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Pledge of Allegiance at the start of the school day/National Anthem before sporting events, what say you?


I know WWI brought about some of this to bring up support for the effort. I also said in my previous post that just because we did not always have an observance doesn't mean that starting it was or is a bad thing.

Many of my family and friends gave blood, sweat, and tears to serve this country to protect the freedom we have to disagree about hats. Which is why I said all headgear must be removed but others may disagree.

Now, if only there was a way to honor and respect the efforts to keep these freedoms, to join together in a way to express that.

Yeah, if only there was a way...
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The hat thing was a bizarre non-sequitur, but the idea is to render honor and respect while pledging your allegiance "to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands."

You can do that with a hat or not, regardless of how you are dressed, if you are clean or dirty, etc...

Think about a dude with some shitty tattoos on his arms and an unkempt beard... he can't laser them off for the pledge or go shave, so is he being more disrespectful than another American who is clean and respect-able?

It comes down to whether it is respect-ful, and delivered with intent.
Sheep herders like a nice tight herd.

This makes it easy to:
A) Protect the sheep.
B) Move the sheep.
C) Fleece the sheep.
D) Butcher the sheep.
E) Identify any sheep that's different from the other sheep.

If you're a sheep don't be different from other sheep. Of course none of this applies to people.
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The hat thing was a bizarre non-sequitur, but the idea is to render honor and respect while pledging your allegiance "to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands."

You can do that with a hat or not, regardless of how you are dressed, if you are clean or dirty, etc...

Think about a dude with some shitty tattoos on his arms and an unkempt beard... he can't laser them off for the pledge or go shave, so is he being more disrespectful than another American who is clean and respect-able?

It comes down to whether it is respect-ful, and delivered with intent.
That's way out of character for you. You preach following lock step with the government or your a commie Putin lover but not following protocols is bizarre?
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Swearing loyalty to the Constitution, the flag, and The Republic has very little to do with the actual government itself, which is peopled with those who also swear to the same things. Nowhere, by design, in any of our pledges does it say "government", though in the armed forces pledge it does say that you will follow orders, which is a necessary evil. For those keeping score at home, I'd say that "The People" are kicking the crap out of the government in terms of who is being true to our ideas and ideals.
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"Diversity" is a side effect of liberty. A country that provides liberty (and therefore abundance) to it's people is going to be attractive to almost all human beings.


Nobody should want to live in a whole huge society that polices ideas, attacks dissent, and enforces conformity.
(within groups though, this is what makes them groups... and it's OK not to be in somebody's group)

The first 200 years of our country this "melting pot" philosophy made us into a super power. To reject it is to invite decay.

True- though the term "Melting Pot" got coopted by some anti-American folks and abused, which necessitated a new term that gets thrown around "Salad Bowl..."

The truth is- it's not "Part of the Deal" that you come to America and conform.

It IS VERY MUCH "Part of the Deal" that you come to America and perform.

This is why every single major American city has a Chinatown where they speak their own language and write in their own alphabet going all the way back to the early days of America.

We don't even want you to conform- just work hard and contribute to society.

This is exactly why we need more Latin American labor at the low end of the job market and Lazy-H1B-cutrate white collar labor is undesired (For American society- not the Oligarchs).

All of us are immigrants, but we are all Americans, and THAT is what we should all be celebrating.

Exactly why the American people need to be vocal and aggressive in their opposition to going-Brit.

Americans are a people of the soil, and we love the land and work to attain our status.

The people calling the shots today inherited their positions through the blood, and do not understand that- hence the push to get the American people to adopt/ accept the Crown's laws.
Though I have been out of teaching for 14 years, my last high school we started out the day saying the pledge. Each classroom was required to have a flag. Mine had a full sized flagpole flag.

However, I got my ass chewed when I was reported for royally chewing out a couple of students who were laughing and talking, instead of saying the pledge. After getting my formal reprimand, the principal said, he felt the same way and probably would have done the same thing.

But then, I was always somewhat controversial as a teacher. I wanted the students to learn. At least most of the students and most of the parents appreciated me if not actually thought well of me. (The rest practically wore out their cars running back and forth to the principals office or the school board complaining about me :D ).
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That's way out of character for you.

Not at all- every "group" in America (IN America) is entitled to their rights, but not necessarily entitled to respect.

