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Movie Theater Technical Difficulties


Full Member
Dec 9, 2008
South-East Michigan
OK maybe this is whining but it really annoys me when the firearm facts in a book are wrong. In movies I expect "theatrics" but in a book written by an expert I hope for solid facts. I just finished "The Red Circle" by Brandon Webb and enjoyed the book as a whole but some of the firearm innacuracies were glaring:

... The H&K MP-5 9mm submachinegun. The designation "submachinegun" means it fires subsonic rounds.

... we were introduced to some of the heavier machine guns, the .50 caliber and .60 caliber, ...

When your firing pin hits the bullet's strike plate, it sets off an initial powder charge, and the exploding powder creates creates a rapidly expanding gas bubble, which propels the slug, or front portion of the bullet, through the chamber.

They used the .300 Win Mag, which shoots almost 1,000 feet per second faster than the .308 and has a much flatter trajectory.

I'm a very knowledgable shooter and recognize these innacuracies and it causes me to question the facts presented that I have no way of verifying. I have found these kind of issues with many of the current military biographical books. Usually they are small mistakes but it drives me nuts.
Anyone else care about the small stuff?
Re: Technical Difficulties

I hear you, and some may call that type of crap "editorial license' or something to that effect. Grandeur, even?

Point is though, it makes about as much sense as 'flying monkeys', low-fat ice-cream, and government protection.

So yes, statements as such do definitely detract from the credibility of the storyteller, in my opinion. But that's just me.