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The OFFICIAL 'Wuhan' Coronavirus outbreak information and tracking thread. NARRATIVE CHANGE. "Endemic, just like the cold". Cuomo regrets lockdown.

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US, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, UK....... 94,425 deaths.

China........................................................... 3,341 deaths.

According to current Worldometer data.

Either someone is lying or there was prepared counter-measures.

Either way there better be hell to pay going forward.
They had crematories running for 2 months 24hrs a day. They have had 40,000 urns ordered 2 months in a row. Both numbers would indicate that they had 40-80k deaths in the Wuhan province alone. TO think they didn't have it spread to other provinces is something only a bernie bro economics major would believe ie; AOC
Honestly the whining about Chinese not telling us enough or on time is just total BS , we were all watching live on TV as Wuhan shit hit the fan months before things got serious in the west , ultimately its total and absolute failure of intelligence community and leadership ,that is it , whining like little bitches now, grandstanding for the cameras is just lame. Intelligence community deserves to be taken apart all patriot act powers revoked and rebuilt ground up, as it just lame nest of incompetence ,that always failed when it counted.

I would still like to know what US admins were paying for at Wuhan Labs at a tune of some 3.5mio$

''The US State Department received two cables from US Embassy officials in 2018 warning of inadequate safety at a Wuhan, China biolab conducting 'risky studies' on bat coronaviruses, according to the Washington Post, which notes that the cables have "fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus."
A US delegation led by Jamison Fouss, the consul general in Wuhan, and Rick Switzer, the embassy's counselor of environment, science, technology and health took the unusual step of repeatedly visiting the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) - which had become China's first laboratory to achieve the highest level of international bioresearch safety (BSL-4) in 2015. The last of the visits, which occurred on March 27, 2018, was documented on WIV's website and subsequently scrubbed (archive).
US officials were so concerned by what they saw that they warned of a potential pandemic stemming from the lab's work on bat coronaviruses.

What the U.S. officials learned during their visits concerned them so much that they dispatched two diplomatic cables categorized as Sensitive But Unclassified back to Washington. The cables warned about safety and management weaknesses at the WIV lab and proposed more attention and help. The first cable, which I obtained, also warns that the lab’s work on bat coronaviruses and their potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic. -Washington Post
"During interactions with scientists at the WIV laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory," reads a January, 2018 cable drafted by two officials from the embassy's environment, science and health sections who met with scientists from the WIV.

Interestingly, the Chinese researchers were receiving assistance from the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch and other U.S. organizations, however the Chinese had requested additional help. Consequently, the cables warned that the US should give the WIV additional support because of how dangerous the research on bat coronaviruses was.

As the cable noted, the U.S. visitors met with Shi Zhengli, the head of the research project, who had been publishing studies related to bat coronaviruses for many years. In November 2017, just before the U.S. officials’ visit, Shi’s team had published research showing that horseshoe bats they had collected from a cave in Yunnan province were very likely from the same bat population that spawned the SARS coronavirus in 2003.
"Most importantly," the cable warns, "the researchers also showed that various SARS-like coronaviruses can interact with ACE2, the human receptor identified for SARS-coronavirus. This finding strongly suggests that SARS-like coronaviruses from bats can be transmitted to humans to cause SARS-like diseases. From a public health perspective, this makes the continued surveillance of SARS-like coronaviruses in bats and study of the animal-human interface critical to future emerging coronavirus outbreak prediction and prevention."

Shi and other researchers have strongly denied that the new virus known as 2019-nCoV came from WIV, after her team was the first to publicly report it.

According to the report, the bat coronavirus research was aimed at preventing the next SARS-like pandemic "by anticipating how it might emerge," however according to the report "even in 2015, other scientists questioned whether Shi’s team was taking unnecessary risks."

In October 2014, the U.S. government had imposed a moratorium on funding of any research that makes a virus more deadly or contagious, known as “gain-of-function” experiments.
WaPo is careful to note that 'many' have said there's no evidence that COVID-19 was engineered, and that concensus is that it came from animals, "that is not the same as saying it didn't come from a lab, which spent years testing bat coronaviruses in animals," according to Xiao Qiang, a research scientist at UC Berkeley.

"The cable tells us that there have long been concerns about the possibility of the threat to public health that came from this lab’s research, if it was not being adequately conducted and protected," he said.

Meanwhile, similar concerns remain about the nearby Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention Lab - a level 2 biosecurity facility, while the Chinese government refuses to say whether either lab was involved.

Notably, the Wuhan CDC is located roughly 900 feet from the wet market which accounted for roughly half of the new COVID-19 cases late last year.

That said, the report notes that the wet market didn't sell bats - and the first known patient had no known connection to the market. That said, there's nothing to say that an employee from the Chinese CDC didn't accidentally infect themselves and go shopping for meat during the virus's well known asymptomatic incubation period.

According to WaPo, citing sources familiar with the cables, the US embassy wanted to sound an alarm about the grave safety concerns at the WIV lab, "especially regarding its work with bat coronaviruses."

"The cable was a warning shot," said one US official. "They were begging people to pay attention to what was going on."

Next, WaPo moves on to the 'blame the Trump admin' phase of the report, noting that "no extra assistance to the labs was provided by the US government in response to the cables" which "began to circulate again inside the administration over the past two months as officials debated whether the lab could be the origin of the pandemic and what the implications would be for the U.S. pandemic response and relations with China."

