I went out last week again in hopes of scoring that elusive bobcat. On the way in to making our first stand, my buddy stops me and says, "there's a coyote". I put down the bipod, and popped open the scope caps as he told me "300". I was immediately on target and put the second stadia of the VH reticle on his chest and squeezed one off. No, I'm lying now. I jerked this one and hit him poorly but a follow up ended it rather quickly. We didn't see anything else the rest of the hunt. Not a bad consolation prize for not seeing any cats. The fur was still quite nice, so he's skinned and dried. Enjoy, Eric
By the way, we shot to just over 1200 yards for fun. You can kind of see the arroyo in the second pic. The 87 vmax was VERY accurate at this distance. I might try some more long shots, but I'll need to get the Badger 22 MOA riser or something similar, as opposed to dialing and using reticle holdover.
By the way, we shot to just over 1200 yards for fun. You can kind of see the arroyo in the second pic. The 87 vmax was VERY accurate at this distance. I might try some more long shots, but I'll need to get the Badger 22 MOA riser or something similar, as opposed to dialing and using reticle holdover.