Tactial Rifles 308 Rifle

I keep reading all the bad posts about TR.net and I'm confused. I own 3 TR rifles all of which are great shooting rifles. 300wsm, 223 ar and the newest 7mm-08. The company and David Rooney have been super. It appears that somebody had a problem with them posted something negative and everyone jumped on the pile. I can only speak for myself but I think that Tactical Rifles is a standup company.View attachment 26164View attachment 26165View attachment 26166View attachment 26167

I hope these are at least 200 yard groups...
You'd think Rooney would have the sense to just let these threads go dormant for lack of further information, but NO. This assclown keep sending shills, which just adds fresh chum to the water. I'm guessing most of these guys will have important jobs at TRs SHOT booth, like combing Rooney's anal hair.
It's odd that so many of the folks sticking up for TR use the same awful grammar... Makes a fellow wonder.

Another thing is all the guys who sign up to tell us about the .0000000000000009 MOA they are getting, and the 756 confirmed kills in the sand box on their 10th tour of duty with their TR rifles, never post anywhere except the TR threads. It's almost like Rooney makes his rounds every few months on gun forums to try and hype up his over priced pieces of shit.
Wow ... didn't realize this would set off such a shit storm.

Just an FYI this is not Rooney ... truely new to the forum and will do my best to comply with what people are asking for here. I will hopefully have time tonight to go and get photos of the above referenced items and get stuff loaded onto the thread. Will get pic of certificate and post as well.

Sorry for causing such a flury of things here...

Try to answer a couple of questions now:

Delt with Rooney, build took about 11 months, cost was roughly $4,000 (I can put an exact number together if needed ... the invoice had accessories that i purchased as well so will need to remove them to get to exact total).

That nice little group they like to show off is from the 50 yard line so any other so called claims they make are null and void! I could think of a million other companies to build a rifle before them.
I too was stung by the harsh reality that Rooney is a slap dick. Ordered a 338 LM and over 2 years later here were the problems: The bedding looked as if an infant bedded my action. Bedding was a good 5.5 inches past the recoil lug and when fired, white shit would come flying out of the stock. Turns out, the adjustment screw on the front of the trigger assembly was rubbing on the bedding causing it to flake off. I had S&S precision re bed the stock like a professional gunsmith knows how to do. The weak firing pin spring was causing light primer strikes in approx. 1/3 of the attempts. Had to order a new spring. The stock was not inletted properly resulting ion the bolt not being able to fully close ( which at first, I thought was the cause of the light primer strikes). Had to dremel out the stock so the bolt could close. The bottom metal seems as if it is not the right size. No mag will fit smoothly without a little grinding. The bottom metal is nowhere near flush to the stock and as I've read in many other posts is very sharp and rough around the edges. Now, I will take some responsibility as I did not check these things upon receiving the firearm. Only after the gun would not shoot did I notice that the bedding was botched. Several e mails to this ass went ignored so I had to take it to someone who knew what they were doing to fix my $4500+ pile of garbage. I am by no means an expert and I don't shoot competitions. But I do like shooting pigs with big cool guns and for that kind of money I expected better workmanship and performance than a stock gun off the shelf. Now the rifle is acceptable but by no means exceptional. I guess that's the way it goes when you stray from the known and competent smiths as have been mentioned in prior posts. Just wanted to vent and throw another name in the long line of people this incompetent ass clown has duped into sending him money.

And yes, I kick myself every day for not taking pictures of the workmanship prior to fixing.
Wow. I'd be one pissed SOB if my 4k+ rifle shot like that. I've got stock 700's that would smoke that and a few AR's that would hang with it.

The sad thing is, those are probably the best groups ever shot with it.
Well for all of you that have had dealings with Tactical Rifles and David Rooney, you will be happy to know that I have sued both and actually was able to pierce the corporate veil and got a Judgment yesterday against David Rooney personally! Please PM me for more information!
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I really cannot believe I was stupid enough not check out Tactical Rifles before I allowed myself to be cheated. I was so naive to swallow the article in American Rifleman. I could have retained my savings if I had only known about Sniper's Hide and you folks.

I hope not one additional person gets cheated by Tactical Rifles or injured by their slapped together pieces of garbage that trick stupid people like me into buying.
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