Inside the Trump administration, many national security officials have long suspected either the WIV or the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention lab was the source of the novel coronavirus outbreak. According to the New York Times, the intelligence community has provided no evidence to confirm this. But one senior administration official told me that the cables provide one more piece of evidence to support the possibility that the pandemic is the result of a lab accident in Wuhan.
Of note, the Obama administration 'paused' funding to the WIV, which was lifted a year into Trump's presidency according to the National Review.''
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The past 2 months have been a walk in the park. Not even a dress rehearsal.. When both the food chain and the financial markets simultaneously collapse... The previous 56 pages of postings will read like a Fairy Tale. The plague will sweep across the globe, perhaps several times. Time to look forwards, not backwards. I've watched each Press Conference. Read between the lines, look at the body language of the people the President brings to the platform. I think he has done a remarkable job, so far. Similar to the guy rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.... JMHO



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According to compiled latest real time data from ongoing cases and the overall mortality to morbidity figures of COVID-19 infections throughout the world, roughly 95% are so called "mild cases", and 5% are critical, requiring advanced hospital treatment. However, "mild" in terms of COVID-19 is a SERIOUS misnomer... There have been plenty of instances of patients suffering from "mild" cases going into full multi-organ failure and dying within the next couple of hours, often before they even have the chance to be admitted to a hospital.

For those who are lucky enough to not need hospital treatment and manage to recover on their own, a "mild" case of COVID-19 is nothing resembling what we would think of when we hear about a mild case of a head cold or seasonal influenza. COVID-19 is brutal, and even the most perfectly healthy and physically strong/active people are getting their asses kicked by this thing, to the point that even climbing back up is a chore unto itself. You DO NOT want to get hit by this shit.

The following account of an acute "mild" COVID-19 infection is taken from the blog of a New York fitness enthusiast and writer named Logan Lo. Before proceeding into his blog post, here is some background information. He is in his lower 40's in age, and had lost his beloved wife Alison McCarthy to a highly aggressive form of brain cancer two years ago, leaving behind their 4 year old son. Logan is socially active and maintains his sanity from the titanic blow of his wife's death with his circle of close-knit friends, and this is how he most likely had contracted the infection in the first place. According to the entries on his blog, he had not really followed the latest updates on the blight spreading across the world until the first deluge of cases had struck his hometown of Queens in New York City and the city went into lockdown mode. Incidentally, Queens is the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the tri-state area and the neighborhood of Elmhurst had literally been devastated.

Note the highly unusual symptoms of COVID-19 and how aggressively they came on. Complete loss of taste and smell. Spiking and dipping fever (not too severe in Logan's case) Extreme exhaustion and body pains. Fever induced hallucinations where he thought he had communicated with his deceased wife. No cough but severe breathing troubles, which manifested in over 90% of other so called "mild" cases and is the solid evidence of the virus's cyanide-like affinity for bonding to hemoglobin and depriving the body of oxygen. Logan's condition improved after a few days when he had started taking chloroquine and a zinc supplement in cocktail form in a similar manner as described by physicians who had used this regimen and the netizens of the Web who helped spread and publicize their results. He had originally obtained the chloroquine and zinc in the past to treat the various ailments associated with his wife's cancer and they most likely had saved his life from becoming one of New York City's 7,000+ COVID-19 deaths.

Keep in mind that this is a perfectly healthy 40 year old guy who is heavily into physical exercise and watches his diet carefully. This virus had literally beaten the shit out of him and came back for seconds.

Pay ESPECIALLY close attention to the third post of his blog highlighted below.

I got Covid-19, Pt 1

Man, the last 13 days of my life have been crazy.

Was feeling a bit off when I wrote my last entry but figured that it was just allergies or something. But then I kept feeling progressively worse.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what it was like.

Friday 03.27 – Temp 99.1
I’m feeling off. Tired, irritable, cloudy-headed with some weird neck pain. Figure it’s allergies and me sleeping wrong. Pop a Tylenol and go about my usual day of nuthin. Note that I normally run at 98.3 but I figured it was just an anomaly.

Saturday 03.28 – Temp 99.5
The weird neck pain gets worse and the Tylenol doesn’t help, so I take a percocet. Percocet is lovely. This is when the hunger starts.

I’m normally hungry. The running joke is that, out of all our friends, there’s only one guy – Panda – that can regularly out eat me. Starting this day, however. I felt a hunger that I can’t describe to you.

Ate an entire shelf in my fridge and continued eating anything I could get my hands on for the next 11 days. The weird thing is that things are losing their flavor. They didn’t taste like anything. I could taste major things – salty, sour, etc – but not any nuance.

Sunday 03.29 – Temp 99.7
Neck pain continues, eyes are tired. This is the last night that I sleep normally – which was never that normal to begin with.

Continue to eat everything in the house. Stop intermittent fasting because I can’t get full. Find that I can’t focus on things like 30-minute shows and such. Can watch the news because they’re 90 second segments and my attention span doesn’t last longer than that.

Monday 03.30 – Temp 100.3
This is my 19th night of isolation and when things started to really head south. Checked the allergy charts and it said that pollen counts were a 10 out of 12 in my area and chalked it up to that. Took some of my strongest sleep meds but had a completely fitful night of sleep, even though I was in bed from 7pm to 9AM the next morning. Probably slept no more than three hours total.

Still wasn’t sure it was coronavirus because my appetite remained insane. I ate nonstop from 10:30 to 5:30 including a box of protein pasta and a pound of sausages myself (serves four people or one Logan Lo). My sense of taste was clearly gone by this day.

Tuesday 03.31 – Temp 100.9
Woke up feeling even worse. Checked the pollen count and it was lower, at a 7. There goes that theory. Hoping to taste something, order super spicy Chinese food delivered – and I never order anything delivered because I feel it’s an unnecessary extravagance. Bought two lunch specials including soups and ate everything. Felt the burn but zero flavour.

Took some of my sleep meds at seven again and this time they worked(ish) – woke up at 3AM. Took more meds at 5AM and slept until 9AM the next day.

Wednesday 04.01 – 100.6
Woke up feeling roughly the same. Ended up taking some more percocet for the neck pain. Tried to update my will but I realized I didn’t have witnesses to validate it so I stopped. Lay down on my living room floor because I couldn’t make it to the couch two feet away. Another fitful night of sleep.

Thursday 04.02 – 98.4
Last of the neck pain and I feel much better. Figure that I’ll be fine by the next day.

