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Hidin since '06
Full Member
Aug 9, 2006
Arcadia, IN
Today was my six year old daughter's first day of school. We went to a very brief meet the teacher orientation last night and they have both a Mac and a PC lab at her school. She has been talking about getting a laptop for a couple of months now and I've dismissed the idea. She can barely read at this point so I figured she wouldn't have much use for a laptop (not that I have the money to buy one burning a hole in my pocket anyway).

I've seen a commercial for the iPad (I think) which showed a young child using it to practice writing/spelling. I have very limited experience with them and was hoping someone here may. Would a tablet be something useful as a learning tool for my daughter? She loses interest in things quickly (practicing writing, etc) but electronic gadgets seem to hold her interest more. If there are programs available that would make it a worthwhile learning tool I'd consider getting her one. Recommendations if any particular brand/operating system leads the pack would be appreciated also.
Re: Tablets?

I am in the exact same boat. Little Clawz' is begging for an IPAD and I am not willing to toss the money out the window as his interest will peak at about 36hrs after purchase. I will then be forced to sit and look at the stack of cash being left around in lady clawz' vehicle, my office, the kitchen (probably have milk or some food smeared on it) and maybe even the bathroom....I found him playing on a leapster one time will standing in the shower?!?!?!? I walked out as that was beyond any explanation he could offer me...

Maybe we could both buy IPADS in a different color and swap them back and forth..the kids could open the packages and feel like its a new toy every other week?
Re: Tablets?

My daughter is 5 and I am impressed by her ability to manipulate digital devices at this age. I am a believer in promoting the digital interface but I think I will end up buying 'Mom' an IPAD which gets my daughter's crap loaded on to it - score points with both.

One other thought - Apple gives the finger to small business when you suggest that you want to negotiate on the price of their products. Dell on the other hand - the last 5 products I have purchased from them I have been able to negotiate 10% - 15% off the final build price. Apple reserves these discounts for those that don't produce shit, and feed off of tax dollars - i.e. schools and teachers are included in this pool. You might consider trying to get a group buy going through your district using the district's discount. Worst case, call and negotiate the deal through your kid's teacher.

Good luck
Re: Tablets?

Mo - Not all people affiliated with the education system are sucking the tit.

I will look into Dell....Thanks for the heads up.

Keep an eye in the FOR SALE area over the next few months...I will probably be listing a nearly new IPAD for sale...
Re: Tablets?


A tablet "could" be a good learning tool for a youngster, but understand that the learning will mostly take place running educational apps, most in the form of a game (which kids dig). I have an Ipad and an Ipad2, my 9yr old son loves the portability of it but it is no replacement for a laptop. With a laptop you have a much greater selection of learning software and (what I find very important) the child learns to type using an actual keyboard, this pays huge dividends later in life. Also the Ipad products do not support adobe flash which can cause problems when playing simple internet learning games.

The Ipads have their place, email, net surfing, portable movie player etc... I travel with one and it's mostly perfect, but it does not replace a laptop.

For the price of an Ipad2 you can buy a laptop that runs windows, I personnely hate windows but it does work for most people. Where an apple laptop will set you back about $1000 (the least expensive) and your daughter, if anything like my son will probably ruin at least one or two keyboards eating and drinking while playing. It boils down to how much function you need at the expense of portability. Where the Laptop is your 308, the Ipad is more like a 22lr, it'll mostly get the job done and you have a lot of fun shooting it.

Hope this helps you
Re: Tablets?

Before you make a purchase be sure to first see which Operating System you are comfortable with and which one you feel offers you the most benefits. There are educational programs for both the Ipad and Android. However the feel you get from the operating systems will dictate your experience. I had an iphone and ipad for a while when they first came out but now currently own a droid x and motorola xoom. I love my xoom, but I wouldn't recommend it to everybody.

Both the Ipad and Xoom (or really any android tablet) can do the same things in general, but they go about it very differently. Get some time behind the machines and be sure that you are comfortable with the experience. Your daughter will love either one and the apps with both systems provide a serious learning tool for all ages.

Hope that helps somehow.

- Brandon
Re: Tablets?

I have 4 kids (ages 13, 10, 6 and 5). We have 2 ipads, 2 laptops and 1 apple macbook air. I agree with Runamuk. The laptops have a TON of free learning software online. Our schools gives us web addresses of learning sites that are free. Our kids use the laptops. The kids do love playing with the ipads but the educational software is expensive. If you can afford it get both, I think exposing kids to as much technology (but not games) the better. If you have to choose only one then a $300 laptop I think is a better choice.
Re: Tablets?

Just read an article that said HP is already discontinuing their Touchpad. It is expected to go on clearance at places like Best Buy and Target for around $99! Was just selling for $400+ a few days ago.
Re: Tablets?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: blue_ridge</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just read an article that said HP is already discontinuing their Touchpad. It is expected to go on clearance at places like Best Buy and Target for around $99! Was just selling for $400+ a few days ago. </div></div>

As much as I despise Hewlett Packard I would probably snag one if I saw it for $99.
Re: Tablets?

Just keep in mind that for 99 bucks yes you are getting a tablet for dang cheap. But you're also getting a tablet that HP bailed ship on without anytime to work through the kinks that may currently be there oor which may come up. It's still up in the air how or if they will support the tablet but you can be sure that it won't be supported as much as other options. Just something to consider while drooling over a 100 dollar tablet.
Re: Tablets?

