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Lord help me for posting this in the Pit...

If you're ok with it being livable but not perfect, your options open way up. If you don't want any projects ("turnkey") it gets a bit tougher and you gotta jump when it's good enough. If you can, it's worth it to wait and get the house in the neighborhood or area you want, even if it's not perfect. An honest conversation about deal breakers needs to be had. We compromised on a lot of stuff, but not on our vetos.

A good realtor and loan agent take out a lot of the heartburn. The realtor will give you the subtle head shake if the house/neighborhood is questionable, knows the market to keep your offer competitive, and has a good local inspector, insurance agent, and anything else you may need a phone call away. A good loan agent keeps your shit on time, runs a couple different numbers if you need it, and can go a long way to making it happen. Ours even called the listing realtor to vouch for our funding quality.

Some sellers balk at a VA loan, I'd guess because of the inspection strictness. Some people still prefer a local bank for the loan. It may cause you to lose an offer, that's ok, it wasn't meant to be.

You can still shop loans even after you get pre-approved and start looking.

A down payment is only one part of it- remember you need cash to close and as soon as you own it, you're on the hook when the AC takes a shit a month later. Don't burn out your emergency fund.

If you buy an old house, you're going to have old house problems. Not a single thing in our 1920s house is level or square, save maybe the kitchen countertop. If you get a new build, you're going to have new build problems. Don't use the builder's/sellers recommended inspector, find your own and pay for the good inspection.

Fuck an HOA. Not even once. We have a historical society/historic neighborhood and that's bad enough.

Minimum one shitter per permanent resident.
Roof- that's something to negotiate with a new build at least. I'm leaning towards a steel roof, if for nothing else, longevity & insurance discounts.

Walls- I hear you (or better put, I don't want to hear you, I'm looking at insulating interior walls just for that reason.

Indoor plumbing- good point- I'd likely request a pump in the basement to avoid any water issues but have already ruled out quite a number of houses in our search for no reason other than they were in a flood zone and I have no interest in paying for that insurance.

Dirt floors- interesting comment there, up here in the NE part of the country- basements are a thing although I'm noticing in certain areas- they're now being built on a slab with no basement- and not because of concerns with water tables but rather to cut expenses while still charging a premium price.

Regardless- I appreciate your suggestions @n2ishun


Pump in the basement.
Generator hookup.
1200sf shop with dedicated 200 amp service.
4 bedroom 2.5 bath.
For sale now. Only problem is it's in IL.

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There was some fantastic suggestions provided in this thread and I just wanted to offer a sincere thank you to all that posted. It certainly gave me some new things to consider and look for, hopefully it'll help someone else going through the same effort in this market.

Greatly appreciate everyone taking some of their time to share their experiences here, as mentioned before, it's just incredibly overwhelming going down this path. Every little bit of experience shared helps.

But yep- I'm freaking out a little bit. A quick synopsis of the past 2 weeks- we agreed to a contract with a real estate agent, a couple of days later we secured a VA loan pre-approval. The wild card (for me at least) is the approval was solely based off of my income and didn't include my wife's current earnings.

I'm fine with this approach as we were already approved for more than I wanted to spend. The point of my question tonight though is I know that we have members here that've gone through this process and frankly it's very overwhelming.

We've been putting every penny we could squeeze out of our budget for over a decade... ouch. That hurts to say it but it really does amount to our liquid life savings to get into a house. Anywho- I think that we're finally there (again at least after thinking we'd made it in 2020).

My question to the Hide is what would you look for in a house? When negotiating the contract, my wife just shrugged her shoulders and left this up to me, however once we started looking at houses, strong opinions came up.

My wife wants to talk about kitchens, closet spaces & pantries- I want to talk about school districts, taxes, land, potential appreciation, etc-I'd imagine that we're both right but like I said this is very overwhelming.

I don't suppose that I'm alone and anyone else has gone through this process? Regardless- we're going to look at a wide variety of houses tomorrow afternoon.

THe last house I bought, the wife and I had our list of requirements, things that were very, very important to us. Then from there we had to choose what to compromise on. Me being me, I would have been fine with a single wide on 100+ acres of great land. My wife, wanted a little more. I think the key is finding a house that meets SOME of the requirements for both of you, and the things it doesn't meet, you're willing to do without. You don't want to find a place you love, and she just tolerates, it's better to have something that works adequately for BOTH of you because then it doesn't become a point of argument at any point.

Just my 2 cents.