If I lead the pledge before kicking off an official event, a guy might say to me, "Wait, sorry... I'm a Pastafarian, so I don't ever take this spaghetti strainer off my head" and I'll be like, "No problem, neighbor."

One of our local little-red-book Commies here might say (and probably would say), "Wait, sorry... promoting American ideals is bad- both at home and abroad, and so long as we have hurricanes in Florida we should not be paying ourselves to make weapons for slaying epic numbers of Rooskie animals. China is really smart too, and they trained DeepSeek from scratch as a side project of "Wall Street, Ball Street" for $6M because they are really, really smart. They eat rats-and-bats because they love the gamey flavor."

...and I would still say, "No problem, neighbor..." but I think you guys know how I feel about your filthy Commie Kremlin-operated selves.
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And what should be done with traitors???

Invite them on podcasts. :ROFLMAO:

"Seditious speech" vs protected speech has always been a tricky one to label... in both the original Sedition Act of 1798, and the one in 1918.

"Acts of Treason" are easier to call out, with respect to where the line has been crossed.

Making the decision to remove the Pledge from an official State event is an indicator of ill-intent towards America.

Traitors usually engage in seditious-speech and seditious-acts before their full blown acts-of-treason.
@LuckyDuck I read your OP, but I didn’t read every word of all the following posts. I will say though that if you don’t like the pledge of allegiance then skip it. Think about what those words mean though-pledge: promise or solemn oath.
Allegiance: loyalty or devotion. The pledge of allegiance is expressing our devotion to our country and our flag.
You live in this country and owe your allegiance to this country for your freedoms, including your freedom to express your disapproval of the pledge of allegiance. What’s next? Do you believe that the flag is just a piece of cloth that can be burned? My kids attend a private school and you better believe there is an American flag there and they say the pledge of allegiance every single morning. There is also the biggest flag for miles flying over said school.
The national anthem is just that-the song (anthem) of our nation. No law that I’m aware of requires the singing of the anthem at any game or public event, but as flawed as this country is if I attend a parade (I don’t do sporting events) or other event where it’s sung I always feel that same swell of pride in my country.

It's all the same, people being tribal, people having opinions of what is correct. If you want to put Chevy stickers on your truck, USA flags on you back window, or fishes on you bumper. Good for you! It means nothing in the end, just that you subscribed to a tribe. Hell, some of you maybe even killed, beat, or injured others in the name of your tribe. I'm sure your tribe was the correct one and you will end up in Heaven becuse you picked the right tribe!! Seems silly to me. If the anthem, MAGA hat, Biden hat, Chiefs hat, Eagles hate, Blonde wife, redhead wife, makes you feel more dedicated to your tribe, then DO IT! I just don't understand the connection of the national anthem to sports????? I guess if one never attends sporting events, they must not truly understand the ties to their tribe?

It's always weird to me no matter who the "good" guys are, there are always "bad" guys willing to fight for the "Bad" team! I've watched enough movies to know who the bad guys........The dead ones at the end!
So you attend games and don’t give a care who wins?
Sporting events? My opinion of sporting events is this-play or sing the anthem or don’t. It’s a free country. If they do then remove your stupid hat and salute according to whether or not you served. My bigger issue with pro events is the obscene amounts of money pro athletes are paid.
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@LuckyDuck I read your OP, but I didn’t read every word of all the following posts. I will say though that if you don’t like the pledge of allegiance then skip it. Think about what those words mean though-pledge: promise or solemn oath.
Allegiance: loyalty or devotion. The pledge of allegiance is expressing our devotion to our country and our flag.
You live in this country and owe your allegiance to this country for your freedoms, including your freedom to express your disapproval of the pledge of allegiance. What’s next? Do you believe that the flag is just a piece of cloth that can be burned? My kids attend a private school and you better believe there is an American flag there and they say the pledge of allegiance every single morning. There is also the biggest flag for miles flying over said school.
The national anthem is just that-the song (anthem) of our nation. No law that I’m aware of requires the singing of the anthem at any game or public event, but as flawed as this country is if I attend a parade (I don’t do sporting events) or other event where it’s sung I always feel that same swell of pride in my country.
You're welcome to your opinions of course and I'm not going to insult you for thinking the way you think.

I am pointing out that reality of the POA which is that it has socialist roots and isn't as intertwined in US history as many are lead to believe it. It wasn't officially adopted by the country until 1945 and originally had no reference to the US as a nation and was rather blind allegiance to the government. This is not a tangent or a wild accusation- it's simply the truth.

