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The best AR trigger?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Aug 4, 2017
Asheville NC
Hey guys, I realize the "best" trigger is dependant on what the use case is for a particular gun. I'm going to be building a precision AR and there are so many great options out there. I've used a CMC trigger and liked it but it never felt like the trigger in some of the precision bolt guns I've used. I suppose an AR trigger will never feel like a great bolt gun trigger but what's the closest option? This will be a range toy, mostly shooting groups and doing a few carbine competitions a year. Some of the options I'm considering:

AR Gold
Trigger Tech
Hey guys, I realize the "best" trigger is dependant on what the use case is for a particular gun. I'm going to be building a precision AR and there are so many great options out there. I've used a CMC trigger and liked it but it never felt like the trigger in some of the precision bolt guns I've used. I suppose an AR trigger will never feel like a great bolt gun trigger but what's the closest option? This will be a range toy, mostly shooting groups and doing a few carbine competitions a year. Some of the options I'm considering:

AR Gold
Trigger Tech

My favorite precision AR trigger is either the TriggerTech diamond or the Geissele hi-speed national match. Probably leaning towards the Geissele nm.

I haven't tried the Timney Calvin elite yet but I've heard they are incredible as well.
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I picked up a hiperfire 2 stage that's pretty slick for $150...the mod 3 I think. Most places it's in Geissele or Timney price range but Grabagun (who would have thought) had it cheap so gave it a shot. I'm pretty pleased with it, but I have not used a Calvin Elite or a National Match to compare.
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Single stage for sure.
That knocks the AR Gold and TT out of the running then. Calvin Elite is the lightest/crispest single stage but its not for the casual shooter. It will bump fire if you aren't very deliberate with it. Any free recoil shooting will send a burst down range. The Hipefire Eclipse is a bit heavier and less likely to burst on you, and its easier to learn to shoot sub .14 splits with because the stronger reset helps a lot. But it doesn't have the glass rod break of the CE. It's good, and when shooting angry you'll never notice, but when shooting groups or dryfiring you'll feel a hint of creep.
Another option is the Elftmann 3 Gun trigger. Zero creep, super crisp break and it feels a little lighter than it's 2.5lb pull suggests. Very strong reset makes it fast as well.
That knocks the AR Gold and TT out of the running then. Calvin Elite is the lightest/crispest single stage but its not for the casual shooter. It will bump fire if you aren't very deliberate with it. Any free recoil shooting will send a burst down range. The Hipefire Eclipse is a bit heavier and less likely to burst on you, and its easier to learn to shoot sub .14 splits with because the stronger reset helps a lot. But it doesn't have the glass rod break of the CE. It's good, and when shooting angry you'll never notice, but when shooting groups or dryfiring you'll feel a hint of creep.
Another option is the Elftmann 3 Gun trigger. Zero creep, super crisp break and it feels a little lighter than it's 2.5lb pull suggests. Very strong reset makes it fast as well.
The Elftmann sounds like what I'm looking for. Thank you!
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I've had them all...for the money...the Larue flat trigger ticks all the things I need in an AR trigger...my three examples are spot on with a Geissele SSA-E with a better trigger feel being a flat faced...but its a 2-stage...

I don't run sensitive aftermarket single stage triggers on semi-autos...unless its a 100% bench, paper punching gun...
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I've had them all...for the money...the Larue flat trigger ticks all the things I need in an AR trigger...my three examples are spot on with a Geissele SSA-E with a better trigger feel being a flat faced...but its a 2-stage...

I don't run sensitive aftermarket single stage triggers on semi-autos...unless its a 100% bench, paper punching gun...
Hard part with anything LaRue is the endless backorder if not in stock. I agree about value for $ with their triggers.
Hard part with anything LaRue is the endless backorder if not in stock. I agree about value for $ with their triggers.
I've yet to receive a trigger more than 1 week after order...they seem to have the trigger situation squared away...

Now...rifles and UUs...different story.
Don't count out the Trigger Tech. The first stage is virally non existent. I use mine as a great single stage trigger. Adjustable 2-5 lbs vitally no creep and brass like thin glass. Plus it's a snap to put in. Below is a YouTube Review. link.
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LaRue MBT-1s $85.

LaRue MBT 2s. I have 2 of these. 1st stage is smooth to the wall, crisp break at 4.5# or so with the regular weight springs, 3-4mm of travel and a nice reset. The one thing Id like to do is play with the overtravel. But thats minutiae. Excellent trigger in general, and phenomenal for the money.

Velocity Triggers single stage drop in trigger pack $150-ish. I have the curved 3#. Zero creep, zero take-up. Just a wall, crisp break, maybe 2-3mm of travel, then a super short and precise reset. I really like it.

