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The end result of CRT

At least her future is certain and secure now.

typical democrat voter. Even today when the safety net makes it hard for anyone to starve to death, they prefer the easiest way out. They'd take prison over self determination. Just so long as they can bitch about the prison and how unfair it is while they eat the food and sleep on the cot.

We could have sent these hood rats to Ukraine and it wouldnt take them a year and that shit over there would be over and done.
A year? they wouldn't last a week. But our shit would be a lot quieter.
Just curious where you found that chart?
It's a meme that what sent to me, sustantiated by CDC data. I verified it before I sent it to the few liberals I associate with that will research it to death to prove it wrong. Here is a short article on the data but just go to the CDC website and all the raw data is there. Or just type firearm homicide rate per 100,000 by race into a non Google/Apple search browser.
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Or just type firearm homicide rate per 100,000 by race into a non Google/Apple search browser.
Just to be clear I tried that before asking.

Most of what is on the internet is either "firearm death rate," which includes accidents, suicides, and justifiable homicides, or murder rates, which are not segregated both by firearms and race.

It appears that at least the white murder rate in the US is about twice what that chart shows.

I'll take a look at the link you sent and try to find some time to dig deeper.

I did look at the Reuters link you provided, and that is exactly what I am talking about - gun deaths, which include a lot more than murders. Every time somebody commits suicide, gun death. Every time somebody drops his loaded .22 and tries to catch it, shooting himself on the way in the house, and bleeds to death in 2 minutes, gun death. It is not really on topic for what we are trying to determine.
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Also, if you want to figure out the per 100,000 using the numbers on your own, here are 2019 (most recent year available) segregated by race.

But note that hispanic is not a race, but an ethnicity. So there may be hispanic numbers in white or black.

Also, firearms are not broken out. A subsequent table tells us that firearms are used in about 73% of murders.
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Also, if you want to figure out the per 100,00 using the numbers on your own, here are 2019 (most recent year available) segregated by race.

But note that hispanic is not a race, but an ethnicity. So there may be hispanic numbers in white or black.

Also, firearms are not broken out. A subsequent table tells us that firearms are used in about 73% of murders.
Statistics can be used in many ways, they only represent one facet of a situation.

What I found interesting is that from 17 - 40 the incidence of black male deaths, skyrockets. You see an increase in white and others but not like that. At 40 it drops way back.
Might as well just hit post… they are reading your keystrokes anyway.

And listening to your phone mic.

And watching through your PC camera.

Just sayin.

That is why I leave my phone on and carry it into the bathroom. I need them to hear that, too. If I could only rig the phone for smell-a-vision, now that would be great ....
Also, if you want to figure out the per 100,00 using the numbers on your own, here are 2019 (most recent year available) segregated by race.

But note that hispanic is not a race, but an ethnicity. So there may be hispanic numbers in white or black.

Also, firearms are not broken out. A subsequent table tells us that firearms are used in about 73% of murders.
This chart data suggests we should ban men.....

If only we could define what one is.....

Remember kids, men and women are equal, sexual dimorphosm happens only in animals. Follow the science.... oh fuck not that science the other one
The most heartbreaking stat is cause of death.

From 15 years to 40 years the highest cause of death for Black males is murder. Extrapolating from murder statistics reveals the murderers are most often Black.

So the number 1 cause of death for Black males is murder by other Black males.
The most heartbreaking stat is cause of death.

From 15 years to 40 years the highest cause of death for Black males is murder. Extrapolating from murder statistics reveals the murderers are most often Black.

So the number 1 cause of death for Black males is murder by other Black males.


Remember, math is racist. So if you are extrapolating statistics, you a klukker...

The conquered Arabs in Israel were also fed a steady diet of hatred and animus by the PLO, and it has poisoned and crippled their culture for generations (seemingly permanent). The media and the left has called them "refugees", and their concrete cities "refugee camps" till at least the 1990s.