Friday 04.03 – 101.3
I am very wrong. Wake up with blood in my eyes again, a splitting headache, fever and just ravenous hunger. As soon as it was 11AM, I ordered a large pizza. Had the delivery guy leave it on my steps so as not to potentially contaminate him.

Promptly drop a slice onto one of my new chairs. Fuckballs. Somehow manage to clean it and then lie on my floor again.

Saturday 04.04 – 100.9
Now, things start getting weird.

I hallucinate that Alison is here. In the day time. I know in my head that she’s not really here but I pretend it’s real. It was the nicest thing that’s happened to me in months.

She’s telling me to sit up and get out of bed because my lungs will collapse if I don’t. I refuse. She says, “I’ll carry you if I have to.” I tell her about the Women of Weinsberg.

The story goes that, in 1140, the German king, Conrad III, defeats the Duke of Welf and placed Weinsberg under siege. All the men would be killed but the women would be allowed to leave in peace with whatever they could carry on their backs.

So, the women left all their money and belongings and – one-by-one – walked out of the castle with their husbands on their back.

The king, true to his word, allowed them safe passage.

Years ago, I collapsed at my front door due to food poisoning. Alison carried me back to bed all the way on the other side of the apartment.

Her: (laughing) Only you bring up a history lesson in the middle of being sick, Logan. Anyway, I did it once before, I’ll do it again if I have to.
Me: You’re not really here, are you?
Her: (shakes head) No, Logan. I wish I was.
Me: Oh, I wish you were too. I’ve missed you so much.
Her: (gently) Get up, Logan. You got this. You have to get up.

I did, because she asked me to. I could never say no to her. Even when she’s just in my head.

I’ll tell you more tomorrow.

Gonna go sit and cry for a bit now, if you don’t mind.

Location: my empty apartment

I got Covid-19, Pt 2

Would. Not. Recommend.

Sunday 04.05 – 101.7
I’m essentially non-functional this day. I do little but eat and try to sit upright. I start wearing a neck pillow to keep my head from slamming into the back wall because I can’t keep my head up.

Before I do, however, I sit there, head back, looking up. I think, absentmindedly, “If I survive this, gonna have to dust the ceiling fan.”

Manage to make it the eight feet to my kitchen and eat half a box of donuts with six tablespoons of peanut butter and wash it all down with coconut milk from the carton. I sit down on the kitchen floor because I’m too tired to make it to the sofa. Use the carton as a pillow for my head along with the neck brace.

Pull out my phone to send an electronic key to my brother so he can unlock my doors from LA if he doesn’t hear from me and I need paramedics. I pass out, hoping to see Alison. I don’t.

Note that I’m still not really coughing so I think that there’s a chance it’s not Covid. But I clearly can’t taste or smell a damn thing.

My kitchen floor’s filthy. Alison would not be happy.

Monday 04.06 – 101.2
Can’t stand any more, at all. The first thing I do when I wake – because I want to be as clear-headed as possible – is to write my existing clients letting them know that, should I die, the work I did will be emailed to them before I pass and any unused funds would be returned to them.

They write back hoping I’ll be ok. Don’t respond. The hunger’s still off the charts and I order two dinner-sized noodle dishes for myself and finish it all off that day. Save some soup for the other days.

Note that this whole time, I’d also been monitoring my SpO2 levels, which are consistently between 96 and 99, so my brother tells me not to go to the hospital yet.

I’ve also not listened to any music this whole time. My head is angry and noisy and tells me I’m better off dead.

Me: Why do you hate me so much?
Me: Because, you’re a piece of shit. You let her die.
Me: (nodding) Yeah. Makes sense. I wonder if it’ll hurt?

Tuesday 04.07 – 101.9
This is the worst day yet. Still can’t stand longer than a minute. Finally start having slight breathing/chest issues. It might be anxiety or just in my head. Or I could be dying. Dunno. It’s also the first time my hunger slips. Feel nauseated and vomit. Lots of coughing but it’s not dry. O2 levels drop to 92, massive chills.

I decide that if I die, I want to die at home. And then I worry that the boy will be alone in the world and force myself to eat some goldfish crackers and pretzels. The daytime hallucinations have stopped. I’m disappointed.

Me: Alison? Alison? (sighing) Well, shit…

My SIL sends me a care package with a note saying she hoped I wasn’t dead. I struggle to get it into my apartment. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Daisy also wrote hoping I wasn’t dead. It’s nice, that people hope that I’m not dead.

Read that Chris Cuomo cracked his teeth, chattering, and mine are chattering non-stop so I put in a mouthguard from BJJ so it doesn’t happen to me. Go to bed and wake up freezing cold but absolutely drenched in sweat. Move from my side of the bed to the other side because everything is wet and gross.

I’d been avoiding Tyelnol to keep track of my temps but my brother tells me to take some to try and get some sleep. I do so, and crash hard. Alison visits me and we take the boy to a local playground.

Wednesday 04.08 – 101.3 but drops to 100.5 at night.
My hunger is replaced by nausea in the morning but I still eat. I dry retch a few times and get to my sofa. I pass out.

A few hours later, I wake up and make myself some coffee. I smell it for the first time at 3:30, I think. Not sure. If it’s real, it’s the first thing I can remember smelling since the 03.29.

Thursday 04.09 – 99.2
Wake up late. It’s the first time since Sunday, the 29th that I woke up later than 7AM. It’s 10:45 when I wake.

I’m tired but not exhausted.

Write my clients and apologize for scaring them. I cancel the checks and delete the files. End up staying out of bed past 7:30PM; it’s actually midnight when I go to bed. My brother’s happy.

Friday 04.10 – 98.8

Want protein again; can’t eat another carb. So I order some fish with lemons and a gyro for myself. Again, a splurge.

Speaking of lemons, you’re better off taking a cheese grater to your forearm, liberally salting said forearm afterwards, and finishing it with a twist of lemon than getting the coronavirus.

Would. Not. Recommend.

