American Pie singer/songwriter has just released hid new song titles The Ballad of George Floyd.Please please someone here with way more tech savvy than me post it so we can all have a good laugh.Its a instant classic.
Who cares? Even his mother thought he was a lying, drug addict, stealing piece of shit. The best thing he ever did was die of a drug overdose in police custody.
Who cares? Even his mother thought he was a lying, drug addict, stealing piece of shit. The best thing he ever did was die of a drug overdose in police custody.
If he had gotten 5 minutes worth of honest media coverage this would not have happened. Narcan wasn't cheap or given to every cop 4 years ago.
Hearst publishing started the Spanish-American war with fake, emotional coverage of a coal bunker explosion, 126 years later the media is still at it. Today we have a president rail loaded into prison in another media driven shit storm of lies.
It's funny how performers, musicians, actors, atletes etc only cared about entertaining people, performing and now they only want to "influence " people. Almost pied piperish. I guess he always new. Bye bye American pie. Oh the irony
Imma druuuuug dealer....
Imma druuuug user....whoooooo......
Imma dead beeeeaaat dad.....
Imma counterfitter......whoooo....
Imma poor choice maker....