Re: Teaching Young Soldiers Long Range shooting
Hi Here is how WTU got involved. When I was studying with Mas Ayob and Marty Hays at FAS we had several vets including a retired USMC SGM who is one of my closest freinds. We got to talking about wounded guys coming home and we were worried about some of these guys being victims of thugs as someone in a wheel chair or on crutches have limited means of self defense. So we started working on techniques that these guys could use to defend themselves.
I got home to Sierra Vista and I have a couple of buddies who are in wheelchairs, and my MIL is in a chair so I developed these techniques pretty darn effectively.
Then a buddy of mine, Robin Marsett who teaches fly fishing at WTU said, "Hey TF, why don't we hit the 1st Shirt on you teaching defensive shooting and CCW to the folks in WTU?"
We did and 1st Sgt Kim said, "Hell yes."
From there we had a bunch of requests from the cadre and guys who are transitioning BACK to regular units for training.
WTU sponsered me and other units got on board.
Then I met Erwin Ballarta a former Texas Ranger and head of the Texas NG traiing section and he decided to bring me on board with him so we intend to get these classes going at Ft. Hood.
Now Ayoob himself is with us and the three of us will train different folks in Texas and AZ.
I charge civilians so I can make it free to the guys deploying.
So, that's how it is moving west.