the boys have been on me to take them pig hunting. well we finally got the chance. i was worried about mason (midget) because he is so small and i was worried he wouldnt be able to keep up in the dense brush and get burned out. we didnt do anything other than walk several miles on the first trip but both boys had a great time and were anxious to go back. the second trip we were able to stalk within 50yds of a large group of pigs. we waited for the right opportunity but no shot ever presented itself. something ended up startling the pigs and the ran back toward us with several large pigs running past on a trail less than 10ft away! the midget held his ground, never wimpered, and waited for one to stop. his shot was only 25yds but he made a beautiful offhand shot. we cooked this little guy whole in the roaster and it was delicious! i could not be more proud of my boys.