Movie Theater The Ranch

Sean the Nailer

Full Member
  • May 20, 2006
    Winnipeg, Mb.
    I'm told that "The Ranch" comes out again tomorrow, and that it is the last season of it. We've enjoyed it, for the most part. Far better than a LOT Of crap that is out there in tv-land. What saddens me, is the amount of other stuff that IS out there, and is classed as 'popular'.

    "The Ranch" hits with more than a touch of reality and honesty. Will be interesting to see what happens.
    It’s a decent show but I feel, that it makes hard working people look like uneducated hicks. I cut hay, plant corn, keep feed and water to the cows but Im no redneck
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    It’s a decent show but I feel, that it makes hard working people look like uneducated hicks. I cut hay, plant corn, keep feed and water to the cows but Im no redneck

    Yep, Hillary would be PROUD to have him over for dinner!

    (Just kidding, I couldn't help myself, I lived on a ranch once too and I get it, we had direct satellite stock market feeds --in 1990. But satirically, they did get some of it spot on I think).
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    I'm going to have to make myself watch the final season.

    I liked the first few, but it all started to end up with the same shell game formula.

    One guy does this, which makes problems for the other guy, who then goes and does something in reaction to it, meanwhile the 3rd guy tries to help and they all end up fixing the same problem and making it worse at the same time.
