I've gone through a few suppressor covers in the years I've owned suppressors and the best (IMHO) is from Liberty's Defense, they have a unique thermal technology along with a solid lockup method (no more shooting your suppressor 25 feet out from the bench cause the cover slipped and a bullet catches the edge). And right now they are offering 15% off for Veterans Day.

Liberty's Defense Suppressor Covers
Flame/Melt Proof suppressor covers. Greatest protective barrier for weapons with high rates of fire typical with both semi-auto and full auto/belt fed weapons

Not the best shot but here it is on my LMT with TBAC SR suppressorThank you to all of our veterans and we hope everyone has a great Veterans Day! We appreciate your support and for trusting us to make you the best products possible to fit your specific needs. Click on the photo above to link to our webstore and use the code veterans-day-15 to get 15% off regular priced items now through Sunday 11/12/2023.
Take care and I am happy to be at your service!
Best Regards,
Christopher Hall
Vita Potior Libertas
“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” William Pitt the Younger
"Evil prospers when good men do nothing” John Philpot Curran