The Relationship AAR.

Re: The Relationship AAR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Graham</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Never tell any woman, that you are looking to have a serious relationship with, that you are interested in becoming a member of our country's special forces. I have had 6 relationships end just off of that.</div></div>Dude, don't you know that we all use that one - it works every time.

I'm talking about serious relationships. Not bar girls.
Re: The Relationship AAR.

Lots of good advice in here esp. from ArmaHeavy and Bachelor Jack.

And I can confirm the redhead 'thing'........ xD
Re: The Relationship AAR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Krav69</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Colorado women look like they have schlongs.

They are all knocked up and bloated, wearing Broncos jerseys with a pack of smokes rolled up in their sleeves so that they can show off their flaming skull tatoos.

Forget this at your peril. </div></div>

I was born and raised there, but I haven't been back there in about 10 years. I guess things have changed quite alot.
Re: The Relationship AAR.

If she will do you without marriage...

she will probably be perfectly capable of doing at least one OTHER than you after you marry.

Was told in law school that a law firm is not like a bus (place of public accommodation, anti-discrimination laws and all that), you are NOT obligated to take in anyone who asks.

Don't marry a bus.

Looks fade, but character stays.

Every man and woman who marries should be engaged at least twice. Makes them appreciate it when it works. Thrice engaged without marriage bodes ill (barring truly out of control things like untimely death changing the plans).

Every birth control method other than total abstinence from any activity and clinical sterilization still has a risk of pregnancy. What odds are acceptable when standing downrange during live fire? If you must dance without marriage, dance with those who are most worthy. BTW, I know one couple with TWO children born post-vasectomy. And all of those children ARE his.

Respect yourself first. Happy is more attractive.

Find someone who thinks she is getting someone better than her (but not with pathological inferiority issues). If you also think you are getting better than yourself, you will BOTH strive to be better today than you were yesterday.

Saddest divorce (and now 10 years of aftermath) I have personally seen was two who were not that great when they married, then they both declined in different ways until each become what the other deserved. Which was not good.

Both partners should be willing, even eager sometimes, to give the other better than they deserve.

Both partners should be grateful for what IS, and have eyes to see the good.

It is easy to lose an excessively needy, insecure, and mentally unhealthy woman: just stop talking her out of her imagined dire consequences and false beliefs that your action/omission of the day "means" that you "don't love" her. BTDT, still caused me a LOT of heartache.

Watch how tightly she holds grudges and remembers offenses. That's a clue to your future.

Watch how she handles frustration and disappointment. Another clue.

It's still better to try and fail than to fail to try at all. Trite but true.

Lose the predictability at least quarterly--except for the predictability of being NICE to each other.
Re: The Relationship AAR.

If your wife tells you she is going above and beyond wifely duty, remind her of her vows.

If she continues this line of reasoning divorce her before you find out bad shit.

I was married for 12 years, divorce was final a month ago. When I had my motorcycle accident she was sitting there when I came out of the coma. She was there when I screamed and cried with pain and the knowledge of losing an arm and leg. She was my 24/7 nurse for nearly 8 months before I could get out of the hospital bed.

I have been nearly back to normal, as it were for about a year. I still have several major surgeries in my future and lots of health issues. I am very active and am on the go all day. She began to be very moody and angry for no reason. I lost track of how many times she told me she wished I had died, or wished I would die. I was calm and civil while she constantly told me how pathetic I was and how everyone thought I was joke etc.

In September of 2012 I find out she has been doing drugs, steaking my medication,cheating on me and associating with filth. Not only that but I found her very impressive stash, in our house where my 7 year old could have gotten into it. A removal of the drugs from our house turned into a 3 hour stand off when she barricaded herself in the bathroom. At this point the police were less than amused.

I took her back after listening to how she was so alone and confused etc. Three weeks later I was returning from a week long trip to have my wheelchair truck worked on. We were supposed to sign the contract on a nice house that I had compromised on for her. I get home, no wife, no kid house is trashed. It takes me a week to find them, 2 miles away at the house she had bought, furnished and moved into while I was gone.

