Term Limits &??


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Mar 27, 2022
We all know term limits would cure 75% of the shit these embedded ticks(see Pelosi,McConnel,Schumer,Nadler etc)cause but what else would it take to get the Govt back into the hands of the legal citizens. was thinking after seeing how much each campaign has made since the assassination attempt and Joe dropping out that a campaign donation cap alla MLB salary cap would be in order.Each campaign would have a limit of??? 50 million they could spend on their respective candidates for President. I have not checked the numbers but i am sure the present spending on a Presidential race far far exceeds this amount.Use your money to target states you have to win and to mobilize the workers to spread your agenda ideas.Its obscene what they spend on one race which only proves that the people on the giving end expect a large return on their investment.No more Soros or Koch brothers or any big donors influencing campaigns.What else could right this ship besides the obvious.
Is it because the Supreme Court ruled that the States could not impose term limits because the Constitution does not grant the power to do it ?

edit to add:
Also they are NEVER going to impose term limits upon themselves .
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edit to add:
Also they are NEVER going to impose term limits upon themselves .
This is exactly right. I like what Vivek said about how he would attack term limits (this was when he was running for the republican nomination).

1. There is polling data that shows that term limits are VERY popular with Republicans, Democrats, and independents.
2. Politicians will NEVER vote to oust themselves from a job, which is why term limits bills never get traction.
3. Structure the bill (or whatever term limits would be considered) for Congress to vote on so that says that every currently serving member of the House of Representatives and every currently serving member of the Senate (e.g. the folks who will actually vote on the bill) is grandfathered in and not subject to the term limits bill on which they are voting on. It only applies to the "next generation" of lawmakers to take their seats.

Making it not affect them personally, in theory, makes the pill a lot easier to swallow.
Term limits would help but the real problem is that roughly half the country votes Democrat.
And the other half ignorantly and predictably vote for republicans. It’s a two part problem it seems.

Term limits won't fix the idiots who vote, they'll just vote another turd in with pointier(sp?) ends, California ring a bell
We are in lock step on this issue. Idiots will continue to vote for criminal republican and democrat politicians regardless of term limits.
While the career politicians are a problem, the bigger problem is the career lobbyists and support staff. No way pelousy actually drafts up 800 pages of convoluted bullchit.
Get rid of 90% of the staff in addition to term limits. And no more full timers. They come in a few times a year, have to work a real job still. I think there’s some states that do that.