Just another POS that us taxpayers will house , cloth and feed for the rest of his useless life.
Yep, total waste.
I had to go to a school in the hood outside of Chicago one year when the state politicians managed to get some lines redrawn that incorporated parts of places like Lake Forest/Lake Bluff and other upper middle class areas into the poorest district in the state. It was ironically listed by the state as District 187. They did this because they wanted that sweet sweet property tax money to 'fix' things, and since schools like Lake Forest had shit like equestrian and water polo teams, they were the perfect place to redistribute from, because, racism.
Alot of students went right to a private school instead of going to the new school. I was given the option but didn't want to be bussed to fucking Wisconsin everyday at like 430am and said fuck it, lets try this. Later that year, it was undone and the lines were again changed, but in the meantime, I learned so much shit of how things really work, I still use them to this day. However, I didn't learn a single fucking thing the entire year in class, if we actually ever had it.
Highlights included:
- Finding out that the schools heat system did not, and has not worked for at least a few years. During the winter, you basically needed to bring enough clothing to go on an Arctic expedition or you would freeze to death. oh, the AC didn't work either, nor did the big ass clock built into the front of the high school when it was built in like the 60s.
- Demographics were 90% black. The remaining 10% was everyone else.
- No doors on bathrooms or bathroom stalls.
- Having to be wanded down and later, passing through a metal detector when coming to school each day. Every hallway had a security guard in it with just a radio throughout the day.
- The school was literally, in every sense, in the middle of a dilapidated neighborhood that was probably in the 60s/70s a middle class white area. It was now surrounded by condemned buildings people were living in, crack houses and didn't even have whatever infrastructure wise to power the streetlamps at night.
- A legit organized gang hit in the hallway between classes. There were always fights and shit throughout the day, but one time it was literally someone let in from outside, to come and stab a kid in the neck and leave him there bleeding on the floor until he died, in an area they knew he would be going from class A to B at the time.
- You basically couldn't make it through roll call in your class. You'd repeat this almost every class where the bell would ring, 5-10 people would stroll into class sometime later during roll, and at some point someone would get into an argument/threaten the teacher or start fighting in the class. Security would be called, more fighting and screaming, occasionally some pepper spray and anywhere from 1-10 people would be sent and/or hauled to the office and usually suspended and/or arrested. This then left you with like 11 minutes left for that class. Rinse/repeat. Every fucking day.
- We would 1-2 times a week have the fire alarm go off. Someone would either pull it and run, or they would do some super dumb shit like find an open locker, toss in some clothes with some cologne all over it and light it on fire. This usually resulted in being outside for 1+ hours, or being sent home.
- Graduation numbers were abysmal.
- Teenage pregnancy had to be something like 1 in 10 if not worse.
- Something to be happy about was 'I finally got my water turned back on last night'.
- My personal favorite, Mr. Bobo. Mr. Bobo was this black guy that wore 'traditional african clothing' all the time and was supposedly from the African Bobo tribe; I still cant figure out if thats an actual thing. He was some sort of counselor or something totally useless, and would do shit like whenever people were in the hall he'd basically shout shit like 'be strong and do great things today my strong black brothers and sisters'. I had a suspicion these outbursts were more common when there were people who weren't black around. Asked him one day after some shit he said, 'so, what about me then? What should I do?' and he just fucking stared at me like he wanted to fight lol. Oh if only Mr. Bobo knew the shit whitey has done since then.
- The day it was announced in the news that there were more white people on welfare (but a much lower overall percentage) than black people, it was like it was a fucking event or a day to remember or something.
- Black History Month included having everyone going to the school auditorium (which had a roof that leaked to the point the roof basically didnt stop any water) every week to listen to a presentation from 'strong black leaders' consisting of 1-2 hours of how white people have fucked everyone over and how Thomas Edison didn't create anything, but was a total fucking racist and stole the light bulb from some black guy.
- Cafeteria food consisted of nothing more than the cheapest orange nacho cheese, with chips, the lowest grade hamburger on earth and any kind of chips/junk food there was. Why? Back when they had actual lunch food, noone would eat it and instead, would start food fights all the time and complain about how the food sucked. This was all they would eat.
- Racism exists everywhere. I've never seen people as hateful and racist towards students/teachers of other races than I have during the year there.
Learned alot that year. None of which was academic. However, I still tell people and my parents (who were horrified that I went there) that I think I am still alive in part of what I saw/saw how things really worked during the year there.
But yeah, this is the shit we're all paying for before, during and especially after.