Just like it being a relatively modern component of our history, so is the hand of the heart practice which many feel is a deeply interwoven into our history as being a sign of respect towards the flag when in reality- it isn't. It was a change 'made on the fly'... here's the original "appropriate" posture called the Ballamy Salute and it might look a little familiar to many here...


A little light reading and yes, it was in fact changed for the reasons that one may suspect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute

Present company excluded, after all this has been a civil discussion, but many folks rattle their sabers, gnash their teeth, and vehemently fight any questioning of perceived displays of patriotism without having any understanding of what they are defending (often times for fear of being accused of being unpatriotic much like they often do when defending these displays).

If it makes you feel good that your children engage in reciting the pledge that's fine and if you are paying for a private school then I applaud you for seeking out a school that aligns with your values (and I mean that sincerely). But with the POA in particular- I would suggest that the present evidence shows that it has very little if any measurable impact of creating good citizens. I'd even suspect that we'll soon be seeing many adults that continue to frequently state the POA before governmental proceedings being charged with embezzlement of billions worth of US tax dollars enriching themselves and their families at the expense of their countrymen. So I'm not seeing how the inclusion of the POA is keeping anyone on the 'straight and narrow' path.

When you ask about whether I think the flag is being just a piece of cloth to be burned, that's a bit of a loaded question don't you think? I also do believe that burning of the flag has been ruled on as being protected speech and something any citizen has a right to do should they decide to and my personal thoughts are irrelevant. I do find the sacred symbolism behind the flag though to be a bit overblown and often times conveniently short sighted.

By that I mean there are groups that will argue that seeing old glory flying brings a tear to their eye every time they see it but also ignore it being slapped on commercial products such as beer cans, bikini tops, condoms, vehicles, shower curtains, whatever. Doesn't seem too revenant to me seeing the American flag as a color option on yoga pants that are filled by assess exceeding the tensile strength of the spandex by several hundred pounds but for some reason that use of the flag "doesn't count" at least not to the point where any voices bemuse the practice even if it's slapped on an advertisement to sell mattresses over holidays dedicated to our fallen servicemen. Strikes me as contradictory 'rules' being applied to the same exact symbol that are inconsistent because it's just something we made up.

The National Anthem- I'm arguing for it, against it. Sing it or don't makes no difference to me but I fail to see how it has any place being played before every sporting event when the Country has very little/if anything to do with the sport. In many cases, the sport doesn't won't even have American roots and Hockey being a great example, if you have an American team playing a Canadian team then now you get two different national anthems played before the game instead of one. With few exceptions (such as the olympics which I mentioned) I believe that we've injected national/governmental ties into institutions completely exclusive to having anything to do with the country being inserted.

If one enjoys it being included, that's fine and they're welcome to feel that way. But, and this is the big but, that's exactly what it boils down to, how it makes a small group feel and all arguments for keeping it seems to reduce to, how they "like" it and that it makes them 'feel'. And that's ok too but that's also a counterpoint that often times isn't acceptable in any other context to the same people saying that and accuse the 'other' political party and women of being incapable of governance because they act off of feelings rather than logic.
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I dunno bout no pledge of alligence but I'm about to start a thread spot checking some of you NCOs... I better see a ranger handbook in your cargo pocket and you better have that nco creed down or I'ma start half right facing you slack jawed combat support types
You're welcome to your opinions of course and I'm not going to insult you for thinking the way you think.

I am pointing out that reality of the POA which is that it has socialist roots and isn't as intertwined in US history as many are lead to believe it. It wasn't officially adopted by the country until 1945 and originally had no reference to the US as a nation and was rather blind allegiance to the government. This is not a tangent or a wild accusation- it's simply the truth.

Just like it being a relatively modern component of our history, so is the hand of the heart practice which many feel is a deeply interwoven into our history as being a sign of respect towards the flag when in reality- it isn't. It was a change 'made on the fly'... here's the original "appropriate" posture called the Ballamy Salute and it might look a little familiar to many here...

View attachment 8620365

A little light reading and yes, it was in fact changed for the reasons that one may suspect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute

Present company excluded, after all this has been a civil discussion, but many folks rattle their sabers, gnash their teeth, and vehemently fight any questioning of perceived displays of patriotism without having any understanding of what they are defending (often times for fear of being accused of being unpatriotic much like they often do when defending these displays).

