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The end result of CRT


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Apr 25, 2017

    You know exactly why the woman was shot in the back.

    Never, ever, turn your back on them.

    And just leaving it here before the MSM cleanup begins

    You know exactly why the woman was shot in the back.

    Never, ever, turn your back on them.

    And just leaving it here before the MSM cleanup begins

    My mother told me about this. Happened in a Kroger parking lot where I grew up. Keep telling one group of people that white people are responsible for all their problems over and over and this is what happens. What happens next is going to be much more harsh if we keep going the way we're going with all this nonsense.
    That’s why I don’t say shit to these gangbangin mother fuckers when they’re acting like savages at the store/gas station/in public. These POS have ZERO respect for life. They have zero respect for any other individual. They have zero respect for themselves. These motherfuckers would just assume shoot you then look at you. It happens every day in the shithole city that I live in.
    What were they arguing about in a grocery store parking lot?
    Seriously. Why are people willing to get confrontational over anything?

    Edit: I should add the the east side of Knoxville is not the place to hang out after sun up. Yes, sun up. So pretty much anytime
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    Literally one generation away from shitting in their drinking water again.
    23 and life to go.

    I cannot understand the lack of impulse control.

    Look at her. Let me make clear I in no way condone or excuse her action, but look at her and think about the life she likely had. Poor, poor education, possibly to likely born retarded or damaged by crack addicted or alcoholic mothers, no father, the men that did come may have abused her, the shit music she listened to said "Whitey bad, kill whitey".. and learned early that in her world you had to fight or get walked on.......what should you expect. At least her future is certain and secure now.


    just about this , make your white son a girl and your girl a prostitute and every black child feel like they are a victim unable to change anything cause the white man is somehow keeping them down turning them into the new American Indian , another question is how to south American and oriental fits into the story cause they are left out of everything .
    Look at her. Let me make clear I in no way condone or excuse her action, but look at her and think about the life she likely had. Poor, poor education, possibly to likely born retarded or damaged by crack addicted or alcoholic mothers, no father, the men that did come may have abused her, the shit music she listened to said "Whitey bad, kill whitey".. and learned early that in her world you had to fight or get walked on.......what should you expect. At least her future is certain and secure now.


    Too bad a good samaritan didn't fucking waste her right then and there
    And the hits just keep on coming


    Simmons, 50, was booked into the Maricopa County Jail on charges of first-degree murder and aggravated assault and is being held on a $1 million cash bond. Simmons has a previous felony conviction, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, according to FOX10 Phoenix.

    I hope the victim's family makes bank on Intel
    13 percenters .

    As far as not engaging . There was a woman flipping shit in a store because there was only 1 line and 5 people . Major melt down toddler tantrum laden with vulgarities . So an associate opens another register and says next . Welp said woman can't here next over her melt fuckin down . The guy actually addresses her and nothin . So the next person steps ups . Oh no you fuckin ditn't . She sees this and starts fallipin shit on the cashier . . He tries to explain in a very consoling professional manor and she responds " fuck you you fowl mouffed Mother Fucker ." And that was just the start . I had enough and yelled " oh yeah cause you're entitled to everything right " . She responds " oh I'm sorry and STFU . After that my head was on a swivel . Smart enough to know that they gang up , don't let shit go and will target anyone that pushes back .

    Moral is if you push back be prepared for the shit storm . Or don't push back . Don't turn your back . Always , Always ,All Fuckin Ways stay strapped .
    Look at her. Let me make clear I in no way condone or excuse her action, but look at her and think about the life she likely had. Poor, poor education, possibly to likely born retarded or damaged by crack addicted or alcoholic mothers, no father, the men that did come may have abused her, the shit music she listened to said "Whitey bad, kill whitey".. and learned early that in her world you had to fight or get walked on.......what should you expect. At least her future is certain and secure now.

    Idgaf. Send them to Liberia like Lincoln wanted
    You don't have the ban the white democrats from owning guns.
    Yes, actually we do. Those fucking scumbags put assholes in power and they let all the subhuman shit bags out of prison. That's is if they even serve time for all their crimes to begin with.

    Anyone that buys a firearm and has a career, home, retirement package and votes for a democratic is totally fucking retarded and is beyond help.
    I've typed about 4 paragraphs now, each time i've deleted them because there are glowies on here watching what is said. I know that i'm not alone in my thoughts.

    Might as well just hit post… they are reading your keystrokes anyway.

    And listening to your phone mic.

    And watching through your PC camera.

    Just sayin.


    Well… maybe.

    The Irish spent an awful lot of time not happy with their British Cousins. Us Scots want reparations for Culloden. Everyone blamed the Irish and the swarthy Italians for bad things in the early 1900’s. No one wants Mex’s around now.

    And let’s not forget the “Rothschilds and the Red Sea Pedestrians are responsible for everything” set. They blame the yarmulka-enabled for everything.

    And then there are those filthy Slavic types. And the Japs bombed our harbor. Not to mention the Winnie the balloon and his people… stealing all those white jobs.

    No, I think we all pretty much find a way to blame someone else for our own failings. Because human ego being what it has evolved to be, we as individuals are infallible and so our shit lives have to be someone else’s fault. It’s easier to get up in the morning and blame others than it is to get up in The morning and work your ass off to be successful anyway.

    Personally, I blame those bastards on Yap with their giant stone coins and all. Ruinated my life they did. With their giant nickels and those ashtrays in their lips.


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    Yes, actually we do. Those fucking scumbags put assholes in power and they let all the subhuman shit bags out of prison. That's is if they even serve time for all their crimes to begin with.

    Anyone that buys a firearm and has a career, home, retirement package and votes for a democratic is totally fucking retarded and is beyond help.
    Yeah I agree but you missed the whole point of that. Horta said ban liberals from having guns stops violence. Banning the right liberals stops the violence. Anyway good point wrong premise.