Yes, until 1925 it was illegal for a black person to own property in Oregon.
From its inception as a territory is was illegal for black persons to live inside the boundaries of the territory. If you owned slaves it was illegal to bring them to Oregon, if you freed them they had to move out of Oregon. Oregon is one of the most racist states in America, they do not allow black people at BLM rallies,lol.
Washington territory was claimed by the British until we agreed on 49 degree north as the border with Canada. Some of the very first Americans to live in Washington state were black, free American citizens, forced out of America by hate mongers in Oregon. Washington states first American citizens were blacks, forced northward by racist Democrats from Oregon who threatened to rob, rape and lash them if they tried to live among the Democrats of Oregon.
Oregon literally drove a black veteran of the War of 1812, who served with distinction under Andrew Jackson to flee to British territory where he was welcomed and the British fur trappers enjoyed purchasing the grains, fruits and vegetables grown by the Bush family. Their hate for military veterans goes hand in hand with their generations of hate for minorities. Ahhhhhhhhh Democrats, they never change.
Now they insult black lawyers by claiming they lack the mental capacity to pass the bar exam. Much like the left claims black people are not mentally capable of obtaining a license. I find that claim bizarre because I got my license from a black lady at the DMV. She had to know how it worked, she worked there.