Dusted the ceiling fan today. Tomorrow, I’ll mop the kitchen.

I’m alone again.

Well, that’s not completely true; Harold’s here.

How (I think) I survived COVID-19

Glucose, Zinc, Cholorquine, and a Fever
I’ve had time – nuthin but, actually – to reflect on getting sick.

Suppose the first thing to tell you is what I did to try to save myself.

I had gotten some base cholorquine for Alison when she was sick so I started taking that on the 28th. The dosage used by doctors for off-label empiric therapy is 500mg – twice the normal dose for those taking it as an adjunct to cancer therapy – but I was alone with no one to help if things went south quickly.

So, I stuck with a single 250mg dose in the morning along with a multivitamin.

As much as possible, I tried to take a Tylenol at 10AM so that by 5PM, I could take my temp again. The temps I wrote in my last two entries were either taken just before 10AM, just after 5PM, or before bed. So, my temps coulda been higher or lower than what I wrote because of when I took the readings.

More on Tylenol below.

I also took zinc gucolsomate five times a day for the first week. This should really be part of SOC considering that there’re years worth of well-founded research on this although some feel the aid is only slight. For me, every percentage improvement helped so I took it.

I also drank a lotta Propel water; my brother was worried about dehydration and I definitely felt worse when I didn’t drink enough.

In terms of preexisting conditions, I would guess it was a combination of smoking in my 20s and the resulting (slight) adult asthma I had afterward, which made my particular run of this damn thing that bad.

Still, with the exception of the loss of taste and smell, I didn’t really have any of the classic symptoms of COVID-19: I didn’t really have a cough, only one day of chest pain, and no real difficulty breathing. But the fatigue and loss of smell and taste made my brother and the professor feel that it was most likely COVID.

Me: What makes you say that?
Brother: Occam’s razor.
Me: Right.

The thing that they both found odd was my insane hunger. Again, this was the opposite experience of most people with COVID – Chris Cuomo ended up losing 13 pounds after only three days with COVID.

I ate so much that I ended up gaining a one-and-a-half pounds after this whole ordeal, going from 151.2 to 152.8.

Interestingly, glucose has been linked to better survival prospects for viral-based illnesses, like COVID-19, but worse survival prospects for bacterial-based infections.

Conversely, bacterial based infections require high fat/ketones for survival with worse survival outcomes with increased glucose.

Early on in my sickness, I felt this incredible urge to eat donuts, pancakes, noodles, pizza, and bagels. Alla which I ate and don’t normally eat.

I probably wouldn’t have done that, nor been as sparing with Tyleol, if not for Alison. You see, years ago, we had this conversation.

Her: You have a fever.
Me: Great. Can you get me a Tylenol?
Her: No! Your body is trying to get rid of something by heating it out. Try to endure the fever for as long as you can.
Me: Blargh. Well, can I at least have a popsicle.
Her: Yes, I’ll go get one for you. Your body probably wants it for a reason.

So, I like to think that Alison had a hand in keeping me safe. Which, I suppose she did, seeing as there was no one else here and I wouldn’t have had the choloquine if not for her.

Who knows, maybe I woulda been just fine without doing any of this. But, I didn’t wanna take that chance.

Harold’s next to worthless at times like this. The boy did keep me some company, though.

I probably made as much sense to him as he made to me.


Logan Lo's blog...

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Damn models, getting it wrong again:


It would be nice if people would die in a manner more consistent with the algorithms.

There is a pattern emerging from the data - death counts tend to be lower during the weekend, and then snap back sharply on Monday. Either the virus is working union hours, or we're seeing the real-world effects of humans.

Assuming that we've peaked and that the trends follow the same pattern as Italy and Spain, we're in for another few weeks of a daily death rate that runs around 60-70% of the peak. I'm guessing that's how the estimates of ~60k deaths are being generated.

It's interesting that the negative test rate is running somewhere around 80% (approx. 3M tests total and ~615k positive results).
So we're just going to ignore Trump's claims that the federal government is superior to the states? OK.
Just like you’re ignoring he avoided making federal decrees, and deferred to each states governor‘s power to dictate what was appropriate for each state? As a federalist up to this point you have NOTHING to complain about. He’s reacting to jack-wagon Democrats posturing that they will countermand is orders. You are getting caught up in what he says (his counterpunching) rather than what he does, exactly like the rest of the MSM.
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Obviously the precisely correct move just from the list of lying, stealing, conniving, motherfucking,sons-of-bitches who are howling about it. The whole UN should be in prison for decades of corruption and abetting the worst human rights abusers on planet Earth. It is rotten to its very core.

UN delenda est.
What they are doing, if you have have COVID or compelling evidence that you had it, and die, they coding it as a COVID death, even if you had other conditions that may have contributed. They list the other conditions on the death certificate also. They are not out counting every death, everywhere as COVID.

:ROFLMAO: Ok. NY just added 2500 to their death count. So they are adding to the death count and by your own description as well. Whatever the reported count ends up being in the US we can safely subtract 25% and can add double that to the infection rate.
Days after New York City said it would look to include probable COVID-19 deaths in its official virus fatality toll, it revised its reporting structure to do just that. And the numbers are jarring.

According to the city's Department of Health, there were at least 10,367 confirmed or probable deaths in the five boroughs as of Tuesday evening, which was nearly 2,500 more than where Gov. Andrew Cuomo put the toll earlier in the day. The probable cases now being counted by authorities include people who may not have been tested for the virus but whose death certificates list the cause as "COVID-19 or an equivalent."
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Just like you’re ignoring he avoided making federal decrees, and deferred to each states governor‘s power to dictate what was appropriate for each state? As a federalist up to this point you have NOTHING to complain about. He’s reacting to jack-wagon Democrats posturing that they will countermand is orders. You are getting caught up in what he says (his counterpunching) rather than what he does, exactly like the rest of the MSM.

