There wasn’t any tuning. The mod 2 barrels simply aren’t compatible, as they aren’t a standard gas system length, nor is their gas port the same distance off the shoulder. While you can dimple it where it lands and let the block float out there, it loses half its support - and sealing area - because of the mod 2 gas block threads. Now for the ECC and older models, they’re still a standard rifle gas length and you can put a block on them if you desire. It just defeats the whole purpose of having that high-dollar rifle system if you’re going back to square one and tuning it with peasant-level parts. As well as kills the value. That’s why I say do your own barrel. For continuing the tuning of a factory 25, the system needs to be left as it is: bolt group, buffer spring, etc. I made some tweaks in there for mine, but the overall system design and it’s weights are the same.