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Movie Theater The Book of Boba Fett

Jim Out

Banned !
Nov 28, 2020
So the leftist piece of shit who wrote the review.....is , well a commie marxist leftist piece of shit, but......

......did they ever get this right!



"TBOBF" comes off the heels of "The Mandalorian," which was an excellent space Western: so much so that "Star Wars" fans, apparently bereft of actual loved ones, spent days profusely thanking creator Jon Favreau on Twitter after its second season ended. They will do no such thing this time around. Favreau wrote the first episode of "TBOBF" and handed directing duties over to 1990s relic Robert Rodriguez, who’s no stranger to making outlet mall-quality children’s cinema. Together, they’ve made 38 minutes of entertainment — God, how could 38 minutes move by so slowly? — that would end the careers of people with lesser resumes. Let me highlight some of their failings right now. And trust me: You’d rather read the spoilers here than endure the story they spoil.

REVIEW: ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ is ‘worse than polio’
If a lefty hates it, it must be good...will have to watch it later.
So far it sucks big time.Its pretty much like the German describes.

Cut it short it's nowhere close to Mandalorian, even a mostly annoying Peacemaker with John Cena is better . Buy the way who the fuck pushes this guy so hard in hollypedowood.

But probably the best one is Mayor of Kingstown.
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But I though we were boycotting Disney+ because of Gina Carano ?! What next, is someone going to call for boycotting Glock??
Were y’all expecting Sicario IN SPAAAAACE?

Well yeah, why not?

Instead we get something that is literally like one of those live action shows you can watch while you're at an amusement park or on a cruise ship where 'performers' come out dressed up as whatever characters and do some cheesy shit for a few minutes.

The other problem with this show as well as Mandalorian is the fucking episodes are 30 minutes. You can't tell a fucking story with that; thats how long a fucking GIJoe cartoon episode is.

So far the series literally doesn't even have a plot. Everything is disjointed, random and makes no sense. Things Star Wars people would want to delve into are on screen for 20 seconds and then...lets go do some other random shit that doesn't make sense.

You know nothing about anything. Nothing actually ever happens, and if something actually does, it either looks awful, has no point, you dont understand it, or all of the above. To add insult to it all, the acting from almost everyone is fucking abysmal. Hell, the award winning performance so far is probably one of the fucking sand people.

Needs a shut down and a complete re-write. This could have been something dark with an endless amount of potential episodes. Instead its some awkward mix between an origins story that no one understands, a 'feel good' movie and some random Star Wars shit tossed in just to make you remember what you're actually watching.
And the neon Vespas with 97 fucking rear view mirrors in one of the slowest "chase" scenes in cinema history. Pretty sure Elliot on his bike with ET in the basket was faster. They have all makings of a masterpiece and instead offered the paint and brushes to the monkey who they wanted to distract from smearing his shit on the glass of his enclosure.
I watched the latest episode last night, trying to give it another chance. During the "chase" scene, I thought to myself that the even the CGI isn't that good in this one. Can't point to anything specific, it just didn't feel good
So the leftist piece of shit who wrote the review.....is , well a commie marxist leftist piece of shit, but......

......did they ever get this right!



"TBOBF" comes off the heels of "The Mandalorian," which was an excellent space Western: so much so that "Star Wars" fans, apparently bereft of actual loved ones, spent days profusely thanking creator Jon Favreau on Twitter after its second season ended. They will do no such thing this time around. Favreau wrote the first episode of "TBOBF" and handed directing duties over to 1990s relic Robert Rodriguez, who’s no stranger to making outlet mall-quality children’s cinema. Together, they’ve made 38 minutes of entertainment — God, how could 38 minutes move by so slowly? — that would end the careers of people with lesser resumes. Let me highlight some of their failings right now. And trust me: You’d rather read the spoilers here than endure the story they spoil.

REVIEW: ‘The Book of Boba Fett’ is ‘worse than polio’
TBOBF may well be awful. Lord know, most of the Star Wars abortions of the last decade have been, aside from Rogue One.

But that douche bag is so self involved that I bet he jacks off while staring at himself in a mirror.
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Pretty much gave up on anything Star Wars after Lucas sold it to Disney for $50 trillion or whatever it was.

Gave the first movie with Disney a try, but couldn't stomach all the leftist/PC/woke references and undertones. But then again, I fucking hate Hollywood and everyone in the place.

Let me guess, Boba Fett comes to the realization he no longer wants to be a badass motherfucker and laments all the hurt feelings he has created in his career. He decides it's now or never and comes out as a transgendered female who identifies as an oppressed black space mercenary?
It is awful. Almost as awful as the the movie "Without Remorse"

Without Remorse was the worst movie I think I have ever seen that was based on a book.
I literally didn’t know something could be that bad. I’d rather watch another person’s home movies than watch Without Remorse ever again.

They should screen Without Remorse at Gitmo as torture.
Lucasfilm says Gina Carano is no longer a part of “The Mandalorian” cast after many online called for her firing over a social media post that likened the experience of Jews during the Holocaust to the U.S. political climate
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I think Disney/Marvel/Star Wars hype has sucked the life out of me and I just can't get excited about any of their projects, even when they appeal to my inner child. I just expect it's going to be trash and I'm so often right that I'd rather spend those hours on something else. I was so conflicted when I saw this trailer... I should have been excited, but I just... can't....
So this week's update:

- The story is driving this entire thing. It's at least interesting how its coming together and whats going to happen.

- The acting in almost every single 'side' scene is literally awful. From the modification hut to the leaders meeting, its like they hired people who have never acted before and there was a reason that they hadn't.

- There's still a few what in the actual fuck moments; the biggest one that was literally cringe was....let me upside down hover this giant spaceship into the sarlaac pit, which from just looking at, is way too small to even fly this ship into, let alone...why in the fuck would you want to and/or actually think you'll achieve? Was literally retarded.

- Would bang asian chick. She also finally got to do some ninja shit finally instead of just standing there shooting off 1 liners the entire time.

It's decent, story is keeping it alive.
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I just can’t get in to Disney Star Wars. It’s too woke and consumed with identity politics. I watched Rogue One and the Force Awakens and dropped off at that point. I just can’t get in to much of what Hollywood puts out these days. I heard the new Spider-Man movie is awesome but I can’t even get motivated to watch that one.
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WTF , they realized folks would get bored fast so E5 is literally a Mandalorian episode ,only reference to Boba is a one liner in the end .
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I think Disney/Marvel/Star Wars hype has sucked the life out of me

Between what Dumbass did to his OG Star Wars where you cannot get a DVD of them without the cartoony bullshit he added in, to the "Newer" Star Wars movies that are shit, to the "Newest" Star Wars movies that are shit, to all the hype over whatever show they are coming out with, to the hype over the theme park rides, Star Wars is dead to me.
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The Disney hate is hilarious…

The best pre-Disney Star Wars product was The Clone Wars animated series.


Because it bridged the gap between generations and created new fans, and without it Star Wars would be been a property akin to Gunsmoke or Happy Days in the demographic who gave a shit about it. Disney leveraged that bridge with the new trilogy (regardless of opinions about them) and developed new material in an expansive universe and timeline.

Yeah BOBF started slow, but clearly it was setting up something and given Filoni and Favreau are involved there’s little reason to believe it won’t pay off.

The prescription for Star Wars hate is watching The Expanse, but I’m gonna guess it’ll be a wee bit too woke for some as well…
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