My point is that Trump can't give "orders" to reopen a state precisely because he gave no orders to close any particular state, and thus he has no counterposition to any governor's decision to reopen or remain closed.

I agree that he is indeed reacting to jack-wagon Democratic governors, but his reaction is inappropriate and unconstitutional. If these positions were reversed - if it was a Democrat like Obama threatening a Republican governor - I suspect some here would have a slightly different opinion on this matter.
My point is that Trump can't give "orders" to reopen a state precisely because he gave no orders to close any particular state, and thus he has no counterposition to any governor's decision to reopen or remain closed.

I agree that he is indeed reacting to jack-wagon Democratic governors, but his reaction is inappropriate and unconstitutional. If these positions were reversed - if it was a Democrat like Obama threatening a Republican governor - I suspect some here would have a slightly different opinion on this matter.
Except nothing was done. How can a non action be an unconstitutional action? As far as relating it to a Democrat, those people are disgusting.
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My point is that Trump can't give "orders" to reopen a state precisely because he gave no orders to close any particular state, and thus he has no counterposition to any governor's decision to reopen or remain closed.

I agree that he is indeed reacting to jack-wagon Democratic governors, but his reaction is inappropriate and unconstitutional. If these positions were reversed - if it was a Democrat like Obama threatening a Republican governor - I suspect some here would have a slightly different opinion on this matter.
That’s fair. I would Have a different opinion, because I’d believe they meant it rather than they said it as a reaction to governors saying publicly they would defy his orders. It is truly amazing how a crisis like this strips away the bullshit and really reveals character and core beliefs...like that cunt in MI.
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Obviously the precisely correct move just from the list of lying, stealing, conniving, motherfucking,sons-of-bitches who are howling about it. The whole UN should be in prison for decades of corruption and abetting the worst human rights abusers on planet Earth. It is rotten to its very core.

UN delenda est.

I want the UN to arrogantly take on a military engagement that they cannot handle, and then Fredericksburg themselves...

According to compiled latest real time data from ongoing cases and the overall mortality to morbidity figures of COVID-19 infections throughout the world, roughly 95% are so called "mild cases", and 5% are critical, requiring advanced hospital treatment. However, "mild" in terms of COVID-19 is a SERIOUS misnomer... There have been plenty of instances of patients suffering from "mild" cases going into full multi-organ failure and dying within the next couple of hours, often before they even have the chance to be admitted to a hospital.

For those who are lucky enough to not need hospital treatment and manage to recover on their own, a "mild" case of COVID-19 is nothing resembling what we would think of when we hear about a mild case of a head cold or seasonal influenza. COVID-19 is brutal, and even the most perfectly healthy and physically strong/active people are getting their asses kicked by this thing, to the point that even climbing back up is a chore unto itself. You DO NOT want to get hit by this shit.

The following account of an acute "mild" COVID-19 infection is taken from the blog of a New York fitness enthusiast and writer named Logan Lo. Before proceeding into his blog post, here is some background information. He is in his lower 40's in age, and had lost his beloved wife Alison McCarthy to a highly aggressive form of brain cancer two years ago, leaving behind their 4 year old son. Logan is socially active and maintains his sanity from the titanic blow of his wife's death with his circle of close-knit friends, and this is how he most likely had contracted the infection in the first place. According to the entries on his blog, he had not really followed the latest updates on the blight spreading across the world until the first deluge of cases had struck his hometown of Queens in New York City and the city went into lockdown mode. Incidentally, Queens is the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the tri-state area and the neighborhood of Elmhurst had literally been devastated.

Note the highly unusual symptoms of COVID-19 and how aggressively they came on. Complete loss of taste and smell. Spiking and dipping fever (not too severe in Logan's case) Extreme exhaustion and body pains. Fever induced hallucinations where he thought he had communicated with his deceased wife. No cough but severe breathing troubles, which manifested in over 90% of other so called "mild" cases and is the solid evidence of the virus's cyanide-like affinity for bonding to hemoglobin and depriving the body of oxygen. Logan's condition improved after a few days when he had started taking chloroquine and a zinc supplement in cocktail form in a similar manner as described by physicians who had used this regimen and the netizens of the Web who helped spread and publicize their results. He had originally obtained the chloroquine and zinc in the past to treat the various ailments associated with his wife's cancer and they most likely had saved his life from becoming one of New York City's 7,000+ COVID-19 deaths.

Keep in mind that this is a perfectly healthy 40 year old guy who is heavily into physical exercise and watches his diet carefully. This virus had literally beaten the shit out of him and came back for seconds.

Pay ESPECIALLY close attention to the third post of his blog highlighted below.

I got Covid-19, Pt 1

Man, the last 13 days of my life have been crazy.

Was feeling a bit off when I wrote my last entry but figured that it was just allergies or something. But then I kept feeling progressively worse.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what it was like.

Friday 03.27 – Temp 99.1
I’m feeling off. Tired, irritable, cloudy-headed with some weird neck pain. Figure it’s allergies and me sleeping wrong. Pop a Tylenol and go about my usual day of nuthin. Note that I normally run at 98.3 but I figured it was just an anomaly.

Saturday 03.28 – Temp 99.5
The weird neck pain gets worse and the Tylenol doesn’t help, so I take a percocet. Percocet is lovely. This is when the hunger starts.

I’m normally hungry. The running joke is that, out of all our friends, there’s only one guy – Panda – that can regularly out eat me. Starting this day, however. I felt a hunger that I can’t describe to you.

Ate an entire shelf in my fridge and continued eating anything I could get my hands on for the next 11 days. The weird thing is that things are losing their flavor. They didn’t taste like anything. I could taste major things – salty, sour, etc – but not any nuance.

Sunday 03.29 – Temp 99.7
Neck pain continues, eyes are tired. This is the last night that I sleep normally – which was never that normal to begin with.

Continue to eat everything in the house. Stop intermittent fasting because I can’t get full. Find that I can’t focus on things like 30-minute shows and such. Can watch the news because they’re 90 second segments and my attention span doesn’t last longer than that.