Trust me, I've come to expect zero worthwhile support from anything HP. We've had their computers and their printers and couldn't get the two to work together to save my life. Any and all calls to "tech support" are routed directly to someone in India who "speaks" English as their 4th language and don't know how to say anything that isn't on their que cards.
Re: Tablets?

Start your kids off early on the computers. There are many programs aimed at all age groups that they will be able to use to further not only their inate curiousity, but their very open minds that are like sponges for learning. Within a few years they will also be ten times more computer savvy than you as well. My last two boys started at about three when they could actually push buttons one at a time. The oldest, well he started at age 5 in school and within a few years could troubleshoot a comp for error mesages better than me.
It will be money well spent Phylo!
Re: Tablets?

Hp discontinued the Touchpad line this weekend.
Prices were slashed at retailers and their online store to $99 and $149, respectively for the 16 and 32 gb models.

I found out too late and found the shelves emptied out.

My plan was to grab a couple and wait for the forthcoming Android and Ubuntu ports.


HP has tweeted that more are inbound, but the store has no reservation system, so you just have to time it right.


HP Store
Re: Tablets?

1) The comment earlier in the thread about those sucking the tit of government and then specifically including teachers in that was unnecessary and offensive. My wife is a teacher. I know some places they have strong unions and make way more than they should. My wife happens to teach in the 2nd lowest paying district in one of the lowest paying states for teachers. She works more than the hours she is contracted for shit pay. Unlike many of her colleagues, her students *universally* make AYP and have -- every year of her career.

For many of the students in her community, she is one of few positive influences in thier life, and the school is one of the few places they can count on getting a full meal, to say nothing of safety and security compared to many of the students' home lives.

Yet, if i ever lose my job, we are screwed because what she makes would barely clear the mortgage, let alone the rest of life.

2) Be wary of tablets. Do your research rather than just blindly buy something because junior wants it.

2a) Make sure you understand what you are getting it for and what parental controls and real educational applications that particular tablet has if you intend to get it for little fingers and the little eyes that go along with them.

2b) Do not sign a carrier contract just to get a free tablet instead of a phone. The lifecycle on the current generation of tablets is going to be half of what most contracts are these days. In other words, they are screwing you and you will pay more for the tablet getting it as part of service than buying one outright and setting up a wireless network at home.

3) Go to squaretrade.com and buy a warranty with accidental damage from handling (ADH) if your tablet is anything but an ipad. Apple's applecare warranty is the only other warranty I personally recommend -- and you almost have to get it if you want software support (like for iTunes for example) for use with your tablet after 90 days.

This ADH coverage is PARTICULARLY important if the tablet is for little (and careless) fingers.

4) In RE the touchpad. Its already unsupported. A lot of people went out and bought it because they can blow $100 on a tablet but are not in a position to afford $300 or $400. Realize that the operating system that the touchpad runs is not run on any other tablet or computer on the planet. HP says they will continue to support it but given that they dont sell anything that runs it, who knows how long that will last.

If you can find one and you dont care that your $150 or $200 from buying one in the secondary market right now is potentially completely wasted 6-9 months from now, go ahead.

Realize that the app store for the touchpad has less than 1% of the applications available for Android or the iPad.

5) Make sure you know what is coming up before you buy a tablet now. As of this writing, Amazon has pressed thier suppliers in china and taiwan to get manufacturing stepped up so that both tablets Amazon is releasing will go out this year instead of staged releases with a small tablet this year and the more powerful offering next year.

The Amazon tablet, like the kindle, is likely to be produced and sold at break even or a slight loss because Amazon can content-integrate and use a model similar to how consoles are priced and sold in order to make a profit on the books/movies/apps you buy for it.

If you are considering an iPad 2 for the holidays, you may be interested to know that the iPad 3 is currently prepped to release in Q1 next year and that some of the information that is out there right now indicates that it represents a significant leap forward from the iPad 2. Screen resolution up to double the current version, much more hardware capability in processing and graphics.

Remember, something new is going to come o ut after you buy whatever you get. Make sure that you understand what you are buying and why this is the right choice for you. .... and why you will STILL think its the right choice 6 months from now when that other thing is out. If that other thing coming out is more important to you, maybe wait instead of kicking yourself later.
Re: Tablets?

If they were Android based operating systems, I would have picked a couple up. But since they are not and HP is not going to support the platform anymore, why waste the money if there isn't anything backing it up and no third party vendor adding new software sealed the deal as a no go for me.
Re: Tablets?

I ordered an HP Touchpad (Student plan) they were out of the $99, got the $149 deal (32G) with the $30 off coupon.
I already have an Ipad 1 and was considering an Ipad 2 for the wife. Her uses are internet access, typing notes, reading ebooks, pdf, email, watch movies when flying, Skype.
For the money, an "orphan system" is acceptable.
Re: Tablets?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bacarrat</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If they were Android based operating systems, I would have picked a couple up. But since they are not and HP is not going to support the platform anymore, why waste the money if there isn't anything backing it up and no third party vendor adding new software sealed the deal as a no go for me. </div></div>

There's already a means by which you can load Ubuntu and Droid is in the works.