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The Bar is racist


Black Rifles Matter.
Full Member
  • Jun 24, 2019
    Most things like the Bar are really about keeping people from working in one industry or another, so it would hardly be surprising if, all joking aside, the Bar has acted to keep black people from becoming lawyers at times during its history.
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    Fucking sweet. Guys, I’m going to be a lawyer now. It’s going to be awesome. I’ll get a sweet house and car. I’ll be able to afford all the cool guns I want and I’ll take all the pro-2a cases pro bono. Man, all they needed to do is drop all the pesky qualifications to actually practice law. Fucking rayciss ass-hoes
    Most things like the Bar are really about keeping people from working in one industry or another, so it would hardly be surprising if, all joking aside, the Bar has acted to keep black people from becoming lawyers at times during its history.
    This, times a million. This is the perfect follow-up to my sarcastic asshole comment
    Like engineering? The kind that don't wear a train drivers cap.
    Most things like the Bar are really about keeping people from working in one industry or another, so it would hardly be surprising if, all joking aside, the Bar has acted to keep black people from becoming lawyers at times during its history.
    Wait wait, I bet you have to pass an exam before getting to be a train driver too.
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    From what I understand, blacks pass the bar at a far higher rate than Kennedy’s.

    Pilots exams, too.

    About 83% of law school graduates passed the bar exam on their first try last year, the ABA survey released Tuesday found. White first-time test takers passed at a rate of 88% in 2020, compared with 80% of Asians, 78% of Native Americans, 76% of Hispanics and 66% of Black test takers.

    By comparison, Whites passed at a rate of 85% in 2019, compared with 74% of Asians, 72% of Native Americans, 69% of Hispanics, and 61% of Blacks.
    That would have surprised me to be honest. With affirmative action passing unqualified blacks and not whites for over 30 years it would be an unlikely stat.

    So if they are going to drop the bar exam requirement because of "racial disparities".......can we expect the NBA and NFL to do away with athletic testing for draft picks because white people are under represented in professional sports?

    A "racial disparity" are not always caused by racism...certain demographics are drawn to certain action on their own.

    Now if you want to say, " law school is not required to take the bar exam".....that's one thing......but to do away with professional standards all together is not going to help anyone....
    Most things like the Bar are really about keeping people from working in one industry or another, so it would hardly be surprising if, all joking aside, the Bar has acted to keep black people from becoming lawyers at times during its history.
    Sounds a lot like, “math is racist because blacks can’t do it.” to me.
    It's sorta like title nine. Whites have bowling, hockey, curling, field hockey and a few others.
    So if they are going to drop the bar exam requirement because of "racial disparities".......can we expect the NBA and NFL to do away with athletic testing for draft picks because white people are under represented in professional sports?

    A "racial disparity" are not always caused by racism...certain demographics are drawn to certain action on their own.

    Now if you want to say, " law school is not required to take the bar exam".....that's one thing......but to do away with professional standards all together is not going to help anyone....
    This, times a million. This is the perfect follow-up to my sarcastic asshole comment
    Anybody who has read history or economics realizes that licensing organizations are basically an extension of guilds meant to keep others from encroaching on the profits of those already in the field. Since the bar was not a written test prior to 1855, you can bet your ass that blacks were not allowed in, and that in fact, the first black person admitted to the bar was in 1844. The D is no dummy, he understands this shit.
    Like engineering? The kind that don't wear a train drivers cap.

    Wait wait, I bet you have to pass an exam before getting to be a train driver too.
    Any restrictive profession has spent a lot of time keeping people out. It's why the restrictions exist. Why do hairdressers and barbers need to take a test to work in most states? Because they are doing vital, important, dangerous work, or because other hairdressers and barbers have lobbied to make sure they are protected? It's really no different from unions that don't allow free labor.
    Sounds a lot like, “math is racist because blacks can’t do it.” to me.
    No, it really isn't anything like math, and just because blacks used to be excluded from the bar doesn't mean anything about today. It was simply a comment about the fact that licensing guilds do everything they can to restrict membership for the benefit of the licensed.
    Anybody who has read history or economics realizes that licensing organizations are basically an extension of guilds meant to keep others from encroaching on the profits of those already in the field. Since the bar was not a written test prior to 1855, you can bet your ass that blacks were not allowed in, and that in fact, the first black person admitted to the bar was in 1844. The D is no dummy, he understands this shit.
    Just like everything else in the world, this can be boiled down to economics. Think of this scenario exactly like the minimum wage.
    This is a good thing if you ever had a need to use the services of a Lawyer. Its a scam to take money from two parties who can negotiate a problem amongst themselves.Instead of paying 150.00 hour plus the rates will come down to 10.00 bucks an hour. Instead of paying them 33% of a settlement they will get 5%.Finally wokeness is fucking up a system that needs to be fucked up.
    The only time you need a lawyer is when you off someone.
    From what I understand, blacks pass the bar at a far higher rate than Kennedy’s.

