I used to shoot them a lot, not so much anymore because you have to reload them, and I really have very little interest in reloading a 308. I get some with the 185s reloaded because I can shoot far, and we have real wind here, but otherwise, I just stick to factory flair with a 308.
But we used to shoot a lot of a 155s, in fact, I used to shoot more Lapua 170gr HPS, which is a Full Metal Jacket Sniper round that has staked primers and high velocities. 2850fps out of the box with a 20"-22" 308, and a BC of .525. I have cases of the stuff. Back in the day, at the Allegheny Sniper Challenge with the dirty group, this combo won the 600-yard group on paper stage with a 3.25" in a 12MPH Wind against the likes of 7mms and 6.5s. It was the GAP Harbingers favorite flavor.