I see this as exactly the same thing. Instead of looking at the cultural and societal wreckage of what their favored public policies are, and the cultural destruction they've wrought, and asking the question, "What happened?". They instead provide a readymade answer to all their ills in supplying the answer to, "Who did this to us?".

Turns out the "Anti-racism" the left is selling is just plain old racism and hatred, so get used to this, because if you tell ANYONE they're a victim, and not responsible for their own actions, long enough they start to believe it.

They people who push CRT hate black people more than anyone. So much so that they want to permanently cripple them for all time, exactly as they have done to "The Palestinians"; permanent victims ("refugees") stewing in their own hatred and bent on seeking revenge. It is a total failure of a plan when you are a homogenous society in control of all government, but when you are a small minority taught to seek revenge against a large majority it is virtually a death sentence.
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The conquered Arabs in Israel were also fed a steady diet of hatred and animus by the PLO, and it has poisoned and crippled their culture for generations (seemingly permanent). The media and the left has called them "refugees", and their concrete cities "refugee camps" till at least the 1990s.

I see this as exactly the same thing. Instead of looking at the cultural and societal wreckage of what their favored public policies are, and the cultural destruction they've wrought, and asking the question, "What happened?". They instead provide a readymade answer to all their ills in supplying the answer to, "Who did this to us?".

Turns out the "Anti-racism" the left is selling is just plain old racism and hatred, so get used to this, because if you tell ANYONE they're a victim, and not responsible for their own actions, long enough they start to believe it.

They people who push CRT hate black people more than anyone. So much so that they want to permanently cripple them for all time, exactly as they have done to "The Palestinians"; permanent victims ("refugees") stewing in their own hatred and bent on seeking revenge. It is a total failure of a plan when you are a homogenous society in control of all government, but when you are a small minority taught to seek revenge against a large majority it is virtually a death sentence.
I do not think it is that the CRT people hate black people, but they are using them as pawns. Feed them lies, get them to vote for you, hand out free money. Just a modern form of slavery.
The conquered Arabs in Israel were also fed a steady diet of hatred and animus by the PLO, and it has poisoned and crippled their culture for generations (seemingly permanent). The media and the left has called them "refugees", and their concrete cities "refugee camps" till at least the 1990s.

I see this as exactly the same thing. Instead of looking at the cultural and societal wreckage of what their favored public policies are, and the cultural destruction they've wrought, and asking the question, "What happened?". They instead provide a readymade answer to all their ills in supplying the answer to, "Who did this to us?".

Turns out the "Anti-racism" the left is selling is just plain old racism and hatred, so get used to this, because if you tell ANYONE they're a victim, and not responsible for their own actions, long enough they start to believe it.

They people who push CRT hate black people more than anyone. So much so that they want to permanently cripple them for all time, exactly as they have done to "The Palestinians"; permanent victims ("refugees") stewing in their own hatred and bent on seeking revenge. It is a total failure of a plan when you are a homogenous society in control of all government, but when you are a small minority taught to seek revenge against a large majority it is virtually a death sentence.

CRT and the race baiting machine are just another angle to push the destruction of the United States as we know it.

Majorie Taylor Green may well be a very prescient person with her comments about a national divorce around party lines because things seem almost too far gone to fix.

Like amputating a gangrenous limb.
CRT and the race baiting machine are just another angle to push the destruction of the United States as we know it.

Majorie Taylor Green may well be a very prescient person with her comments about a national divorce around party lines because things seem almost too far gone to fix.

Like amputating a gangrenous limb.

Er... I don't think we need a divorce.

I think we need a national eviction.

Don't believe in the Constitution and our Founding Principles? Believe in Socialism and not individual success? Think you deserve equal outcomes, not an equal starting line?

Then GTFO.

Want to live in Wakenda? Hate being among white people? Think Cinco De Mayo is a National holiday? Think the DMV should learn Mandarin or Bantu or fucking Azerbijani?

