My rifle collection is growing, and those TBAC mounts are expensive. Plus, I am considering getting a full auto rated can so that I don't have to baby it very much. The 800* limit on the TBAC kinda makes me nervous, probably unjustifiably.
That said, would you all recommend
A - Putting the TBAC mounts on everything.
B- Shifting the the Area 419 system.
Pros of Area 419 - works with other cans, which I may buy going forward, WAY cheaper...
Pros of TBAC - I honestly don't know, I would assume more accurate?
That said, would you all recommend
A - Putting the TBAC mounts on everything.
B- Shifting the the Area 419 system.
Pros of Area 419 - works with other cans, which I may buy going forward, WAY cheaper...
Pros of TBAC - I honestly don't know, I would assume more accurate?