So I’m back from home from my weekend class with
@Lowlight up here in Alaska, and man was it a blast. I took my Fix with me equipped with the Proof 6.5 barrel shooting Hornady 147s. That was my first time shooting beyond 500 yards and it was pretty exciting. Unfortunately I was having too much fun and didn’t take too many pictures. I did not realize how bad my fundamentals were until I had Marc and Frank yelling in my ear what I was doing wrong.
I shot a 1moa 5 shot group at 100yards the first day for my eval, and at the end of day two I would of shot a .25moa group, but got excited on shot four and pulled a flier. So much for concentrating on my fundamentals.
Now that I’m home, I need to hit the range and make sure I haven’t forgotten everything. And I’ll make sure to take pictures of my groups this time.
The rifle performed flawlessly, and didn’t have a single issue. If anyone has any doubts on how the rifle shoots, I’d recommend taking a class from Frank.
Photo credit of my rifle goes to
Side note, it was pretty awesome watching Frank grab my gun, dial on my dope to 1000, and go 3 for 3.