Geissele SSA-E $2fifty. Standard, top shelf quality you'd expect from one of the best in the business.
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I have a hiperfire 24c, which i think they changed the name to hipertouch competition trigger now, and I love it. super smooth with a crisp break and reset. Barely an creep or over travel with it. It is extremely light though, so if thats not your thing I would recommend something else. Personally though I think its great after getting used to it. The only downside for me is the price, but if I had the budget and was in the market to build an ar again I would 100% get another
I own the Elftman, HiperFire, Timney, Jard, and a few others.
The only one I don’t own is the TT.
I love the Timney. I’ve never ND it and don’t see how I could unless I’m not paying attention.
Learning to not touch the trigger till your ready to pull it helps.
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I prefer a 2 stage for that sort of shooting and a single stage for plinking around or shooting fast. Single stage I guess Timney would be my favorite. YMMV.
I've yet to receive a trigger more than 1 week after order...they seem to have the trigger situation squared away...

Now...rifles and UUs...different story.
Took me a couple months to get my trigger. Ordered a RAT stock for my rifle too and still backordered. Probly cancel and get a ctr which is better anyways.
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Run geisselle in all my semis. Ssae for carbines and national match for precision. Love to try a trigger tech some time because the diamonds are great in my bolt guns.
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Maybe in an ar15. Watched a guy double a CE in a 6.5 creedmoor on every stage of a local match- until he went to single loading...
Still highly doubt it. I've had 3 CE's in 3 different AR's, and after the first time I accidentally bumpfired it I tested it with all of them to see what I could get away with. If the stock is properly pulled into the shoulder no problems, if it's just barely touching you'll start getting doubles. If you put a 1/2" gap between stock and shoulder triples start happening. Two rifles were very low recoil by way of low mass parts, effective brakes and light 223 loads. The third is a 6mm Grendel with a giant brake and 16lbs of rifle weight holding it still. Swap the CE out for the TT Diamond with the same pull weight and the 2 stage is enough to stop any bumpfiring.
Many years ago, before the Larue MBT-2 trigger came out, I found a non-adjustable JARD 2 pound trigger for an AR and figured I would give it a try. This was when I was heavily involved in 3 gun and practical rifle matches.

I found that the 2 pound trigger was too light for "action" type disciplines for my tastes and I did everything I could to try and make the JARD trigger heavier. The JARD trigger was completely reliable, it just took too much concentration to not double and get charged for 2 shots that the rifle fired when I only wanted one shot, so I started trying to increase the trigger pull weight.

I eventually managed to get the pull to around 2.5 pounds by swapping around both trigger and hammer springs. This trigger was terrific for bench shooting, but I still found it about a half pound lighter than I wanted for "action" rifle matches. Even when I warned other people who wanted to try it about how light the trigger was, they would often double when firing it.

I want to make sure people understand that the trigger worked reliably and never doubled on it's own..it was always when people weren't paying attention to their trigger finger discipline and they would inadvertently pull the trigger a second time while the rifle was recoiling, so the trigger was NOT to blame for the shooter firing two shots. And this was when it was mounted into 5.56 rifles, I didn't dare mount it in an AR10 type rifle.

I have found that I prefer a trigger of 3-3.5 pounds, and so far, the best "Bang for my buck" has been the Larue MBT-2 trigger. I have no financial connections with either Larue, or JARD triggers.
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I just received three more TT Diamond AR-10 triggers this week along with two of TriggerTech's Ambi 45/90 safeties.

The TT Ambi safeties are quite remarkable they are designed to be installed and adjusted without having to remove/loosen the grip or safety detent and spring, the DLC coating on the safeties are smooth as glass the same as the trigger itself and the Ambi safety comes with everything you need to run it in all different types of variations.

I have used
RA140 - Good combat trigger…a bit heavy for precision

Geissle Hi Speed NM - Smooth, highly adjustable, absolutely safe, kind of long, pull quality is good, but just good

Triggertech AR15 Adjustable - Pretty good, but not really much better than RA140.

Triggertech Diamond - Initial impressions are pull weight is good, pull quality is good, best so far.
I have hyper-fire triggers on AR15 223 and a Er-Shaw AR-10 6.5 creedmoor. I think they are the smoothest triggers out there. I live 2 hrs from Brownells and the retail store has 35 triggers of different brands and models all set up on a 2 x10 board. You can pull the trigger on each one and make your choice. Very oblivious to me that hyperfire was the best of the bunch. Marty
I have hyper-fire triggers on AR15 223 and a Er-Shaw AR-10 6.5 creedmoor. I think they are the smoothest triggers out there. I live 2 hrs from Brownells and the retail store has 35 triggers of different brands and models all set up on a 2 x10 board. You can pull the trigger on each one and make your choice. Very oblivious to me that hyperfire was the best of the bunch. Marty
I have a mod 3 hiperfire 2 stage and it's crisp and as soft as I feel is necessary in an AR imo. The first stage is nothing distinguishable as pull weight and a firm break. In all fairness, I've never felt a TT or a CE, but for the $150 I paid for the hiperfire, I'm more than pleased.