    Pilots exams, too.

    To Jr's defense though how long could anyone fly upside down while getting a blowjob, at orgasm you would naturally pull back on the stick forgetting the plane is inverted.
    download (41).jpeg
    Fwiw the stuff on the bar has nothing to do with what most practicing lawyers do (I did a couple of years in big law, exactly zero of the bar exam stuff was relevant to my job) and law school, thankfully, covered none of what was on the bar (I hear some law schools are basically 3yrs of bar prep, which sounds horrible). It’s not a very hard test though, I crammed for a couple of weeks and passed in one of the harder states. Best I can tell it tests a person’s ability to memorize a bunch of useless facts and convert that memory into correct multiple choice responses.
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    By that logic you don't need to take a test to become a licensed electrician, or a test to become a certified accountant. I guess those are racist too. Fuck all this woke bullshit.

    It's like people in inner city projects or ghettos that say they can't get out. You have 2 legs, walk the fuck out. Want a better life? Go fucking earn it.
    more importantly.....who is this actually helping?

    lets face it....if you cant pass the bar, you are going to be a shitty lawyer....if you cant be bothered to put in the minimum effort to pass a test, how much effort are you going to put in for your clients?

    these discount lawyers are going to command lower rates....because those that can afford to pay for good lawyers, will.

    these lower rate lawyers are going to be attractive to low income people, which, in most places, tend to be people of color.

    so rather than using a state appointed lawyer (because the system be rayyycist yo)....they are going to use the Voda of lawyers, and end up in an even shittier situation because Voda doesnt actually know shit about the law.

    if i didnt know any better, ide think this was all an evil plan concocted by the Klan
    HHhhaaaaahahahaha ... Laws only apply to people that have a job and checking account in Oregon .
    Also .. Happy anniversary this month, this is what was shoved in the face of downtown Portland LE .
    View attachment 7666368
    each one of those officers was a victim of sexual assault.....#BelieveAllMen.....

    if the rolls were reversed, and some creepy ass dude wagged his dick infront of a bunch of female officers, youd never hear the end of it.
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    Do they have laws in Oregon?

    Yes, until 1925 it was illegal for a black person to own property in Oregon.

    From its inception as a territory is was illegal for black persons to live inside the boundaries of the territory. If you owned slaves it was illegal to bring them to Oregon, if you freed them they had to move out of Oregon. Oregon is one of the most racist states in America, they do not allow black people at BLM rallies,lol.

    Washington territory was claimed by the British until we agreed on 49 degree north as the border with Canada. Some of the very first Americans to live in Washington state were black, free American citizens, forced out of America by hate mongers in Oregon. Washington states first American citizens were blacks, forced northward by racist Democrats from Oregon who threatened to rob, rape and lash them if they tried to live among the Democrats of Oregon.

    Oregon literally drove a black veteran of the War of 1812, who served with distinction under Andrew Jackson to flee to British territory where he was welcomed and the British fur trappers enjoyed purchasing the grains, fruits and vegetables grown by the Bush family. Their hate for military veterans goes hand in hand with their generations of hate for minorities. Ahhhhhhhhh Democrats, they never change.

    Now they insult black lawyers by claiming they lack the mental capacity to pass the bar exam. Much like the left claims black people are not mentally capable of obtaining a license. I find that claim bizarre because I got my license from a black lady at the DMV. She had to know how it worked, she worked there.

    and who would not want to be hung for a traffic vioaltion cause they were repesented by a relitive who can hardly tie there own shoes , lowering standards sounds like such a great idea like they tried to do for airline pilots how could that be a bad thing and doctors cause everyone should be able to be a brain surgeon or heart specialist :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :giggle: all cause you got hired for the color of your skin not the quality of you skill .
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    Yeah, looking forward to states dropping the board exams for physicians and nurses as more of them become woke.

    Standards been dropping for years, especially seen with the retard "lawyer" that represented me in my last divorce.
    Yes, until 1925 it was illegal for a black person to own property in Oregon.