She proceeds to tell me how she knows about my "safe deposit boxes full of gold" and that I have been " flying in pornstars/prostitutes by the dozens". Apparently my Pimp Hand is very strong indeed. She even tried to get the ATF to come raid my gun room as she was certain it was " filled with machine guns and explosives".

The moral is, if she is high strung and irrational all,of a sudden. Drug test that bitch somehow, and sweep your house for drugs.
Re: The Relationship AAR.

Haven't read the full thread, but what impresses me most about your post jw is the fact that you appear to have retained your sense of humour, a sense of proportion and a level head. Not to mention your can AND will do attitude.

Inspirational, Man.

Good luck with your future surgeries. (Wife just had her 9th last week, so yeah, you're right, suddenly irrational wife = drugs. In her case prescribed, but net result is a crazy woman in the house!)

Re: The Relationship AAR.

Been posted here before, I forget by whom.

Women are like going into a fast food restaurant. You can have any TWO items off the menu, BUT ONLY 2.

This is the menu;


As the Knight says in Raiders of the lost Ark, "Choose wisely" my friend.

I do love my beautiful, intelligent Wife though.

Re: The Relationship AAR.

If it has tits or wheels, it's gonna give you trouble.

Seriously, I'll make this easy for everyone. The proof is in the laundry.
If you meet a girl, and she has laundry in her car, she is crazy. She gets a two day grace period, to allow for trips to the laundromat, etc. If you go to a girls house, and she has piles of undone laundry in the garage, laundry room, wherever, she is crazy. I have dated more than my share of crazy girls, and I've been a cop for a good while, and the one consistent thread crazy women have in common is the inability to take care of laundry. Now, all you guys with your crazy woman stories, think back and see if I'm not right.

BTW, I hit the trifecta: beautiful, sane(mostly), and intelligent. Yay! She did have kids though. Awwww!
Re: The Relationship AAR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TenZero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If it has tits or wheels, it's gonna give you trouble.

Seriously, I'll make this easy for everyone. The proof is in the laundry.
If you meet a girl, and she has laundry in her car, she is crazy. She gets a two day grace period, to allow for trips to the laundromat, etc. If you go to a girls house, and she has piles of undone laundry in the garage, laundry room, wherever, she is crazy. I have dated more than my share of crazy girls, and I've been a cop for a good while, and the one consistent thread crazy women have in common is the inability to take care of laundry. Now, all you guys with your crazy woman stories, think back and see if I'm not right.

BTW, I hit the trifecta: beautiful, sane(mostly), and intelligent. Yay! She did have kids though. Awwww! </div></div>

She's with YOU though. Proves she's not entirely sane ;-)

Re: The Relationship AAR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TenZero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If it has tits or wheels, it's gonna give you trouble.

In similar vein;

I was once told by a wise old Captain (In the airline business, they've usually had at least 2 wives, some a shit-ton more, so they should know) "Young Neil, have you heard of the 3 'F's?


"Well, if it <span style="color: #FF0000">FLOATS</span>, <span style="color: #FF0000">FLY'S</span> or <span style="color: #FF0000">FORNICATES</span>, rent one, because you cant really afford one"

Re: The Relationship AAR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CS1983</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did you know that chemical contraceptives, on average, lead to one unknown abortion of a viable fetus a year for couples who use such methods?

Well then, that means it works. *shrug*
Re: The Relationship AAR.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Armed Ferret</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CS1983</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did you know that chemical contraceptives, on average, lead to one unknown abortion of a viable fetus a year for couples who use such methods?

Well then, that means it works. *shrug* </div></div>

Glad to know we've got natural born, cold-blooded killers like you with no regard for human life protecting us.

Bet you're one of them that gets all twisted when the westboro clowns exercise their 1A rights at funerals of servicemen, too...