If it makes you feel good that your children engage in reciting the pledge that's fine and if you are paying for a private school then I applaud you for seeking out a school that aligns with your values (and I mean that sincerely). But with the POA in particular- I would suggest that the present evidence shows that it has very little if any measurable impact of creating good citizens. I'd even suspect that we'll soon be seeing many adults that continue to frequently state the POA before governmental proceedings being charged with embezzlement of billions worth of US tax dollars enriching themselves and their families at the expense of their countrymen. So I'm not seeing how the inclusion of the POA is keeping anyone on the 'straight and narrow' path.

When you ask about whether I think the flag is being just a piece of cloth to be burned, that's a bit of a loaded question don't you think? I also do believe that burning of the flag has been ruled on as being protected speech and something any citizen has a right to do should they decide to and my personal thoughts are irrelevant. I do find the sacred symbolism behind the flag though to be a bit overblown and often times conveniently short sighted.

By that I mean there are groups that will argue that seeing old glory flying brings a tear to their eye every time they see it but also ignore it being slapped on commercial products such as beer cans, bikini tops, condoms, vehicles, shower curtains, whatever. Doesn't seem too revenant to me seeing the American flag as a color option on yoga pants that are filled by assess exceeding the tensile strength of the spandex by several hundred pounds but for some reason that use of the flag "doesn't count" at least not to the point where any voices bemuse the practice even if it's slapped on an advertisement to sell mattresses over holidays dedicated to our fallen servicemen. Strikes me as contradictory 'rules' being applied to the same exact symbol that are inconsistent because it's just something we made up.

The National Anthem- I'm arguing for it, against it. Sing it or don't makes no difference to me but I fail to see how it has any place being played before every sporting event when the Country has very little/if anything to do with the sport. In many cases, the sport doesn't won't even have American roots and Hockey being a great example, if you have an American team playing a Canadian team then now you get two different national anthems played before the game instead of one. With few exceptions (such as the olympics which I mentioned) I believe that we've injected national/governmental ties into institutions completely exclusive to having anything to do with the country being inserted.

If one enjoys it being included, that's fine and they're welcome to feel that way. But, and this is the big but, that's exactly what it boils down to, how it makes a small group feel and all arguments for keeping it seems to reduce to, how they "like" it and that it makes them 'feel'. And that's ok too but that's also a counterpoint that often times isn't acceptable in any other context to the same people saying that and accuse the 'other' political party and women of being incapable of governance because they act off of feelings rather than logic.
My major disagreement with this is that the flag burning being “free speech” was decided by the Supreme Court which is an overblown sham of a 3rd branch of government. The people that are burning flags are not conservative patriotic people that are pulling their weight. They deserve to be run over.
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My major disagreement with this is that the flag burning being “free speech” was decided by the Supreme Court which is an overblown sham of a 3rd branch of government. The people that are burning flags are not conservative patriotic people that are pulling their weight. They deserve to be run over.
Truth be told- I don't care for that either but I also don't care for the flag being used to sell goods and services and being slapped on all manner of products (like your patriotic 4th of July napkins and paper plates). But that's just my opinion as well and doubt it's going to change things.

But it all goes back to my point here really, I'm not a fan of public displays of patriotism mainly because they don't seem to be rooted in anything other than show, are often defended as more than they are, and keep popping up in places that I don't see a good reason for where they belong (such as during tee-ball games for 7 year olds).

Not sure if they still do it but if you were to go to a movie theater on a military base they'd begin each flick with the playing of the National Anthem requiring folks in a dark room to stand at attention. It has a place but does it really need to be included before watching Napoleon Dynamite?

At some point we have to question the validity of certain practices and objectively look at it and if not it's blind adherence that perpetuates for generations and nobody seems to know why which despite being indifferent to the POA/NA themselves its it being shoehorned into other places.


Reminds me of the old joke...

The Story of the Pot Roast​

A young woman was hosting a dinner party for her friends and served a delicious pot roast. One of her friends enjoyed it so much that she asked for the recipe, and the young woman wrote it down for her.

Upon looking over the recipe, her friend inquired, “Why do you cut both ends off the roast before it is prepared and put in the pan?” The young woman replied, “I don’t know. I cut the ends off because I learned this recipe from my mom and that was the way she had always done it.”

