The Everyday Sniper Podcast: What is a Marksman ? | The Everyday Sniper
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: What is a Marksman ? Wow, this is a crazy podcast, I have Jacob Bynum from Rifles Only here, on top of that I have Chris Way of Riflekraft here. You read that right, Frank, Jacob, and Chris on the same podcast. So we got this question, what is a marksman, what about...
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: What is a Marksman ?
Wow, this is a crazy podcast, I have Jacob Bynum from Rifles Only here, on top of that I have Chris Way of Riflekraft here. You read that right, Frank, Jacob, and Chris on the same podcast.
So we got this question, what is a marksman, what about .22 Rimfire to 500 yards, and what all that entails is the question. I don't even know where to begin with describing this shooting podcast.
We talk all aspect of marksmanship, fundamentals, anecdotes from over the years. This all encompassing discussion is one for the history books.
It's an hour and half of 3 guys talking shooting from all angles. Games vs Training, Competition vs Hunting, vs Tactical, it's all in here.
Sniper’s Hide Website
For the Serious Tactical Marksman
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Chris Way’s RifleKraft
Jacob Bynum Rifles Only