In a run and gun carbine on the other hand....single stage all day for me.
I’m sticking to it. I’ll let you check it out when you’re in town.
I have one. That's how I know it's definitely a 2 stage. I have 10+ other AR triggers currently, I've owned and sold at least 10 other triggers. That's why I'm sticking to my determination of it being a 2 stage, I keep an open mind and try as much stuff as I can, rather than finding one thing I like and then calling it the best in all the trigger threads.
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Darn it. I was hoping this thread would lure that guy back from years ago. Came into a trigger discussion and told us AR Gold was the absolute best and for all of posers to stop fanboi-ing for Geissele, lmao.
Hey guys, I realize the "best" trigger is dependant on what the use case is for a particular gun. I'm going to be building a precision AR and there are so many great options out there. I've used a CMC trigger and liked it but it never felt like the trigger in some of the precision bolt guns I've used. I suppose an AR trigger will never feel like a great bolt gun trigger but what's the closest option? This will be a range toy, mostly shooting groups and doing a few carbine competitions a year. Some of the options I'm considering:

AR Gold
Trigger Tech
Recently A fellow shooter was getting doubles . I inspected it's hyperfire trigger and found the disconnecter pawl was worn round and was allowing the doubles.Shooter had less than 1000 rds through the rifle. Inconsistent heat treat of the part is likely. IN the last 3 yrs we have at least 25 T-Techs in customer's AR rifles being run hard with no problems so far.
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I have several of the above triggers, they can all be made to function/break very cleanly. Have used Ron Power's Series I, II sear/trigger jigs on some to improve to improve pre and over-travel. Don't over look the JP trigger. It is manufactured with pre and over travel adjustments built in to the unit.
I'm glad you guys are certain that a two stage trigger is a single stage, even after admitting that it has two stages.
The TriggerTech 1st stage reminds me of the slight take-up in a 1911 - extremely light and very short. It's not as distinct or pronounced as the Geissele or LaRue 2-stage triggers I've used, but it's definitely not a single stage. I think of it almost like a hybrid 1.5 stage trigger.
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I am going to give the TriggerTech Diamond a try on my next precision AR build. I am running one in my new bolt gun and it is awesome.

I have tried a variety other AR triggers (LaRue, Timney, Elftman, and others), but I keep going back to Geissele. For durability, safety, and long term reliability, they are tough to beat.
Picked up a "Hperfire" "Hipertouch 24" in a trade deal. It has the curved shoe, and the 3 sets of colored springs.
The instructions say that the "plain springs" will give a 2.7 # pull weight. I'm hoping this is the "breaking weight"
Does anyone have one of these with the plain springs installed, and put a trigger pull Wt. gauge on it to see if they live up to their claims ?
I just got a Rise Armament RA-535 that I am very impressed with.

I have used
RA140 - Good combat trigger…a bit heavy for precision

Geissle Hi Speed NM - Smooth, highly adjustable, absolutely safe, kind of long, pull quality is good, but just good

Triggertech AR15 Adjustable - Pretty good, but not really much better than RA140.

Triggertech Diamond - Initial impressions are pull weight is good, pull quality is good, best so far.
Ive not used a ton of triggers. ALG ACT - I will replace that and throw it in the junk box
Rise 140 - I agree it would be a good duty/combat trigger
Rise 535 - absolutely awesome. Everything I could want in a trigger.
Ive got an ADM UIC coming for a "precision" 6.5 Grendel build. That receiver limits you to Geissele, I think CMC, and a couple others. Ive got a Geissele SSP coming for that. If its comparable to the Rise RA535 I will be thrilled.
Ive got an ADM UIC coming for a "precision" 6.5 Grendel build. That receiver limits you to Geissele, I think CMC, and a couple others.
Really? ADM is local-ish to me so I see tons of their guns and employees at matches, and they seem to use whatever trigger they want. I've never directly asked them what works so I could be missing something but it seems like that would've come up at some point when I talk to them.
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Really? ADM is local-ish to me so I see tons of their guns and employees at matches, and they seem to use whatever trigger they want. I've never directly asked them what works so I could be missing something but it seems like that would've come up at some point when I talk to them.

"Due to the design of the Ambi Bolt Catch/Release, the lower is NOT Compatible with certain triggers that utilize anti-rotation pins that use external screws or plates. We have developed a low head pin to be used with CMC Triggers. Standard GI type triggers, Drop in triggers that use standard pins, and Geissele triggers WILL work with with this lower."
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