. misses you...
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ARdude</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I can say what ever I want here... We deel with customers ... WHen people get pissed we deal with them directly. Not through a forum. I ranted here, because I can, and people do it all the time... What I don't accept is for a company to hide in the forum and try to resolve the problem here... So, you posers who are buds with this guy lied. He has no customer service working from his home & hiding in the forum. </div></div>When the owner of a company posts a direct reponse, offers a prompt no-questions-asked refund to one of his customers, and he does it on the biggest dedicated forum on the Net, the allegation that he is somehow 'hiding' makes no sense.

There are few better ways to announce one's 'poser' status than asserting the right to free speech on a privately-owned Forum. Although first misusing a product, then refusing to take advice from those who are clearly more experienced in its use, would probably suffice on its own.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

Its time for you to put your head in your ass and bear down really hard. Not only did you make an obvious mistake, your not blaming the right person-yourself. TAB gear owes you nothing.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GardDog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There should be a limit on using "Uber" in a shooting forum. </div></div>

I think Mike just UBER-BANNED him for life! LMFAO....
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Keep your money Tony. This clown does not deserve a refund. </div></div>

Sometimes its easier to give the retards a lil dough back just to shut them up. I know Tony's products are well above the quality that this ARdude is implying, and so do the number os members on here. He should've been banned from th second he made this idiotic thread about him abusing his product and bitching about it.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

Tony is a first class individual. TAB gear is first class kit. Calling this guy a dill hole and douche bag is insulting to all douche bags and dill holes out there.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: StanwoodSpartan</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Keep your money Tony. This clown does not deserve a refund. </div></div>

Sometimes its easier to give the retards a lil dough back just to shut them up. I know Tony's products are well above the quality that this ARdude is implying, and so do the number os members on here. He should've been banned from th second he made this idiotic thread about him abusing his product and bitching about it. </div></div>

Not sure about you Woody but I dont hold much value in what the tards be saying....

Not to mention we have ALL stood up and voiced our opinions on Tony's products and stellar service. By the way, I am placing an order for TAB Gear stuff right now.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

So, not long after we are admonished not to attack new guys (or girls, in this case), a classic example of why we <span style="font-weight: bold">should</span> slithers in.

ARdood, just because you got booted from Arfcom doesn't mean you have a home here.

Think I need to order another two covers from Tony.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

Once again to all of our friends and customers, thank you for your support, we really appreciate it.

I got an email from some of our customers in afghanistan yesterday showing a couple of pictures of them using our suppressor covers and they were expressing their appreciation for a good product. We love hearing back from guys serving our country that are using our gear.

We have a lifetime warranty on all of our products and the customer determines what that lifetime is. We've always done what ever the customer wants to make them a happy customer. I believer that this is the first refund we've ever sent back to a customer. Nothing here influenced that at all.

ARdude, I'm really a loss as to how you can complain about the customer service. You wanted a refund, my wife stood in line for 47 minutes the first day the PO was opened after your complaint was brought to light and put your check in the mail for the cover plus your shipping. We can't do any better than that.

You have a good weekend.
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tburkes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Once again to all of our friends and customers, thank you for your support, we really appreciate it.

I got an email from some of our customers in afghanistan yesterday showing a couple of pictures of them using our suppressor covers and they were expressing their appreciation for a good product. We love hearing back from guys serving our country that are using our gear.

We have a lifetime warranty on all of our products and the customer determines what that lifetime is. We've always done what ever the customer wants to make them a happy customer. I believer that this is the first refund we've ever sent back to a customer. Nothing here influenced that at all.

ARdude, I'm really a loss as to how you can complain about the customer service. You wanted a refund, my wife stood in line for 47 minutes the first day the PO was opened after your complaint was brought to light and put your check in the mail for the cover plus your shipping. We can't do any better than that.

You have a good weekend. </div></div>

You went above and beyond what you needed to do that speek volumes about your buisness repore
After what he did i would have told him to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut and do us all a favor and go suck start his rifle
Re: TAB SAS Uber Failure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ninja Pirtle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Not cool dude. You must of abused the equipment, I have 3 TAB suppressor covers and never failed. It will melt when abused. Stop typing because you will not like the outcome.</div></div>

This thread went to s**t for me after seeing your sig video... I can't even remember what this thread was about. You sir, are a genius.

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