Her friend’s question got the young woman thinking and so the next day she called her mom to ask her: “Mom, when we make the pot roast, why do we cut off and discard the ends before we set it in the pan and season it?” Her mom quickly replied, “That is how your grandma always did it and I learned the recipe from her.”

Now the young woman was really curious, so she called her elderly grandma and asked her the same question: “Grandma, I often make the pot roast recipe that I learned from mom and she learned from you. Why do you cut the ends off the roast before you prepare it?”

The grandmother thought for a while, since it had been years since she made the roast herself, and then replied, “I cut them off because the roast was always bigger than the pan I had back then. I had to cut the ends off to make it fit.”
Sheep herders like a nice tight herd.

This makes it easy to:
A) Protect the sheep.
B) Move the sheep.
C) Fleece the sheep.
D) Butcher the sheep.
E) Identify any sheep that's different from the other sheep.

If you're a sheep don't be different from other sheep. Of course none of this applies to people.
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My bigger issue with pro events is the obscene amounts of money pro athletes are paid.
Everyone is against industry because they reap in mega dollars and the employees are getting the short end of the stick. Pro athletes with a very short career expectation have managed to get a bigger portion of the pie and you don't agree with it?
Truth be told- I don't care for that either but I also don't care for the flag being used to sell goods and services and being slapped on all manner of products (like your patriotic 4th of July napkins and paper plates). But that's just my opinion as well and doubt it's going to change things.

But it all goes back to my point here really, I'm not a fan of public displays of patriotism mainly because they don't seem to be rooted in anything other than show, are often defended as more than they are, and keep popping up in places that I don't see a good reason for where they belong (such as during tee-ball games for 7 year olds).

Not sure if they still do it but if you were to go to a movie theater on a military base they'd begin each flick with the playing of the National Anthem requiring folks in a dark room to stand at attention. It has a place but does it really need to be included before watching Napoleon Dynamite?

At some point we have to question the validity of certain practices and objectively look at it and if not it's blind adherence that perpetuates for generations and nobody seems to know why which despite being indifferent to the POA/NA themselves its it being shoehorned into other places.

View attachment 8620441

Reminds me of the old joke...

The Story of the Pot Roast​

A young woman was hosting a dinner party for her friends and served a delicious pot roast. One of her friends enjoyed it so much that she asked for the recipe, and the young woman wrote it down for her.

Upon looking over the recipe, her friend inquired, “Why do you cut both ends off the roast before it is prepared and put in the pan?” The young woman replied, “I don’t know. I cut the ends off because I learned this recipe from my mom and that was the way she had always done it.”

Her friend’s question got the young woman thinking and so the next day she called her mom to ask her: “Mom, when we make the pot roast, why do we cut off and discard the ends before we set it in the pan and season it?” Her mom quickly replied, “That is how your grandma always did it and I learned the recipe from her.”

Now the young woman was really curious, so she called her elderly grandma and asked her the same question: “Grandma, I often make the pot roast recipe that I learned from mom and she learned from you. Why do you cut the ends off the roast before you prepare it?”

The grandmother thought for a while, since it had been years since she made the roast herself, and then replied, “I cut them off because the roast was always bigger than the pan I had back then. I had to cut the ends off to make it fit.”
I have seen grown men cry during the National Anthem. I'm sure it's for show. . .


Everyone is against industry because they reap in mega dollars and the employees are getting the short end of the stick. Pro athletes with a very short career expectation have managed to get a bigger portion of the pie and you don't agree with it?
I just think the amount of money is obscene. Maybe I should just start a YouTube channel and make my millions😆
IMHO, the National Anthem has been overused. I don't know why it's played at sporting events when many of the players are not from the US. It seems like a bit of pomp and circumstance but doesn't really do anything useful anymore.
I just think the amount of money is obscene. Maybe I should just start a YouTube channel and make my millions😆
Players are getting what the market will bear/give them. If you were in their shoes you would be doing the same thing. Which everyone here knows to be true as they'd do the same. It's called the free market. Capitalism at it's finest.
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IMHO, the National Anthem has been overused. I don't know why it's played at sporting events when many of the players are not from the US. I
I believe it's more for the spectators and not the players. I go back to when they played it (via the stadium organ) for each baseball game. And I recall that whenever a US Team would play a Canadian Team, they'd play both Anthems in squence (visiting country 1st).