Monday 03.30 – Temp 100.3
This is my 19th night of isolation and when things started to really head south. Checked the allergy charts and it said that pollen counts were a 10 out of 12 in my area and chalked it up to that. Took some of my strongest sleep meds but had a completely fitful night of sleep, even though I was in bed from 7pm to 9AM the next morning. Probably slept no more than three hours total.

Still wasn’t sure it was coronavirus because my appetite remained insane. I ate nonstop from 10:30 to 5:30 including a box of protein pasta and a pound of sausages myself (serves four people or one Logan Lo). My sense of taste was clearly gone by this day.

Tuesday 03.31 – Temp 100.9
Woke up feeling even worse. Checked the pollen count and it was lower, at a 7. There goes that theory. Hoping to taste something, order super spicy Chinese food delivered – and I never order anything delivered because I feel it’s an unnecessary extravagance. Bought two lunch specials including soups and ate everything. Felt the burn but zero flavour.

Took some of my sleep meds at seven again and this time they worked(ish) – woke up at 3AM. Took more meds at 5AM and slept until 9AM the next day.

Wednesday 04.01 – 100.6
Woke up feeling roughly the same. Ended up taking some more percocet for the neck pain. Tried to update my will but I realized I didn’t have witnesses to validate it so I stopped. Lay down on my living room floor because I couldn’t make it to the couch two feet away. Another fitful night of sleep.

Thursday 04.02 – 98.4
Last of the neck pain and I feel much better. Figure that I’ll be fine by the next day.

Friday 04.03 – 101.3
I am very wrong. Wake up with blood in my eyes again, a splitting headache, fever and just ravenous hunger. As soon as it was 11AM, I ordered a large pizza. Had the delivery guy leave it on my steps so as not to potentially contaminate him.

Promptly drop a slice onto one of my new chairs. Fuckballs. Somehow manage to clean it and then lie on my floor again.

Saturday 04.04 – 100.9
Now, things start getting weird.

I hallucinate that Alison is here. In the day time. I know in my head that she’s not really here but I pretend it’s real. It was the nicest thing that’s happened to me in months.

She’s telling me to sit up and get out of bed because my lungs will collapse if I don’t. I refuse. She says, “I’ll carry you if I have to.” I tell her about the Women of Weinsberg.

The story goes that, in 1140, the German king, Conrad III, defeats the Duke of Welf and placed Weinsberg under siege. All the men would be killed but the women would be allowed to leave in peace with whatever they could carry on their backs.

So, the women left all their money and belongings and – one-by-one – walked out of the castle with their husbands on their back.

The king, true to his word, allowed them safe passage.

Years ago, I collapsed at my front door due to food poisoning. Alison carried me back to bed all the way on the other side of the apartment.

Her: (laughing) Only you bring up a history lesson in the middle of being sick, Logan. Anyway, I did it once before, I’ll do it again if I have to.
Me: You’re not really here, are you?
Her: (shakes head) No, Logan. I wish I was.
Me: Oh, I wish you were too. I’ve missed you so much.
Her: (gently) Get up, Logan. You got this. You have to get up.

I did, because she asked me to. I could never say no to her. Even when she’s just in my head.

I’ll tell you more tomorrow.

Gonna go sit and cry for a bit now, if you don’t mind.

Location: my empty apartment

I got Covid-19, Pt 2

Would. Not. Recommend.

Sunday 04.05 – 101.7
I’m essentially non-functional this day. I do little but eat and try to sit upright. I start wearing a neck pillow to keep my head from slamming into the back wall because I can’t keep my head up.

Before I do, however, I sit there, head back, looking up. I think, absentmindedly, “If I survive this, gonna have to dust the ceiling fan.”

Manage to make it the eight feet to my kitchen and eat half a box of donuts with six tablespoons of peanut butter and wash it all down with coconut milk from the carton. I sit down on the kitchen floor because I’m too tired to make it to the sofa. Use the carton as a pillow for my head along with the neck brace.

Pull out my phone to send an electronic key to my brother so he can unlock my doors from LA if he doesn’t hear from me and I need paramedics. I pass out, hoping to see Alison. I don’t.

Note that I’m still not really coughing so I think that there’s a chance it’s not Covid. But I clearly can’t taste or smell a damn thing.

My kitchen floor’s filthy. Alison would not be happy.

Monday 04.06 – 101.2
Can’t stand any more, at all. The first thing I do when I wake – because I want to be as clear-headed as possible – is to write my existing clients letting them know that, should I die, the work I did will be emailed to them before I pass and any unused funds would be returned to them.

They write back hoping I’ll be ok. Don’t respond. The hunger’s still off the charts and I order two dinner-sized noodle dishes for myself and finish it all off that day. Save some soup for the other days.

Note that this whole time, I’d also been monitoring my SpO2 levels, which are consistently between 96 and 99, so my brother tells me not to go to the hospital yet.

I’ve also not listened to any music this whole time. My head is angry and noisy and tells me I’m better off dead.

Me: Why do you hate me so much?
Me: Because, you’re a piece of shit. You let her die.
Me: (nodding) Yeah. Makes sense. I wonder if it’ll hurt?

Tuesday 04.07 – 101.9
This is the worst day yet. Still can’t stand longer than a minute. Finally start having slight breathing/chest issues. It might be anxiety or just in my head. Or I could be dying. Dunno. It’s also the first time my hunger slips. Feel nauseated and vomit. Lots of coughing but it’s not dry. O2 levels drop to 92, massive chills.

I decide that if I die, I want to die at home. And then I worry that the boy will be alone in the world and force myself to eat some goldfish crackers and pretzels. The daytime hallucinations have stopped. I’m disappointed.

Me: Alison? Alison? (sighing) Well, shit…

My SIL sends me a care package with a note saying she hoped I wasn’t dead. I struggle to get it into my apartment. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Daisy also wrote hoping I wasn’t dead. It’s nice, that people hope that I’m not dead.