    From its inception as a territory is was illegal for black persons to live inside the boundaries of the territory. If you owned slaves it was illegal to bring them to Oregon, if you freed them they had to move out of Oregon. Oregon is one of the most racist states in America, they do not allow black people at BLM rallies,lol.

    Washington territory was claimed by the British until we agreed on 49 degree north as the border with Canada. Some of the very first Americans to live in Washington state were black, free American citizens, forced out of America by hate mongers in Oregon. Washington states first American citizens were blacks, forced northward by racist Democrats from Oregon who threatened to rob, rape and lash them if they tried to live among the Democrats of Oregon.

    Oregon literally drove a black veteran of the War of 1812, who served with distinction under Andrew Jackson to flee to British territory where he was welcomed and the British fur trappers enjoyed purchasing the grains, fruits and vegetables grown by the Bush family. Their hate for military veterans goes hand in hand with their generations of hate for minorities. Ahhhhhhhhh Democrats, they never change.

    Now they insult black lawyers by claiming they lack the mental capacity to pass the bar exam. Much like the left claims black people are not mentally capable of obtaining a license. I find that claim bizarre because I got my license from a black lady at the DMV. She had to know how it worked, she worked there.

    Are you OK?
    I would like for Bar Exams to go away nationwide. As an example, California (either the hardest or second hardest Bar Exam in the US) sets its pass rate around 45% to keep out otherwise qualified attorneys and drive up prices.

    Playing the racism card is destructive and dishonest; unless somebody up there actually believes that Black and Latino attorneys are somehow unable to use logic or memorize statutes. Keep this discussion honest and just tell us that it's time for the Bar Exam to go.
    It's not just in Law. It's infiltrating science too. We now have to include plain-language summaries of scientific papers after the Abstracts. It's all coming down from .Gov

    Why expect folks to elevate their level of intelligence when we can just keep them ignorant and cater to that ignorance. Easier to control?

    plainlanguage.gov (PLAIN: Plain Language Action and Information Network)
    I think that licensing/certification has it's place but it should be done to provide a level of assurance of competency and not as a way to reducing competition. One is good for the buyer the other is not.
    Licensure laws don’t do anything but raise prices for consumers and limit entry for possible workers. Just like I said above, somewhere, think of it like the minimum wage
    Licensure laws don’t do anything but raise prices for consumers and limit entry for possible workers. Just like I said above, somewhere, think of it like the minimum wage
    Licenses/certification can protect consumers (medical licenses, licensed electricians, etc.) or harm consumers (using licenses to reduce competition which raises prices).
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    Licenses/certification can protect consumers (medical licenses, licensed electricians, etc.) or harm consumers (using licenses to reduce competition which raises prices).
    Nobody needs to have an expensive piece of paper with their name on it to provide a valuable service to others. All you need is to be skilled enough that people pay you for your services
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    The "not a good test taker" excuse for failing an exam is a line of crap.

    Whether you're being asked a question in writing via text or verbally on the street makes no difference. You know the answer or you don't. Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill for any attorney. Being able to demonstrate basic knowledge in your field via a uniform exam isn't a bad thing. If racism is an issue, remove the education requirement altogether and just keep the bar as is. Save those poor folks several hundred thousand dollars and give them an option to develop their craft without the ridiculous financial barriers to entry on their own timeline as it fits into their work/childcare schedule.

    On a related note, if 42% of people taking the bar fail and they've been awarded a JD in law, what does it say about the universities issuing their degree if graduates can't meet the minimum requirements to practice in their field?

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    Nobody needs to have an expensive piece of paper with their name on it to provide a valuable service to others. All you need is to be skilled enough that people pay you for your services
    No, you need a piece of paper indicating you have a knowledge of rules, regulations and codes. Electricians and plumbers come to mind. A lot of people can fix a leaky faucet or replace an electrical outlet but properly wire or plumb a home or strip center, not likely.
    No, you need a piece of paper indicating you have a knowledge of rules, regulations and codes. Electricians and plumbers come to mind. A lot of people can fix a leaky faucet or replace an electrical outlet but properly wire or plumb a home or strip center, not likely.
    How many articles should I list that refute this claim?
    Wow, lots of people really love the gubmint to tell them who to trust. Everybody loves to be a libertarian until it comes time to do libertarian shit.
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    Wow, lots of people really love the gubmint to tell them who to trust. Everybody loves to be a libertarian until it comes time to do libertarian shit.
    Lots of people just like to pay lip service to freedom. When it comes down to it though, those people just want big brother to give them a nice warm hug and say they’ll be kept safe