

Full Member
Nov 17, 2011
La Porte, TX
Not exactly part of everyday shooting equipment but wasn't sure where to post this. I'm wanting to get some tannerite to play with. Just wondering if their was a sight sponsor that sells it or who knows we're to get it for the cheapest price. ; )
Re: Tannerite

Cheapest way is to make it youself. Roughly 85% amonium nitrate (34-0-0 fertilizer) and 15% aluminum powder by weight(Egay). Price works out to be about 80 cents a pound. You can buy up to 25 lbs. of 34-0-0 with no legal issues at all. Not quite as good as Tannerite but still plenty loud and takes a hight velocity round to set it off.
Re: Tannerite

I may try to make some when my buddy gets back into town. He's eod in the air force so that's right up his alley. I'll probably buy a little just to try it out. I've never shot tannerite before so I'm still curios. Thanks again!
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hogshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Cheapest way is to make it youself. Roughly 85% amonium nitrate (34-0-0 fertilizer) and 15% aluminum powder by weight(Egay). Price works out to be about 80 cents a pound. You can buy up to 25 lbs. of 34-0-0 with no legal issues at all. Not quite as good as Tannerite but still plenty loud and takes a hight velocity round to set it off. </div></div>

I'd think you would need some potassium perchlorate in there to make it go boom from being shot...
Re: Tannerite

What are you classifying bulk as? 10lbs 20lbs? I was looking at 20lbs but didn't see the benifit in buy any more then that... Plus they claim it doesn't store well.
Re: Tannerite

One thing to check for is i know here in nevada they are saying its legal to buy it, legal to have it but illegal if your caught shooting it because of fires out here in the west. not sure of the truth to that but it'd be worth checking into. some guys here were shooting at it mixed with diesel and started a fire, they got a bill in the mail from the blm for 40grand.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Munson</div><div class="ubbcode-body">shot some of that stuff today for the first time...it will surely put a smile on your face! </div></div>


have only shot it a couple times, but it makes me grin every time
I pay about $7/lb for it at Jays Sporting Goods for the Star Targets brand.

be creative on what you shoot at. My old computer hutch was a hoot. If you're going to pile stuff anywhere around the tannerite when you shoot it - please stay back further than the recommended distances (says 100 yds min on the 1 lb packs i got) so you dont get in the way of flying debris. Peices of my old computer hutch went 75' in the air and 40-50 yds toward me.

I think i'm going to 'office space' that old inkjet printer next time around - tannerite style.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Helter</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Hogshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Cheapest way is to make it youself. Roughly 85% amonium nitrate (34-0-0 fertilizer) and 15% aluminum powder by weight(Egay). Price works out to be about 80 cents a pound. You can buy up to 25 lbs. of 34-0-0 with no legal issues at all. Not quite as good as Tannerite but still plenty loud and takes a hight velocity round to set it off. </div></div>

I'd think you would need some potassium perchlorate in there to make it go boom from being shot...</div></div>

no, not at all... but 15% is a bit rich and not needed..

The formula is 95% AN to 5% AL by weight. So for 100 grams of AMMONIUM NITRATE you need 5 grams of Aluminum powder.

1 of mine




Re: Tannerite

I have to agree with Ring. You are able to make your own and it is very easy to do. If you cant find any locally then go online to a pyrotechnics store most places sell what you need and you dont need any paperwork either just make sure you dont buy more then 50 lbs at a time is all. And do not buy the AL powder in a 2 to 1 ratio either. I found another site online that sells the AL powder military grade as well.
Re: Tannerite

You can also mix some other powder metals in it as well to make a larger boom or to make you feel the precusion from it more but you will need to be careful because it could make the reactivity of it be even less which could make it go off even easier so be carefull what all you mix with what.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ring</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Helter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Hogshooter said:
Cheapest way is to make it youself. Roughly 85% amonium nitrate (34-0-0 fertilizer) and 15% aluminum powder by weight(Egay). Price works out to be about 80 cents a pound. You can buy up to 25 lbs. of 34-0-0 with no legal issues at all. Not quite as good as Tannerite but still plenty loud and takes a hight velocity round to set it off. </div></div>

I'd think you would need some potassium perchlorate in there to make it go boom from being shot...</div></div>

no, not at all... but 15% is a bit rich and not needed..

The formula is 95% AN to 5% AL by weight. So for 100 grams of AMMONIUM NITRATE you need 5 grams of Aluminum powder.

Ring nailed it!

AN needs to be turned into powder, use your wifes blender when she's out shopping, 2 micron AL is an controlled substance now.
Re: Tannerite

Correct on the 95 / 5 mixture. Thats what I use. I do not know how I came up with the 85 / 15 numbers. In response to Helters post. "I'd think you would need some potassium perchlorate in there to make it go boom from being shot..." <span style="font-weight: bold">Do not under any circumstances add any potassium perchlorate. This chemical will sensitize it too much to the point of possibly exploding when mixing. </span>
Re: Tannerite

Guys , This is my world your talking about.
Keep the Aluminum out of the fucking blender!!! Also , DO NOT ADD PERCHLORATE TO IT !!! It will be friction and static sensitive .

Next caveat..... You can buy it , you can store it , you can transport it ....... But...... To MIX it or USE it requires a license.