Read that Chris Cuomo cracked his teeth, chattering, and mine are chattering non-stop so I put in a mouthguard from BJJ so it doesn’t happen to me. Go to bed and wake up freezing cold but absolutely drenched in sweat. Move from my side of the bed to the other side because everything is wet and gross.

I’d been avoiding Tyelnol to keep track of my temps but my brother tells me to take some to try and get some sleep. I do so, and crash hard. Alison visits me and we take the boy to a local playground.

Wednesday 04.08 – 101.3 but drops to 100.5 at night.
My hunger is replaced by nausea in the morning but I still eat. I dry retch a few times and get to my sofa. I pass out.

A few hours later, I wake up and make myself some coffee. I smell it for the first time at 3:30, I think. Not sure. If it’s real, it’s the first thing I can remember smelling since the 03.29.

Thursday 04.09 – 99.2
Wake up late. It’s the first time since Sunday, the 29th that I woke up later than 7AM. It’s 10:45 when I wake.

I’m tired but not exhausted.

Write my clients and apologize for scaring them. I cancel the checks and delete the files. End up staying out of bed past 7:30PM; it’s actually midnight when I go to bed. My brother’s happy.

Friday 04.10 – 98.8

Want protein again; can’t eat another carb. So I order some fish with lemons and a gyro for myself. Again, a splurge.

Speaking of lemons, you’re better off taking a cheese grater to your forearm, liberally salting said forearm afterwards, and finishing it with a twist of lemon than getting the coronavirus.

Would. Not. Recommend.

Dusted the ceiling fan today. Tomorrow, I’ll mop the kitchen.

I’m alone again.

Well, that’s not completely true; Harold’s here.

How (I think) I survived COVID-19

Glucose, Zinc, Cholorquine, and a Fever
I’ve had time – nuthin but, actually – to reflect on getting sick.

Suppose the first thing to tell you is what I did to try to save myself.

I had gotten some base cholorquine for Alison when she was sick so I started taking that on the 28th. The dosage used by doctors for off-label empiric therapy is 500mg – twice the normal dose for those taking it as an adjunct to cancer therapy – but I was alone with no one to help if things went south quickly.

So, I stuck with a single 250mg dose in the morning along with a multivitamin.

As much as possible, I tried to take a Tylenol at 10AM so that by 5PM, I could take my temp again. The temps I wrote in my last two entries were either taken just before 10AM, just after 5PM, or before bed. So, my temps coulda been higher or lower than what I wrote because of when I took the readings.

More on Tylenol below.

I also took zinc gucolsomate five times a day for the first week. This should really be part of SOC considering that there’re years worth of well-founded research on this although some feel the aid is only slight. For me, every percentage improvement helped so I took it.

I also drank a lotta Propel water; my brother was worried about dehydration and I definitely felt worse when I didn’t drink enough.

In terms of preexisting conditions, I would guess it was a combination of smoking in my 20s and the resulting (slight) adult asthma I had afterward, which made my particular run of this damn thing that bad.

Still, with the exception of the loss of taste and smell, I didn’t really have any of the classic symptoms of COVID-19: I didn’t really have a cough, only one day of chest pain, and no real difficulty breathing. But the fatigue and loss of smell and taste made my brother and the professor feel that it was most likely COVID.

Me: What makes you say that?
Brother: Occam’s razor.
Me: Right.

The thing that they both found odd was my insane hunger. Again, this was the opposite experience of most people with COVID – Chris Cuomo ended up losing 13 pounds after only three days with COVID.

I ate so much that I ended up gaining a one-and-a-half pounds after this whole ordeal, going from 151.2 to 152.8.

Interestingly, glucose has been linked to better survival prospects for viral-based illnesses, like COVID-19, but worse survival prospects for bacterial-based infections.

Conversely, bacterial based infections require high fat/ketones for survival with worse survival outcomes with increased glucose.

Early on in my sickness, I felt this incredible urge to eat donuts, pancakes, noodles, pizza, and bagels. Alla which I ate and don’t normally eat.

I probably wouldn’t have done that, nor been as sparing with Tyleol, if not for Alison. You see, years ago, we had this conversation.

Her: You have a fever.
Me: Great. Can you get me a Tylenol?
Her: No! Your body is trying to get rid of something by heating it out. Try to endure the fever for as long as you can.
Me: Blargh. Well, can I at least have a popsicle.
Her: Yes, I’ll go get one for you. Your body probably wants it for a reason.

So, I like to think that Alison had a hand in keeping me safe. Which, I suppose she did, seeing as there was no one else here and I wouldn’t have had the choloquine if not for her.

Who knows, maybe I woulda been just fine without doing any of this. But, I didn’t wanna take that chance.

Harold’s next to worthless at times like this. The boy did keep me some company, though.

I probably made as much sense to him as he made to me.


Logan Lo's blog...

Thanks for posting. That is very concerning if factual (mild cases not so mild). Awesome that an angel resembling his wife helped him. The wife and I watched a special that provided evidence linking this China flu to a lab, and not a wet food market. It explained how it was an engineered virus. Watching that was enlightening. If true, China needs to be dealt a serious blow of retaliatory consequence. I feel for the people of China, but the communist government is very evil.

Definitely a new chapter in history being played out globally. Pray all you gents are healthy.
Thanks for posting. That is very concerning if factual (mild cases not so mild). Awesome that an angel resembling his wife helped him. The wife and I watched a special that provided evidence linking this China flu to a lab, and not a wet food market. It explained how it was an engineered virus. Watching that was enlightening. If true, China needs to be dealt a serious blow of retaliatory consequence. I feel for the people of China, but the communist government is very evil.

Definitely a new chapter in history being played out globally. Pray all you gents are healthy.

I pride myself in being a "tough guy"... Those blog posts broke me apart like a motherfucker and left me a sandblasted mess... And that is an understatement.
My point is that Trump can't give "orders" to reopen a state precisely because he gave no orders to close any particular state, and thus he has no counterposition to any governor's decision to reopen or remain closed.