Then GTFO.

Think America needs to have trannies in classrooms, cut little boys dicks off and turn them into girls, men can get pregnant and infants should be aborted during birth?

Then GTFO.

Think we should not allow a Football team to pray but need to have a fucking Mosque in every public school and college? Think Satanism should have a statue next to a Baby Jesus at Christmas? Expect to celebrate Kwanzaa or fucking Ramadan while telling people Easter is Racist?

Then GTFO.

America has this great thing called Military Airlift Command. We can pick up these Un-American little twats all over the country and take them to wonderful new paradises in Africa... Europe, Middle East, Russia, India, Red China, Venezuela, Meh-hico?... hey, we can drop you UnAmerican little shitbirds off in the third world craphole of your choice and I am SURE they willl welcome those wokies with open arms.

We can start by taking a bunch of C5 Galaxies full of woke fruits to Iran, Saudi and Qatar and drop them off. They can see how far they get demanding their rights to cornhole each other while swinging from cranes.

Think America sucks for the black man? Well let me introduce you to the paradise of Burkino Faso, or Lesotho or Uganda or Ethiopia... and I hear Sudan is really big on letting you loot big screen TV's and doing crack.

Want socialism you little college Ivy League butt pirate? Well welcome to North Korea! We can parachute you right on in! Or march you at gunpoint into the DMZ and whoever doesn't trip a mine can go live in Potemkin village. I am sure Kim will also be all ears when you tell him how much his paradise does not cater to your vegan diet and your iPhone won't work.

Yeah... Divorce? Fuck that. A ton of people died keeping this country together. More per capita from my state than any other, in fact. And we didn't own no slaves and cotton won't grow here. So fuck divorce.

Time for an eviction.

Please, allow me to write the questionnaire that forms the basis for the litmus test for deportation Please? Pretty Please?

Time for an eviction.

You may wonder what such a fine upstanding young man did to desrver such egregious treatment by the police.

Bitch took his Nintendo Switch!! Such White Privileged! Once again showing the school to prison pipeline that is systematic racism.....

Link with details to our latest victim of oppression:
  • Angry
Reactions: JIMB3AM
You may wonder what such a fine upstanding young man did to desrver such egregious treatment by the police.

Bitch took his Nintendo Switch!! Such White Privileged! Once again showing the school to prison pipeline that is systematic racism.....

Link with details to our latest victim of oppression:

Don’t worry, the revolving door of “justice” will ensure he is out to do worse. The good news is that if a family member destroys this animal, he will be immediately apprehended by the local LEO that provide government service and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the man made laws used to control others not for safety but for slavery. Back the blue and the tyrannical systems they are part of and empower. The other good news is that all these people taking part in the process are doing it for a paycheck so it’s fine.
Don’t worry, the revolving door of “justice” will ensure he is out to do worse. The good news is that if a family member destroys this animal, he will be immediately apprehended by the local LEO that provide government service and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the man made laws used to control others not for safety but for slavery. Back the blue and the tyrannical systems they are part of and empower. The other good news is that all these people taking part in the process are doing it for a paycheck so it’s fine.
I’m more angry at the I’m assuming ROTC uniform walking up to the situation doing nothing as opposed to running and tackling the POS. Then all of the LEO uniforms walking and standing around after. Appears that school staff had to deescalate the attack on the teacher while all of the uniforms just stand there. Minutes go by and he’s still unrestrained and gets up and walks off on his own as they follow him. Jesus Fucking Christ, I’m disgusted that I see nothing but pussies and I’m sure the first excuse will be, “I was scared of being reprimanded for hurting a child.”

Yeah I’m tired of this fallen country….
You may wonder what such a fine upstanding young man did to desrver such egregious treatment by the police.

Bitch took his Nintendo Switch!! Such White Privileged! Once again showing the school to prison pipeline that is systematic racism.....