End of story . You are mixing a binary comp.

Re: Tannerite

According to the ATFE regs that are posted on Tannerites site you can transport it in it's 2 component form with no issues. Once you mix it it cannot be transported since it is now a binary explosive. No problem shooting it as long as it is not prohibited in your locality.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pyrofx</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mixing ANY binary explosive requires a license . End of story .

Now , don't be doing anything stupid and nobody cares . There are a coule guys in Ca right now in deep shit for using the stuff.But then they were also blowing up an old van with it .

See page 62 , #17
http://www.atf.gov/publications/download/p/atf-p-5400-7.pdf </div></div>

The ATF disagrees... Look at the "manufacturing" section.
From your link, the key phrase to focus on is "business use".

Good to know about not needing the perchlorate for use with rifle. I've used a modified flash powder recipe in the past for use with .22, but never really experimented on how sensitive it needed to be. That certainly makes it a lot safer to handle.
Re: Tannerite

there is no law i know of in nevada that allows it to be sold possesed but NOT used??????? just saying it should tell you thats bs blow that shit up by the ton if you want here in nevada!!!!!
Re: Tannerite

Local gun club had a Jeep Cherokee packed with this stuff in a few key areas - watched as the one charge stuffed in the fender blew the hood clear off the hinges and about 10ft in the air. Definitely agree with plant.one - be safe and keep your distance with this stuff.
Re: Tannerite

Amminium nitrate around here now is sold commercially as "ammonia fertilizer", which is 34-0-0-12S, which is 12% sulphur. I think this is made to not blow. This was brought into being after OK City... I haven't tried to buy any ammonium nitrate in small quantities, so I don't know if 34-0-0 is still for sale in these parts. Garden supply maybe?
Re: Tannerite

I was going to tell an alternate source for finding the AN but man this shit just has liability written all over it. I definately don't need ATF knocking on my door I got enough issues in my life. Knowledge is good but application can be BAD! It may sound oh so cool til they take your guns and your sitting in federal lock up for manufacturing an explosive. God I'm probably on some damn watch list now just for typing the combination of words in this post.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pure_mahem</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I was going to tell an alternate source for finding the AN but man this shit just has liability written all over it. I definately don't need ATF knocking on my door I got enough issues in my life. Knowledge is good but application can be BAD! It may sound oh so cool til they take your guns and your sitting in federal lock up for manufacturing an explosive. God I'm probably on some damn watch list now just for typing the combination of words in this post. </div></div>

If you look at the link I posted above (http://www.atf.gov/explosives/how-to/binary-explosives.html) the atf is totally cool with people making explosives for personal use such as target practice. The specifically mention AN/AL mixture as their example.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Helter</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pyrofx</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mixing ANY binary explosive requires a license . End of story .

Now , don't be doing anything stupid and nobody cares . There are a coule guys in Ca right now in deep shit for using the stuff.But then they were also blowing up an old van with it .

See page 62 , #17
http://www.atf.gov/publications/download/p/atf-p-5400-7.pdf </div></div>

The ATF disagrees... Look at the "manufacturing" section.
From your link, the key phrase to focus on is "business use".

Good to know about not needing the perchlorate for use with rifle. I've used a modified flash powder recipe in the past for use with .22, but never really experimented on how sensitive it needed to be. That certainly makes it a lot safer to handle.

Helter, I had an ATF explosives class a couple of weeks ago and was told the same thing by the instructor. As long as you don't transport it after mixed you're good to go.
Re: Tannerite

I have a friend who has a doctorate in chemistry and works as an explosives engineer for a large DoD contractor.
So the company bought some Tannerite to check out what it is and he determined the original ingredients were "crap".
So, he obtained ultra high quality amonium nitrate and then pure AL which he ground to his own specs in the lab.
This resulted in an expolsive results 4x larger than original.
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LanceS4803</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have a friend who has a doctorate in chemistry and works as an explosives engineer for a large DoD contractor.
So the company bought some Tannerite to check out what it is and he determined the original ingredients were "crap".
So, he obtained ultra high quality amonium nitrate and then pure AL which he ground to his own specs in the lab.
This resulted in an expolsive results 4x larger than original. </div></div>

I don't know what the ultra high quality 34-0-0 you speak of is. The reason it is called 34-0-0 is do to the blend of the fertilizer being used. In the next few weeks we will use about 75 tons of it blended with other compounds. If I want 10 tons of 34-0-0 it will be delivered to my farm no questions asked and it will be the ultra high quality you speak of!!

With that being said I know nothing about tannerite. But I am very familiar with the fertilizer used in tannerite
Re: Tannerite

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wdebo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I don't know what the ultra high quality 34-0-0 you speak of is. The reason it is called 34-0-0 is do to the blend of the fertilizer being used. In the next few weeks we will use about 75 tons of it blended with other compounds. If I want 10 tons of 34-0-0 it will be delivered to my farm no questions asked and it will be the ultra high quality you speak of!!</div></div>

I don't know either. He said something about USP, and that the purity of the ingredients is the key.
This guy has an amazing job. he travels to other countries to pickup explosive items for reverse engineering. He worked on the US version of the Soviet thermobaric and is doing testing on the old H&K caseless ammo.