Hell, I even recall when the "broadcast day" on the big 3 OTA TV networks would begin and end with the National Anthem. Witness the 1st "Poltergeist" movie. :D In fact, they were even doing it on Fox News, every Sat. & Sun. morning at 6am ET, up until about 3-4 years ago.
Both the Democrats and Republicans should read the Pledge once in awhile and stop calling our country a Democracy because it's a Republic. Says right in the Pledge, "to the Republic for which it stands". Does not say Democracy.
Both the Democrats and Republicans should read the Pledge once in awhile and stop calling our country a Democracy because it's a Republic. Says right in the Pledge, "to the Republic for which it stands". Does not say Democracy.

What's your hangup on that?

You hear "republic" and you think it's a win for "republicans?"

If I told you that the United States was a representative "democracy," would you get mad because it's some huge win for "democrats?"
I am pointing out that reality of the POA which is that it has socialist roots...

Were the ancient Romans that pledged the Sacramentum to the Senate-and-People-of-Rome also rooted in SOCIALISMO?

You got sold a goofy idea. Lots of people have always taken oaths and pledges- and lots of people certainly did in the era of Nationalism.
What's your hangup on that?

You hear "republic" and you think it's a win for "republicans?"

If I told you that the United States was a representative "democracy," would you get mad because it's some huge win for "democrats?"

I am neither Democrat nor Republican. And yeah, I understand our government operates under a Representative Democracy, but our country is in fact a Constitutional Republic. Remember the story back when Ben Franklin was asked by a reporter if our country was a Monarchy or a Republic, and he replied by saying, "a Republic if you can keep it".
I am neither Democrat nor Republican. And yeah, I understand our government operates under a Representative Democracy, but our country is in fact a Constitutional Republic. Remember the story back when Ben Franklin was asked by a reporter if our country was a Monarchy or a Republic, and he replied by saying, "a Republic if you can keep it".
Whoa.... I didn't remember that! I'll bet he got blowie off of her too.

Seems like a huge WIN for Republic-ans, then.


Which side is the Democratic Republic of Congo a WIN for?
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Weren't a bunch of our "Founding Fathers" too "fatherly?" To the point of having STD issues?

What? No way.

Benjamin Franklin kept the D clean.

He was slam tagging Anne-Louise Boyvin d'Hardancourt in France and John Adams was like, "BEN... she's more than 40 years younger than you, what is you DOING, Playboy?"

And he was like, "I'm giving her chess lessons."


He actually wasn't kidding- Adams walked in to take a piss one day and she was washing up in the bath tub playing chess while B. Frank was tutoring her and stroking his meat.
What? No way.

Benjamin Franklin kept the D clean.

He was slam tagging Anne-Louise Boyvin d'Hardancourt in France and John Adams was like, "BEN... she's more than 40 years younger than you, what is you DOING, Playboy?"

And he was like, "I'm giving her chess lessons."


He actually wasn't kidding- Adams walked in to take a piss one day and she was washing up in the bath tub playing chess while B. Frank was tutoring her and stroking his meat.
Gives a new meaning to “checkmate”
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Were the ancient Romans that pledged the Sacramentum to the Senate-and-People-of-Rome also rooted in SOCIALISMO?

You got sold a goofy idea. Lots of people have always taken oaths and pledges- and lots of people certainly did in the era of Nationalism.
@kalashnikev first off- thank you for weighing in on the discussion. We might not be in agreement on this particular topic but I'm not going to throw sand at you for voicing a contrary opinion either.

That being said- you do have an interesting presence here on the Hide and respectfully I wanted to point that out and maybe share some observations that I noticed and I'm sure factors into the responses you're receiving here which is an aside from the topic of this particular thread.

From what I can personally see (not an admin or mod) you have a 2009 join date. GTG there, that's the same year that the Black Eyed Peas came out with the song "Boom Boom Pow" & Lady Gaga came out with the "Bad Romance" songs... remember those, even if it wasn't your type of music it was all but impossible to escape hearing this play on the radio in 2009.

This part isn't so interesting (to me at least) but you didn't seem to start posting until 2011 which was the year that Japan had that big earthquake in March and Katy Perry came out with "Last Friday Night" and even then you didn't seem to have much to post then (which I at least understand that you may have been testing the waters and dipping your toes into online forums {we've all been there}).

