That's easy. The testing isn't perfect for a number of reasons and viruses can and do mutate. It's entirely factual that there are multiple strains out there. Not every test can get every strain, and no test can 100% of the time even be accurate. A mutated strain in Europe recently that infected farmed mink caused a massive cull recently which destroyed the livelihoods of quite a number of mink farmers. When we stop calling it Covid-19 and start calling it "a cold" (it is in fact a chest cold) and start telling everyone we can about guys playing basketball while sick with it people will start to realize they've been played and will stop playing back.
I would suggest that about a year worth of experience globally with it, says it's a lot worse than a cold and more dangerous than the flu.
That being said, it's the same basic type of virus as the others, but has been weaponized and genetically modified by the Chinese Communists as a biological weapon to attack the west and help them rise to power.
There is a lot of stuff still unknown about it, especially what is now being reported as long term effects, very different than normal stuff where you get it and then are good to go once you recover.
It's kind of pretty much something out of a science fiction novel, where depending on unknown genetic and other issues, one person may be almost fine another person might be in danger of dying.
The problem being that there is most likely not a good way to "get rid of it" or "vaccinate against it" at this time because well... look at how ineffective the flu "vaccinations" are each year, pretty much a toss of the coin and plenty still die from it.
More than likely the correct way to go about things (which is what we are doing the opposite of because the elites in each country are jumping at the chance to bring back feudalism and destroy all the middle class and small business), would be to try to isolate and support the elderly and venerable, tell them to stay at home and direct government assistance to help pay their bills and give them supplies.
Then for everybody else, push things to help build your body's immune system including lots of sleep, make it easy for anyone to stay home if they feel sick without a problem, tell folks to be a bit more hygienic and such. Very much like you would suggest intelligent people do if there was a flu epidemic going around.
Destroying the economy is one of the WORST things you could do to fight a pandemic, as poverty goes hand in hand with pour health care and higher sickness and death rates from a disease.