I agree with you on this, BUT........He can limit Fed. monies to a particular state, that wants to prolong the "shut down" and not get our economies back up and running, to start to fill the coffers again, you can't keep the printing presses running forever. Jmho. Mac
When did the commies take over Montana?

I am even more offended by the color that they chose for the armbands. Did they just assume everybody's genders?
BBC article that seems factual, yet very optimistic. A man "in the business" projects there is about 90 days of food "in the pipeline". In America some of the largest meat packing / processing plants have shuttered their operation due to mass outbreak of the virus among the employees. Perhaps the Stimulus checks would be best spent stocking up on long term food needs. JMHO


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When did the commies take over Montana?

I have some folks checking on this.... Seems there is a crew of pipeliner's coming into the area to run a line. Locals are upset that they will bring in the virus...
Well, running pipelines is one of the first steps in getting America open for business. The color "PINK" is a RED flag in the article.

When did the commies take over Montana?

Valley County Health Department
17 hrs ·
Be wary of false news with information taken out of context. Pink wrist bands were implemented by request of contracted essential workers that were being targeted in local stores by essential workers and concerned citizens. These are for public knowledge and are not being tracked by the Health Department. A revision providing more information, not to be taken out of context, will be released shortly.

Oh they'll make a wonderful discovery eventually I'm sure. And will program your internal nano bots into action on the fly as pathogens mutate! No more hit and miss flu vaccines for you. Push of the button from the cloud your internal nano bots will download new instructions for your cure. You are free to roam again in and among society within seconds. 24 hrs surveillance of your health and anything that might harm you too! What a wonderful day that will be!

See all the wonderful nanobot vaccine articles at your fingertips!

Step right up. It's all the rage don't ya know?

Resistance, they say, is futile.

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When did the commies take over Montana?

Today an armband, tomorrow a scannable implant. I’ve read that this virus may lead to mandatory vaccination and a scannable implant that would verify you’ve been vaccinated, along with a digital ID. No implant, no work, no buy, no sell.

When I first started reading posts about Bill Gates being a bad guy, I blew it off. Then the wife asked if id heard about “ID 2020”.

Thats when all this China flu stuff took on interesting turn in my understanding of things for sure. Talk about “New World Order, Mark of the Beast stuff!” Interesting time to be alive.

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^^^ yep while we bicker and fight over stats they are programming minds and rearranging the chess board.


Now they could implant, vaccinate, and tattoo every end on you and that does not equate to the mark of the beast. Ya see the devil is coming disguised as Jesus and everyone else's God. The mark is a spiritual one, and had by way of ignorance, not force. That is why it's primarily in your forehead which is in front of what houses your mind. The mark of the hand is spiritual as well . As just about the whole world will want to help the new found savior with the works of their hand. Again ignorance at play.

That's not to say they dont want everyone to think this sort of thing is the mark of the beast. Cause since there is a fake Jesus coming eventually.. there's likely a fake devil to be presented before fake Jesus ever shows up. You think we got "Fake news" problem now, well just wait! o_O

Something to ponder.
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Now the police can openly be trawling social media for ways to fine you.... without even bothering to check facts first:

"Trump" pills largely ineffective, aside from symptom relief...

Typical folks that would prefer to make Trump look bad for political gain regardless of how many people die.

That drug does NOT cure the Wuhan virus, what it does is, (Assuming the patient is not too far gone already to where it is pointless) when given along with a Zpack and Zinc is lower the impact of the virus' attack on the red blood cells ability to carry oxygen. Which then if you skip the stupid ventilators that do a lot of harm and put them on low pressure oxygen, gives the patient time to have their body fight the virus.

But sure, blame Trump because it only helps as part of a treatment package instead of curing it.... I guess better to let folks die then right?
"Trump" pills largely ineffective, aside from symptom relief...

These drugs also do not kill the malaria bacteria. What does happen is they protect the red blood cells that the bacteria feed on thus the bacteria starves. The reason symptoms are relieved is because the drugs are protecting the blood cells making it harder for the virus to enter. Thus new blood cells do not have their iron ion displaced allowing for the blood cell to carry oxygen to the body. That allows patients to breath easier because their lungs are getting the oxygen they need thus symptoms are relieved.
"Trump" pills largely ineffective, aside from symptom relief...

Naturally, quite naturally.
1st. Orange man bad....
2nd. Study of Chinese patients. Guaranteed correct info, everything generated Chinese we can surely trust.

That from the headline alone.

American first hand victims recovery stories, totally useless, fake news. Discard. That from previous agenda pieces....

So, gonna kinda ignore that article. Movin on.
Wait...so theyre not reporting on the news that there is proof that China basically had the virus get out, lied about it to everyone, bought up all the PPE shit everywhere and continued to allow travel.

Uh....this is new? lol

I feel like someone is now telling me that we had Christmas last December.
They continued to allow INTERNATIONAL travel. They banned travel throughout China.
I contend this is WW III, well, the beginnings. We are in the denial stage, grief is next. Prepare while we have the short respite.

100% agreed. I just don't see us getting through this sort of turmoil without some other country - yes, likely China - shooting their shot while we are distracted, disabled, divided, whatever. Had this conversation with an enlighted friend of mine last month, and he's not quite so sure yet, so maybe I'm being fatalistic. Looking at history, I think it's just being realistic.
100% agreed. I just don't see us getting through this sort of turmoil without some other country - yes, likely China - shooting their shot while we are distracted, disabled, divided, whatever. Had this conversation with an enlighted friend of mine last month, and he's not quite so sure yet, so maybe I'm being fatalistic. Looking at history, I think it's just being realistic.

Diabolical weapon that requires the reaction to "harm self" be worse than the result of the weapon.

China couldnt have guessed we would chop off both arms/legs in reaction to a splinter in our pinkie finger.
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