Link with details to our latest victim of oppression:

So, here, I do have a problem with the cop. If he would just quit dicking around and get the gd cuffs on this animal. Or give him 2 ounces of lead. That animal was going to kill her.
He runs after this girl knocks her out and continues to beat and kick the living shit out of her over a "Nintendo switch". (Im assuming its a vido game part.) What kind of brain works that way? Seems to me a primal or animal brain would work that way.
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You may wonder what such a fine upstanding young man did to desrver such egregious treatment by the police.

Bitch took his Nintendo Switch!! Such White Privileged! Once again showing the school to prison pipeline that is systematic racism.....

Link with details to our latest victim of oppression:

Why didn't someone put a hard knee in his jaw? Freaking ridiculous! Let the bastard sip broth through a straw, for six weeks, while he sits in juvi.
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You may wonder what such a fine upstanding young man did to desrver such egregious treatment by the police.

Bitch took his Nintendo Switch!! Such White Privileged! Once again showing the school to prison pipeline that is systematic racism.....

Link with details to our latest victim of oppression:

"When Depa was escorted away by deputies, he spit at the teacher and "made comments that when he comes back he was going to kill her", according to the arrest report."

Fucking animal. These people have been so coddled and protected by white, liberal scum that they feel they can act violently with impunity. Which is pretty much the case.
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I saw a report on it. They said he might face possible expulsion. Possible expulsion?

How about expelled and sent to prison. I remember the good old days when an attack like this brought a solution that was much more finite and definitive.
And a judge will let his POS ass go free on a second chance because he’s a loved child of his family, church, and community and he’s also a remedial student which means he really just doesn’t care to do the work to pass and the school just places him in the next grade for completing the bare ass minimum requirements to pass.
Er... I don't think we need a divorce.

I think we need a national eviction.

Don't believe in the Constitution and our Founding Principles? Believe in Socialism and not individual success? Think you deserve equal outcomes, not an equal starting line?

Then GTFO.

Want to live in Wakenda? Hate being among white people? Think Cinco De Mayo is a National holiday? Think the DMV should learn Mandarin or Bantu or fucking Azerbijani?

Then GTFO.

Think America needs to have trannies in classrooms, cut little boys dicks off and turn them into girls, men can get pregnant and infants should be aborted during birth?

Then GTFO.

Think we should not allow a Football team to pray but need to have a fucking Mosque in every public school and college? Think Satanism should have a statue next to a Baby Jesus at Christmas? Expect to celebrate Kwanzaa or fucking Ramadan while telling people Easter is Racist?

Then GTFO.

America has this great thing called Military Airlift Command. We can pick up these Un-American little twats all over the country and take them to wonderful new paradises in Africa... Europe, Middle East, Russia, India, Red China, Venezuela, Meh-hico?... hey, we can drop you UnAmerican little shitbirds off in the third world craphole of your choice and I am SURE they willl welcome those wokies with open arms.

We can start by taking a bunch of C5 Galaxies full of woke fruits to Iran, Saudi and Qatar and drop them off. They can see how far they get demanding their rights to cornhole each other while swinging from cranes.

Think America sucks for the black man? Well let me introduce you to the paradise of Burkino Faso, or Lesotho or Uganda or Ethiopia... and I hear Sudan is really big on letting you loot big screen TV's and doing crack.

Want socialism you little college Ivy League butt pirate? Well welcome to North Korea! We can parachute you right on in! Or march you at gunpoint into the DMZ and whoever doesn't trip a mine can go live in Potemkin village. I am sure Kim will also be all ears when you tell him how much his paradise does not cater to your vegan diet and your iPhone won't work.

Yeah... Divorce? Fuck that. A ton of people died keeping this country together. More per capita from my state than any other, in fact. And we didn't own no slaves and cotton won't grow here. So fuck divorce.

Time for an eviction.

Please, allow me to write the questionnaire that forms the basis for the litmus test for deportation Please? Pretty Please?

sirhr for president!