Well, a lot of good people are leaving the workforce because companies don’t want to pay their good people shit or reward them with some bonuses worth a crap on their ridiculous profit years. Chances are if you work hard, the best thing you gonna get is more work. I mean realistically most companies benefits today pale in comparison to what our parents had, yet I’d say work now is harder in a lot of cases, much more demanding, certainly a hell of a lot more competitive and so on. I mean this of course depends on what you are doing but yeah.
Then you also got companies doing stupid shit like bending over backwards trying to recruit new young blood and giving them the bank up front while the guy busting his ass for you for 20 years is scratching his head wondering why the fuck the new kid fresh out of school that really don’t know anything yet is making more than he is even after working for the company for 20’years. To be honest, it doesn’t pay to work hard anymore. Call it socialism, call it whatever you want but it sucks and I’m tired of hearing companies say they can’t find good help. There is good help out there but you got to pay for it and then when you snag them you got to work to keep them.
In fact, I got a friend of mine in a predicament right now. He has only been at this company about 4 years but basically his company hired some people that turned out not to be what they advertised. And now, I’m assuming to make bossman look good, bossman wants people like my buddy to teach them all the shit he knows that took him lots of hard work, money and time to figure out. Why the hell should he do that? What benefit is in it for him to teach them what he knows especially when we know some were hired in at a much higher rate than he makes? Why not hire someone that already has the skills? I told him I’d be looking for something else.
Oh snd I forgot to add, the job market is fucked up right now. We got very low skilled people making ridiculous money while the skilled labor ain’t really making what they are worth. I read somewhere the other day that house keeping in some of these places they are housing the illegals are making $20,000 a week! $20,000 fucking a week for cleaning hotels and shit! WTF? I’m sure every engineer out there building stuff is scratching their heads right now. I know we got good engineers only making like $150k, some of them barely even $90k. While the company may think that is a lot, it’s not. In fact it ain’t shit. My dad was making $100k after he got out of the Air Force back in the 80’s. $100k in the 80’s was actually something. $70-$100k today is like equivalent to $35k in the 80’s. That’s how much buying power of the dollar has dropped.