The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Jacob Bynum State of the Union Talk
Interesting call from Jacob Bynum of Rifles Only. He pinged to discussion his recent Nomad or Outlaw Match, meaning he had no affiliation to any league and he was Surprised to see and hear from the Sponsors.
The Sponsors for Rifles Only Spring match stepped up bigger being the match was not affiliated to any league or series. I have noticed the sponsors buying ads with me discussion the lack of return. The series have a big voice but very little actual reach. The message carries but he return for sponsors just isn't there. Sure they will use the name and resources but really, the investment is lost.
Jacob also had a user question, this was about only have one rifle. Both Jacob and agreed an 308 Gas Gun would be best if you could only have one.
Lastly, where are we going, it's a great conversation with Jacob and I think if you pay attention you map out a path going forward. I alway look forward to talking to Jacob and this episode was simulcast to Sniper's Hide for the Everyday Sniper and the Rifles Only Podcast.
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