The Gutless Old Party
When I’m sometimes foolish enough to state a political view while out in public -- you can’t be held in jail without bail for talking about January 6, can you? -- the person I’m speaking with typically responds, “Oh, so you mu...
By Pete McArdle
When I’m sometimes foolish enough to state a political view while out in public -- you can’t be held in jail without bail for talking about January 6, can you? -- the person I’m speaking with typically responds, “Oh, so you must be a Republican!”
And I laugh heartily, and shake my head no.
The Democrats may very well want to off unborn babies; encourage adolescents to lop off their breasts or penises; counsel African-Americans to expect financial reparations from Whitey as penitence for past offenses; allow any Tom, Dick or Juan to waltz into this country unvetted, possibly unemployable, and potentially criminal; convince anxious middle schoolers that the Earth is doomed; and staunchly support all the vile college brats and anti-Semitic educators advocating for the extermination of Israel, I say.
But at least they have the courage of their conviction.
The GOP, or “Gutless Old Party,” as I call them, is the biggest bunch of overpaid, overstuffed wussies since Ghostbusters: Answer the Call.
They promise to fight the people trying to burn our country down to the ground, and then go paws up the next time the corrupt, lawless FBI asks for permission to continue spying on Donald Trump and his supporters without a warrant.
They run for office on reducing government spending, and then agree with every absurd, wasteful, and unaffordable -- considering we’re the most indebted country in world history by a considerable margin -- Democrat-sponsored giveaway.
Think of Republicans as beta-Democrats in sheep’s clothing.
Democrats will fight, riot, lie, cheat, steal, and collude to win. They’ll sic the feds on Americans with the wrong thoughts, the IRS on folks of the wrong political party, provide the media with the official government-approved message, and make it ridiculously easy to cheat electorally while importing millions of new voters from abroad.

What a bunch of poseurs and clowns.
I can see why weak-minded people flock to the Democrat party. They’re the strong horse. The GOP, although I agree with most of their professed views, exudes weakness.
Let’s take a trip down Gutless Old Party Lane, shall we?
Recall the photo of a smiling George W. Bush in 2017 -- who actively opposed candidate, president (R), and citizen Donald J. Trump -- laughing it up with his good buddies Slick Willie and Barry O. at the President’s Cup. Yes, that’s “Dubya” who, when he wasn’t mangling the English tongue or starting two deadly, costly, and ultimately fruitless wars, was more than happy when the time came to drop his conservative beliefs and mosey on over to the other side.
And how ‘bout Sen. John McCain? McCain ran for office on the Republican platform of abolishing Obamacare. Still, despite being terminal with a brain tumor, McCain revealed himself to be just another slithery operator, as he single-handedly saved Obamacare and gave President Trump and every single Republican voter one final middle finger.
Speaking of spineless, failed GOP candidates for president, how ‘bout M. Pierre Delecto?
Can you imagine a Democrat senator voting to impeach a Democrat president under any circumstance? No?
Me neither.
But Ol’ Mittens, who was perhaps the progenitor of Obamacare in his time in Massachusetts, was more than happy to throw the president of his own party under the bus, further buttressing Democrat claims that Romney purposely left his dog on top of his car during a road trip. Whether he’s abusing dogs or Republican presidents, M. Delecto clearly can’t be trusted.
And who was a bigger turncoat than Obama-supporting Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (D-FOX)? That’s right, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.
McCarthy gave in to the opposition at every opportunity, he put the “less” into spineless, he would have easily been the most supine Republican House Speaker of all time until his removal gave us ... Mike Johnson.
Let’s face it, when your GOP street-fightin’, lib-slaying, ‘Merica-saving hero looks suspiciously like Chris Hayes, you’ve got a problem.
Little Mikey wasted no time giving in to aid for the unwinnable war in Ukraine, comfort to the plotters in the FBI, and absolutely no protection for our Southern border as promised. How would a Democrat Speaker of the House be any different?
And who can forget the pathetic efforts, travails, and absurd recusal of President Trump’s first attorney general, Jeff Sessions?
No one? Anyone?
Seriously, could you be a bigger wimp? Of course, the answer to that is yes!
Attorney General Bill Barr (R-Dunkin’s) was a much bigger wimp. Like his waistline, his promises were big -- he vowed to get to the bottom of the Clinton/DNC/FBI Russia collusion Scam -- but his results were, sadly, small.
He and his pal John Durham, the guy with the bad goatee, did a wonderful job covering up an orchestrated coup against a sitting president. No one was charged, no one was punished, no one lost their pension, and Barr’s Democrat masters no doubt heartily approved.
But, could there be an even more ginormous GOP fraud than Bill Barr? (Hint: Yet another pathetic Republican presidential candidate.)
Mais oui! Chris Christie, waddle on down!
When not skating on charges of purposely tying up traffic on the George Washington Bridge to settle political scores -- a capital offense in this former New Yorker’s mind -- or single-handedly filling up a Jersey shore beach during the COVID lockdowns that mere commoners were forbidden to attend, Christie misses no opportunity to diss the most conservative, pro-life president and candidate in my lifetime. Recall the photo of Christy Kreme hugging Barry O. and tell me Christy’s not the biggest RHINO, er . . . RINO, of them all.
No, the GOP is truly gutless. They help to expel a sketchy Republican House member, George Santos, while Democrat Bob Menendez continues to flourish, and numerous Democrat reps call for the total annihilation of Israel.
They investigate the corrupt, dried-up vegetable in the Oval Office and his conniving crackhead son, and somehow come up with absolutely nothing, knowing the despicable, lying mainstream media will totally obscure their fey pronouncements.
They send articles of impeachment to the Senate for the despicable Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Chuck Schumer simply tables them and laughs.
In response, the Republican senators, including Monsieur Delecto, do absolutely squat -- pardonnez ma Francais!
Frankly, the Gutless Old Party, the Democrat’s pretend opposition, seems to turn tail at every opportunity, they’re the Sir Robin of American politics. At present, they run away, away at every confrontation.
They allow their nominally Republican presidential candidate to be law-fared to death. And then look the other way while the media, academia, FBI, CIA, and DOJ all do their thing to take former president Trump down.
They allow the January 6 rioters to rot in jail while the mostly-peaceful BLM rioters look forward to further opportunities to break the law with impunity.
They support and fund the Deep State that would gladly jail President Trump, you, or me -- if only I could write clearly and powerfully enough.
They support budgets spending money we don’t have, on foreign wars we don’t need, and on pork that the GOP pretends they’re against.
They allow our Southern border to remain open; Jews, Christians, and white males to be openly discriminated against; MAGA supporters to be demonized for caring about our formerly great country; and mentally ill boys to beat up on girls in athletic competitions.
They pretend to represent us while becoming fabulously wealthy on dentist salaries.
The Gutless Old Party, huh, what is it good for?
In my mind, absolutely nothing.