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The next bio weapon they release on us


Full Member
  • Nov 9, 2022
    Like wtf. We know they tell us their plans ahead of time. But wtf




    The only reaction that article can elicit...

    As a matter of fact, here is another one just for the amount of fuckery in it...

    And the fact that they actually published something like that knowing that 80%+ of the population already associated them with being up to no good and have NEVER been up to any good to begin with.

    On the other hand, this may be used to cover for the titanic fallout that the mRNA shots WILL cause in the years to come. The cells and immune systems of those who took the mRNA are permanently damaged. The ones who already died so far have mostly been athletic and performance arts types from the blood clotting. For the rest, the damage is slower and more insidious. "Turbo cancers" are already being observed, due to irreparably damaged immune systems unable to perform their routine duties. The damage only gets worse onward because DNA hijacked by the mRNA particles cannot undergo mitosis to produce healthy DNA again. The cells that come from damaged cell lines will still retain the damaged coding in their DNA. And like radiation poisoning, once the ratio of damaged and altered cells in the body accumulates to a certain point and overtakes the remaining healthy ones, that is when sudden and devastating syndromes begin to manifest at once. Considering just how many people have fallen for the lies and fear porn, or have been coerced into taking the poison, once that fallout truly hits sometime down the road, it will be utterly devastating and hospitals may really be overwhelmed this time.
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    Something to do with Brandon signing into that WHO thing? Didn't it say that it would give the WHO authority during a "global pandemic "?

    I could be a little off, I know the article is here somewhere. I just remember reading about all these executive powers that the WHO would be endowed with, during such an instance.

    Seems a little fucky regardless.
    The only reaction that article can elicit...

    As a matter of fact, here is another one just for the amount of fuckery in it...

    And the fact that they actually published something like that knowing that 80%+ of the population already associated them with being up to no good and have NEVER been up to any good to begin with.

    On the other hand, this may be used to cover for the titanic fallout that the mRNA shots WILL cause in the years to come. The cells and immune systems of those who took the mRNA are permanently damaged. The ones who already died so far have mostly been athletic and performance arts types from the blood clotting. For the rest, the damage is slower and more insidious. "Turbo cancers" are already being observed, due to irreparably damaged immune systems unable to perform their routine duties. The damage only gets worse onward because DNA hijacked by the mRNA particles cannot undergo mitosis to produce healthy DNA again. The cells that come from damaged cell lines will still retain the damaged coding in their DNA. And like radiation poisoning, once the ratio of damaged and altered cells in the body accumulates to a certain point and overtakes the remaining healthy ones, that is when sudden and devastating syndromes begin to manifest at once. Considering just how many people have fallen for the lies and fear porn, or have been coerced into taking the poison, once that fallout truly hits sometime down the road, it will be utterly devastating and hospitals may really be overwhelmed this time.
    Would you mind if I coppied this and forwarded it to some people? I won't take credit for it.
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    Would you mind if I coppied this and forwarded it to some people? I won't take credit for it.

    You good bro. 👍 And it is not important to me about who takes credit for it. As long as it saves lives and help more people wake up, I am content with that.
    the vaccine for whatever they come up with is already being produced. that is the major point of the next CDC funded bio weapon. prob done in ukraine,africa or china again. and yes,they do have a pretty complete accounting of who was and wasn't vaccinated during the recent covid scam. look for some specific targeting to come. will be done by our ever valiant thin blue line. or,enforcement could be the first use made of our recently imported 1 million + military age male scum.
    So another lab made virus. They sure have a lot of info on something that’s in the “wild” that “may” be on the way. May be on the way based on who may win the next election, or may be on the way by some pos crossing our boarder??? They are already hyping this one up, just about like faucci saying over a year in advance that Trump would face a epidemic. These fers feel they are above everyone and not even trying to hide it anymore.
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    More the opposite I would think
    Considering that they have opened the borders to ten million that are unvaccinated it brings a bit of coin flipping. Are they using the ten million as asymptomatic spreaders of the new man made virus? But to target who? The already vaccinated or the stubborn anti vax? Since they have a goal to reduce the population I will say that they are going after the already vaccinated. The anti vax are only 20% and that number will probably get reduced by not having natural immunity and some getting the new vax once the bodies start stacking up.