But then... nothing from May 2011 until JAN 2024 (just pointing out that's essentially a baker's dozen worth of years) and then in JAN 2024 you resurface but seem to have... "grown" I'll say in that timespan and came back with a different tone all together from what I can see. And like a "flash in the pan" you seemed to drop off from commenting just as rapidly as your triumphant return to posting started.

Now you're up to 280 posts with an account started 16 years ago and a substantial portion of those posts didn't occur until the last 60 days and the linguistic mechanics of how your account started posting in 2011 compared to how you respond now in 2025 (and the blip in 2024) are... as I said, "interesting" to me.

Again- not attacking you personally but just wanted to take a quick moment to share what I'm seeing (and I'm not the most popular person with some of the regular posters here either) and give some insight of how others may be perceiving how you'v been coming across recently.

Something to think about- but again, appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

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@kalashnikev first off- thank you for weighing in on the discussion. We might not be in agreement on this particular topic but I'm not going to throw sand at you for voicing a contrary opinion either.

That being said- you do have an interesting presence here on the Hide and respectfully I wanted to point that out and maybe share some observations that I noticed and I'm sure factors into the responses you're receiving here which is an aside from the topic of this particular thread.

From what I can personally see (not an admin or mod) you have a 2009 join date. GTG there, that's the same year that the Black Eyed Peas came out with the song "Boom Boom Pow" & Lady Gaga came out with the "Bad Romance" songs... remember those, even if it wasn't your type of music it was all but impossible to escape hearing this play on the radio in 2009.

This part isn't so interesting (to me at least) but you didn't seem to start posting until 2011 which was the year that Japan had that big earthquake in March and Katy Perry came out with "Last Friday Night" and even then you didn't seem to have much to post then (which I at least understand that you may have been testing the waters and dipping your toes into online forums {we've all been there}).

But then... nothing from May 2011 until JAN 2024 (just pointing out that's essentially a baker's dozen worth of years) and then in JAN 2024 you resurface but seem to have... "grown" I'll say in that timespan and came back with a different tone all together from what I can see. And like a "flash in the pan" you seemed to drop off from commenting just as rapidly as your triumphant return to posting started.

Now you're up to 280 posts with an account started 16 years ago and a substantial portion of those posts didn't occur until the last 60 days and the linguistic mechanics of how your account started posting in 2011 compared to how you respond now in 2025 (and the blip in 2024) are... as I said, "interesting" to me.

Again- not attacking you personally but just wanted to take a quick moment to share what I'm seeing (and I'm not the most popular person with some of the regular posters here either) and give some insight of how others may be perceiving how you'v been coming across recently.

Something to think about- but again, appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

I didn't think it was possible but you are just as bad as he is/was/whatever. . .

@kalashnikev first off- thank you for weighing in on the discussion. We might not be in agreement on this particular topic but I'm not going to throw sand at you for voicing a contrary opinion either.

That being said- you do have an interesting presence here on the Hide and respectfully I wanted to point that out and maybe share some observations that I noticed and I'm sure factors into the responses you're receiving here which is an aside from the topic of this particular thread.

From what I can personally see (not an admin or mod) you have a 2009 join date. GTG there, that's the same year that the Black Eyed Peas came out with the song "Boom Boom Pow" & Lady Gaga came out with the "Bad Romance" songs... remember those, even if it wasn't your type of music it was all but impossible to escape hearing this play on the radio in 2009.

This part isn't so interesting (to me at least) but you didn't seem to start posting until 2011 which was the year that Japan had that big earthquake in March and Katy Perry came out with "Last Friday Night" and even then you didn't seem to have much to post then (which I at least understand that you may have been testing the waters and dipping your toes into online forums {we've all been there}).

But then... nothing from May 2011 until JAN 2024 (just pointing out that's essentially a baker's dozen worth of years) and then in JAN 2024 you resurface but seem to have... "grown" I'll say in that timespan and came back with a different tone all together from what I can see. And like a "flash in the pan" you seemed to drop off from commenting just as rapidly as your triumphant return to posting started.

Now you're up to 280 posts with an account started 16 years ago and a substantial portion of those posts didn't occur until the last 60 days and the linguistic mechanics of how your account started posting in 2011 compared to how you respond now in 2025 (and the blip in 2024) are... as I said, "interesting" to me.

Again- not attacking you personally but just wanted to take a quick moment to share what I'm seeing (and I'm not the most popular person with some of the regular posters here either) and give some insight of how others may be perceiving how you'v been coming across recently.

Something to think about- but again, appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
