As title says, terminus zues quick change.
- terminus zues
Quick change
Short action 700 footprint
.308 bolt face
(brand new never fired)
-PVA barrel
6.5cm barrel
1:7.5 twist
5/8-24 threaded
(Brand new never fired or even chambered)
-trigger tech triger
Flat face
2 stage
(Brand new)
Adding up price from NEW purchases would total in the neighborhood of 2645$ cash. Obviously this has been handled and is 2nd hand. Not in a hurry to get rid of. Will look at cash offers and trade offers in the 2200$ realm.
*Trade interest* (partial cash can be added in either direction for right deal)
- quality tig welder !!
-quality DSLR camera
-quality mirrorless camera
-nice camera lenses
-6MM ARC rifle
-6.5cm bolt gun
-DMR/SPR style rifle
-nice ar15/ar10
-RPR in 6.5cm
-sig cross in 6.5cm
-other carbine style rifles
-other ‘chassis style’ bolt guns
-custom glocks
- custom sig
-multi gun trades
-trades + cash
-ANYTHING that catches my eye
Will look at all kinds of other outdoor style items, just shoot me an offer, rifle parts are just sitting and collecting dust as I built another rifle. Willing to move them for the right deal.
- terminus zues
Quick change
Short action 700 footprint
.308 bolt face
(brand new never fired)
-PVA barrel
6.5cm barrel
1:7.5 twist
5/8-24 threaded
(Brand new never fired or even chambered)
-trigger tech triger
Flat face
2 stage
(Brand new)
Adding up price from NEW purchases would total in the neighborhood of 2645$ cash. Obviously this has been handled and is 2nd hand. Not in a hurry to get rid of. Will look at cash offers and trade offers in the 2200$ realm.
*Trade interest* (partial cash can be added in either direction for right deal)
- quality tig welder !!
-quality DSLR camera
-quality mirrorless camera
-nice camera lenses
-6MM ARC rifle
-6.5cm bolt gun
-DMR/SPR style rifle
-nice ar15/ar10
-RPR in 6.5cm
-sig cross in 6.5cm
-other carbine style rifles
-other ‘chassis style’ bolt guns
-custom glocks
- custom sig
-multi gun trades
-trades + cash
-ANYTHING that catches my eye
Will look at all kinds of other outdoor style items, just shoot me an offer, rifle parts are just sitting and collecting dust as I built another rifle. Willing to move them for the right deal.
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