    Buy more mags. You should already have the ammo.
    really tb has not been seen in the us for years and how with the all the illegal immigration it's back maybe they plan on ruling everyone with an onslaught of stupidity , stupid in the schools , stupid running wild in the streets , and stupid elected to rule the country .
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    Considering that they have opened the borders to ten million that are unvaccinated it brings a bit of coin flipping. Are they using the ten million as asymptomatic spreaders of the new man made virus? But to target who? The already vaccinated or the stubborn anti vax? Since they have a goal to reduce the population I will say that they are going after the already vaccinated

    The jabbed. Just remember that the actual virus is not deadly to purebloods, and the next one won't be either. It's only deadly to the jabbed. So the jab is the weapon and it was designed to kill slowly, and kill when new "viruses" are released. It was a more long term investment and part of the plan to take down the USA in stages.

    So flood the country with sick, but pureblooded invaders and kill off big chunks of the population without firing a shot. The NWO needs the new slaves to carry a sickness, but live.

    Then the new replacement slave population multiplies and blammo! Now the NWO plan has no resistance of annoying people that cling to their ideas of being a free people. It's happening right now and we are watching it go down, just look at Europe they are way ahead over there. The NWO doesn't need to even worry about resistance because by the time people wake up, it will be too late.
    I just hope Europe wakes up and gets back to their roots.

    With wholesale genocide of the rapist invaders

    Europe used to be good at those kind of things
    Used to be...

    I do think there's a growing appetite in this country for a wholesale mass deportation. That's a heavy lift in politics today but it's already extremely popular with more than half the population so, maybe it's possible. Probably not, but maybe
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    The Spanish Flu wasn’t what killed people. It was complications due to the flu, most of which could have been cured with simple antibiotics.
    Mostly complications due to face diapers.

    It struck me the other day. Assuming they do have ability too engineer the most deadly contagious virus we have ever seen. How do they protect themselves if they release it? Thats why the next pandemic will be just like C19. More people will be killed by bad health care than the actual disease, and whatever you die from; it will be blamed on the pandemic again.
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    This new disease is 20X more deadly than covid-19. They fucked with the numbers so hard it is impossible to know how many if any covid-19 killed.
    The flu virus damn near disappeared for a year.

    I don't trust thier bullshit numbers. On the other hand I'm not saying these fucks won't release a virus that will kill every motherfucker on this planet. That would not suprise me in the least.
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    Covid was a trial run for social control and compliance. They hope to get the non-compliant with "X" because it is 20x more deadly. There is a good chance the next virus is a lot more lethal than Covid as a way to get to the final global population number.
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    Somebody isn’t good at math, last time I checked 7million x 20 equals 140 million. But by their admission this new virus is only expected to kill 50 million, so if it’s 20 times deadlier than Covid that would mean Covid only killed 2.5 million people worldwide.
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    Somebody isn’t good at math, last time I checked 7million x 20 equals 140 million. But by their admission this new virus is only expected to kill 50 million, so if it’s 20 times deadlier than Covid that would mean Covid only killed 2.5 million people worldwide.
    Bad math you say! We only know 7 million died during there pandemic we have no idea how many died from covid...
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    Reactions: mosin46 and BurtG
    Doesn't help that now that the genie is out of the bottle, and RNA experimentation is de rigueur, rather than prohibited (as formerly) for moral and ethical reasons, RNA changes to hosts are being used to change shrimp grown for consumption. An anti-viral Rna is emplaced into the live shrimp, making them resistant to certain viruses. Here is a link for a scad of studies modifying different portions of Shrimp DNA. rna mods for shrimp.
    My pointbeing that now that the reins are loose, RNA experimentation is running amok. It is going to be used to modify everything. Foods, especially.
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